2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Biddy Basketball Championship

Just in time for the beginning of the Ulster Little League Baseball, the Ulster Biddy Basketball season ended at Miller Middle School tonight. The final game (league championship), between Binnewater & Adam's Fairacre Farms went down to the wire. With less than a minute to play and Binnewater ahead by 2 points 60-58 and both teams in bonus 1 and 1's, it was enough for the hard playing Adam's team to force fouls shots. Binnewater, led by Tyler Robinson was up to the task as he made all but one of his free throws to widen the gap to 5 points by games end. Congratulations to Binnewater and Coach Robinson with but one loss on the season, (a loss to Adams). All the coaches and players are to be congratulated for a successful season.

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