2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Questions Remain!

It’s nice to see the newly elected supervisor believes in keeping his campaign promises, it would not be such a surprise except that it is unusual in politics today. It might have something to do with the fact that Mr. Quigley is not a professional politician. Credibility seems to be a quality of his character rather than a character flaw.

The Freeman carried a front page article regarding the original PILOT agreement with the Birches at Chambers senior housing complex off Lawrenceville in the Town.

Questions need to be answered as to the whether or not the developer, Steve Aaron, met all filing requirements and deadlines as suggested in comments made by Town of Ulster Tax Assessor, Jim Maloney, is not the entire story.

Senior Housing is an admirable endeavor for any developer to address, for the Town of Ulster it is as much a necessity as the East Kingston Water District. Under any other circumstances Mr. Aaron would be commended for his contribution to the community and town as a whole.

In fact if you read articles in the Freeman’s archives as far back as 2002 such was the sentiment in the town toward Mr. Aaron and the initial Phase of the Lawrenceville Project.

Questions regarding zoning law changes, expanded development, (Phase 2), and additional PILOTS have cast the project in a negative light. These, in addition to the manner in which some of its occupants have been selected to be residents reinforce the need to have such questions answered.  Moreover, the manner in which many of these actions and changes have been approved and enacted have damaged the image of the project and some town officials and make it difficult for additional such projects to be considered by the town and accepted by its residents.

Why these questions have arisen is no longer important, we have elected a new administration so that such issues will not again arise. The fact is that they have not been addressed.  Mr. Quigley’s earlier attempt to have the courts decide whether the agreement was in violation was dismissed not on its merits but as to Mr. Quigley’s legal standing in bringing such action.

As long as question remain an investigation is justified, it may not have been possible under the last administration. Let’s hope that once this is behind us all parties can come to the table to consider new projects that will enhance the quality of life for all of our residents. 


  1. Mr. Quigley, while a "taxpayer" like the rest of us, brought suit against the town which was dismissed on the basis that a "taxpayer" is precluded from bringing an action under these circumstances. Me thinks that Aaron, Woerner & Zweben better pack their toothbrushs if "Supervisor Quigley" initiates an investigation that leads to filing a complaint with the DA or the NYS Attorney General. Nothing like a new town supervisor who also happens to know the ins and outs of forensic accounting! :)

  2. Have there been any further developments, no pun intended!

  3. Has Aaron received his COO for the new Cahmbers project?

  4. Since Ulster is my town too, I oppose the use of our publicly funded facility to host a campaign event. What is Quigley thinking? This is not allowed. You can't open a public building for a campaign event!


    Mr. Phillips announced his candidacy on January 12, 2010. Mr. Phillips will oppose Maurice Hinchey in the November election.

    Please take this opportunity to meet the candidate and to familiarize yourself with his positions and platform on Saturday, 2/6/10 at 3:30 p.m. at the Town of Ulster Town Hall, 1 Town Hall Drive in Lake Katrine, N.Y.

  5. 8:03AM Is it sarcasm or genuine anger, either way it doesn't matter, I think the reference to a campaign event is a barb at Obama and Hinchey, after all neither one of them has ever left the campaign trail. so any ridicule of Phillips is unwarranted.

  6. They are elected, they already represent the people. Neither one would hold a fundraising/meet and greet in a public building. This is complete B.S..

    Phillips has not even been officially endorsed by his party yet. This is a political event plain and simple and should not be allowed to be held in a public building.

    This is different. Think Quigley will open it up for a rally for Bonicac's opponent?

  7. 8:21

    Now the town doesn't have a choice. Do it for one, then do it for all. I hope they let Bocicac's opponent in, he is another that has to go.

    I see no problem with this as long as they are not charging to get in. The town building that I pay taxes for should be available in any possible way to get the information out.

    Unfortunately a non-incumbent candidate doesn't have unlimited tax payer funds that he can give away in an attempt to bribe voters and get himself in the news with.

  8. One can only hope that the new Quigley administration will be as diligent as possible while reviewing the Ulster Manor project and the newly announced Millens junk yard operation.

