2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Recreation Dept...Another Town Success Story!

I realize that the Posts have been few and far between, that's a good thing. With not much going on locally..........politically speaking anyway, there is not much to report out of the ordinary.

The mining operation in Eddyville was handled by the administration efficiently and to the satifaction of town residents, the Open House Saturdays was so well utilized that Supervisor Quigley continues to make himself available for the convenience of the residents.

All in all, the Biddy Basketball league is winding down, playoffs begin March 22nd, Kudos to Jeff Hayner and Eric Kitchen, (all the coaches and kids included), they did a great job making the Recreation Department the success it has become. Saturday was the last sign up for T of U Little League, tryouts are this Wed. March 9th, good luck to all the boys and girls, I'm sure the season will produce a few future High School All Stars.

With the snow finally melting Spring 2011 can't be far behind, just a few short weeks and the planting season will be in full swing.


  1. The Rec Dept did a great job, Congrats!
    Woerner is gone, he finally found out how to make TofU a better place, who said you can't teach an old dog!
    Cant wait for spring, toooo much snow!
    Is Brink really running again?
    I heard Secreto cant even get the Dem nomination? Who said you cant teach an old dog!
    He should follow Woerner..... and make the town a better place!
    Don't you love redundancies!

  2. It's run better now without Secreto and Primo being part of it.

  3. The Playoffs for the Biddy Basketball league begin March 22nd and the championship game is March 29th.
    If the playoffs are as exciting as the regular season, it sould be a ton of fun!
    Thanks To the Rec dept, well done!

  4. Primo and Woerner are out of Ulster. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  5. I see Cahill is talking about running again on his Facebook page. Wadnola might want to reconsider retirement.

  6. Democrat or Republican does it really matter anymore, they are all incompetent and all border on criminal behavior, when light shines on the Legislature all 33 of them scatter like cockroaches.
    Ulster County is hopless and the Executive and the Legislature are hapless!
    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  7. I'd take Cahill over Wadnola, at least he isn't funneling taxpayers money into his restaurant.

  8. When the Rec department was expanded under Woerner/Secreto, how much did that cost the taxpayers? Yeah they are great, but at what cost?

  9. If you think $800 from UCRRA is enough to cover the tab for the pigs at the trough at Fred's Place or anywhere else, your crazy! These fat fuc.s probably cost Fred about $1500 all told. They know no boundaries!

    As for Brian (I wish I were my bro.) Cahill, Fred will mop the floor with him! I hope Fred runs if our choice is another Cahill!

  10. 1:16 Yes the Rec dept was expanded under Woerner/Secreto, it also opeerated over budget under the 4 year administration. Quigley/Hayner did a better job in 2010 and came in under budget by appx 10%. This year will be no different money wise but will prove to be even more successful.
    I thought Fred's seat was one of the 10 that will be consolidated when the Legislature scales down to 23? That is still happening, right? We still are redistricting, aren't we?

  11. yeah! what's up with that? You don't hear very much about the redistricting, Hey USYTT, any info on their progress?
