2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Saturday, January 9, 2010

'Moving Forward'

It's a week into the New Administration, someone should tell 'former' Supervisor Woerner that the campaign and election are 'over'! His attempt to whitewash his 4 year tenure as Supervisor through various media outlets without rebuttal is only reiterating the failed practices and policies of his administration. 
Telling the public he served that after 4 years of wasting hundreds of thousands of their tax dollars on the town's insurance alone before finally negotiating, (he claims to have done so), a $90K savings is a slap in the face of all residents.
It no longer matters why he lost his bid for re-election, the fact is he 'lost'!
Supervisor Quigley's intention is to move forward: "for the benefit of the town and 'all' it's residents", and is supported by his actions since installation.
His appointment of board and committee members based on ability and regardless of party affiliation is just one more step in that direction.
Critics will continue to second guess his motives, it goes with the territory. The truth is the town's finances are not in the best shape and it will be no small task restoring it to prosperity. 
Economic development and infrastructure are two areas which will continue to be an issue. The obstacles are real and will be difficult to overcome. New York State and Ulster County have not been the most inviting to business as evident in the continued flight of existing business and the development of new business to surrounding counties and states. Renewed efforts by the Ulster County Legislature geared to support business development might prove invaluable.
It appears that Mr. Quigley has the experience and talent necessary to bring our town back to prosperity in the new decade. If his first week in office is any indication of what residents can expect, his tenure as town supervisor should be a success. Only time will tell!


  1. Does anyone else find it funny that Nicky has communicated more with the residents of the Town of Ulster more in the last 2 weeks than he did in the previous 4 years.

    Is he returning phone calls now too?

  2. 7:35 I agree but for the phone calls, well I wouldn't hold my breath. I commented to posts in his blog a few times and although they may have contrasted with his idea of the truth should have been published to at least afford the reader with the appearance of honesty and open debate.
    Like the Fascist and communist parties before him, information is only free when it promotes his views, anything else is to be silenced.
    I do take issue with his blogs design, He likens it to that of the Town's official website, that in and of itself is questionably unethical!

  3. "questionably unethical!"

    That is the hallmark and the legacy of the entire time Nick Woerner spent in Town Hall.

  4. Based on the emails quoted in the Sunday Freeman, it fully supports Quigley's position and should put the Woerner issue to bed, let's hope Nick's mom does the same and puts nick to bed.
    VINDICATION, although it was never necessary.
    Let's face it Nick's idea of the truth was as far from it as one could imagine!

  5. Maybe his mom will turn off power to the basement, and he won't be able to post anymore blogs

  6. If nicky boy keeps trying to clear up his name and years as sup, he's gonns get rode outta' town on a rail

  7. As per the article in the freeman today, "supervisor & predecessor still sparring" is totally wrong.
    The sparring was in October the decision was in early november and it was a round 1 KO, kinda like Mike Tyson used to delver.
    Woerner may be a "HEAVY WEIGHT" but he boxes like a girl!
    " WInner by a KO and unanimous decision-- Newly elected Supervisor--JIM QUIGLEY--QUIGLEY'!

  8. I know that Quigley has a working relationship with Wadnola, that can't hurt the town, how well does he play with Hein?
    I'm curious, I know he would like to revisit the sales tax issue, a bigger cut for the town, something Nick never showed up for.
    Is it possible?

  9. ---------------- the City of Kingston and the County (that means Hein and the Legislature) hold all the cards with the sales tax. Neither one will give up one red cent to the towns. The only chance Ulster has to increase it's share is to merge with Kingston, tear up the sales tax agreement, then collect the sales tax as the City of Kingston.

    What do think Quigley, is a merge possible?

  10. I hope for the sake of the town that a merger will never be considered.
    Kingston is a 51% entitlement center with great tax base and poor infrastructure. it is losing it business base almost daily and unless the mayor and council change direction (not likely), this will only get worse.
    The Town of Ulster, especially with responsible leadership can be the centerpiece of Ulster County, If Jim builds a fiscally sound government foundation, good growth will follow.

    SO very sorry for the typo!

  12. A merger is the dumbest idea ever, for the Town of Ulster anyway. For the city of Kingston it's great. Someone to pay for their broken sewer system, someone to help cover for all of the properties off the tax rolls, and the list goes on.

    Maybe the Town should build a toll booth on 9W, or put into place a mall tax.

  13. There are no easy answers. It all boils down to increasing the tax base which is pretty much out of Quigley's hands. He can prepare for prosperity and hope it comes but ultimately, he must rely on other County and regional economic entities to steer prospective developers to Ulster.

  14. Quigley has appointed the first economic development committee the Town of Ulster has ever had, and just in time! The Town of Ulster CANNOT rely on Mike Hein, March Gallegher and UCDC to promote growth here! Their still taking credit for Stimulus $$$ that Hinchey brought in! Our town needs to develop its own identity as the PREMIER town in the county - the town you WANT to do business in! "BUSINESS FRIENDLY (Town of) ULSTER!"