    There are many, many citizens who opposes those projects too. Let's hope Mr. Quigley is listening to them.

  9. Lest we forget, it was Jingles Aaron and Zweben who brought the Ulster Manor project to a vote and rammed it through. The only thing the Quigley board can do is stonewall, but that will subject the town to a lawsuit that may not be successful and will certainly be costly for the town.

    As for the Millens project, is there any real opposition? Jee, Millens wants to put a scrapping operation in... let me think... a properly zoned area... on 35+ acres... behind a berme where no one can see it... on a commercial truck route... next to UCRRA the County DUMP... and half mile from WASTE MANAGEMENT a PRIVATE DUMP, and Callanan a GRAVEL MINE & BLACKTOP PLANT!!! Yeah, I REALLY SEE the logic in opposing this.... Hmmm... undeveloped land being developed which means TAX DOLLARS, and JOBS!!!!! for the Town!

    But the "opposition" is right, lets run them out like we did Besicorp which built a power generating plant in GREENE COUNTY. Maybe Millens can relocate to GREENE TOO!

    People - GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. If you lived there you may think differently.

  11. Sorry, I don't live in one of the very few houses on a major truck route surrounded by commercially zoned property, but... I am sure that the few houses between UCRRA and Waste Management are actually worth MORE than my own home here in T/Ulster, for the very real fact that they are COMMERCIALLY ZONED.

    This is similar to buying a home next to a shooting range and then complaining about the noise - oh I'm thinking of Rhinebeck, sorry!

  12. First of all, it is not just the people who live "on 32". What about Whittier and Deer Run? What about East Kingston? Old Flatbush Road?

    Moving the Millens project to Ulster is tantamount to Kingston exporting it's #1 environmental polluter to the the Town of Ulster. They left a environmental catastrophe there. I am not against development, but a scrap yard that will bring pollution and all those trucks?

  13. Most of those houses and families were there long before the area was zoned industrial. Those properties go back generations.

    The fact that you are not from here shows quite a bit with some of your Johnny come lately positions.

  14. And before the houses were the indians, and the deer and the buffalo... Hey I've got a better idea, lets not allow anyone to do anything with this property - oh that's right that would be an illegal taking of private property. If you feel that strongly folks, put your money where your mouth is and buy the land yourselves.

    IBM is built on farmland. The traffic circle is built on farmland, all of Ulster Ave. was farmland. Funny, I haven't seen any John Deere green running around those areas in 50 years. I didn't decide to put the County Dump next to the bridge approach, or a Blacktop plant down the street. If Millens can't put a recycling plant there - where pray tell would be an appropriate place in the T/Ulster? If the answer is "nowhere" I hope Millens takes you up on it and moves his entire operation to another county. He's paid his employees and his TAXES like he should and all you people want to do is screw him.

    "Johnny come lately" left Ulster County a long time ago -because there are NO JOBS (unless you work for a hospital, school, or gov't employer). If Millens runs a clean, green facility that employs local people isn't everyone benefitting?

  15. 10:25 "sll those trucks?" There must be 1500 trucks a day on that road. Its the major cut over for 9W South. Millens is a drop in the bucket.

  16. Well, the political season is heating up, and the temperature on the 6th floor of the county office building is almost summer-like. Word leaking (as you know, information is very tightly controlled by Executive Hein) has our favorite county executive, in a virtual meltdown these days. What could possibly be troubling Ulster Countiy’s most photogenic politician? Well lets’ see…

    Word has it, that the “brains “of the outfit, Adele Reiter, is on vacation. Insiders, who dare not be quoted, tell the Sentinel staff, that Hein cannot function without her. He is going to be in real trouble in the next, inevitable campaign, if she finds out that there is no need for her and her MD husband to contribute $10,000 to secure a job for her, as he can’t function without her. Chapter and verse of the truthfulness of this observation is his conduct during her absence. More to follow on this, as soon as we can cover the tracks of those leaking the information.
    More to Follow………….