  15. 7:34 needs to remember that the Town of Ulster is comprised of both businesses AND homes. There needs to be a healthy balance. There also needs to be careful consideration of local, "mom & pop" businesses.

    I too believe that we need to develop our identity. Let's not get totally lost in the "anywhere in USA" mentality by acquiescing to all the national chains/franchises.

  16. I believe that 7:34 is talking about industry when he mentions 'Business Friendly'
    For two long the Town has catered to fast food, retail and other franchises with national or international headquarters, We need to be more creative, TofU is in the heart of the HV and with many railroad sidings thru town what a good spot for warehouse operations ie: supplies for local industry and why not local industry, Mfg is not quite dead in the good ole USofA!
    maybe we need to put a bug up the UCDC's Butt or get the IDA a little more interested in TofU as a shovel ready resource for development.
    I think the EDC is a good start, fresh blood, new ideas and common interests might give the town some direction.

  17. Remember one thing, a cell tower is not 'business development'.

  18. Neither is tax exempt senior housing, that makes your family members money Nick!!

  19. And--I might add--that tax exempt monstrosity is TOTALLY illegal (and BTW extremely ugly), breaking all town and state zoning laws. Oh yes Nick, the town board said it was all kosher. Well the jury said O.J. was "not guilty" too.

  20. I have an easy answer for the no-taxpaying monstrosity. Eminent Domain and put it back on the tax rolls. The supreme court said it is legal when that did it in Conn. for a big drug company.

  21. 9:37
    Watch out for what you ask for, it's a great Idea to put Chambers back on the tax rolls, there are other ways to do this, Eminent Domain is not one of them, in fact government, federal, state and local all ready have too much power and control over our lives, we don't want them taking our right to own property away.
    Think before you speak, it's normally automatic, at times we need to check and make sure our brains are hooked up and online!

  22. I noticed that Woerner has abandoned his effort at blogging, I guess it wasn't producing the results he had hoped. Either that or he finally got some professional advice on improving his image.
    The reasons are of little consequence, the fact that he will finally fade into the list of past supervisors is best for the town.
    I'd like to think that Nick is doing this for just that reason but knowing him as I do it's not likely!
    I'm sure that his desire to continue in the public arena is his ultimate goal and his pursuit of that aim is best served when he keeps his big mouth shut.
    It's time to let Jim Quigley run the Town of Ulster without the sour grapes that were so prominent in Nick's premature criticisms.
    I'm sure that this is not the last we will hear from Mr. Woerner. Until he feels it profitable to re-emerge, let's enjoy this time while we can.
    'Goodbye Mr. Jingles'

  23. 9:25:

    I agree with you 100%. Part of that statement was me making a joke even I do somewhat mean it. But make no mistake, the Supreme Court has already decided that it is ok to take our property away to give it to a business that will produce more in taxes.

    It would just be nice to see that backfire on a business that is trying to avoid paying taxes.

  24. I think Nicky got tired of all the comments against him. His fingers must have gotten tired from hitting the delete key. I figure if he really got 2000 hits on his site that 1995 of them left negative comments. I have yet to see any of my comments which contained no foul language or accusations, and I guess I never will.

  25. 10:25
    If my comment seemed mean spirited, it was not meant to be, it was my attempt at humor and if I offended you, well, forgive me.
    Regarding the Supreme Court's Conn. decision, it has failed to protect the constitutional rights of the individual but at the time of the opinion the sentiment on the court and in the nation was based in the 'greater good'!
    It is my humble opinion that the 'greater good' is best served when the rights of the individual are protected 1st.
    We have seen the failure of the Conn. based drug company to make use of the property, it was no longer profitable to them to proceed, (profit before property rights), and as a result the town lost more in tax revenue than it was previously in receipt, the property is in disrepair and the town has suffered legal fees and court costs that the residents will have to bear.
    Zoning laws, development regulations and building codes should be enough control for towns to hold over the property owner, we have seen these laws, codes and rules be abused and the property owner suffer and development be restricted. There is no place in government for the abuse of those it is elected to represent.

  26. Conn. should give the property to the people, make it a public park or use it for the school system, but I'm sure that will not become a reality. They will undoubtably shop it around as a shovel ready project site in the hopes of justifying what they cost the town and the original property owner.
    Curious, was Nick an official of that town? It sounds like something he would have done for a cousin or even a 'brother-in-law! Does Birchez have any development in Connecticut?
    Zweben would have loved to try a case like that, (the fees would have been huge), unlike in Conn, he would have lost!

  27. What a thread, please keep it going I haven't felt this good since the night of the election results!

  28. Was that Jingles looking like SH** having lunch at Portobello's without his benfactors Zweben & Aaron, but WITH our Comptroller Auerbach & Mari DeGroot... maybe he had to pay for a meal for a change. I thought Auerbach was smarter than that! Unless he wants to LOOOOOSE in November...

  29. Mark my words you will be seeing a lot more of Nicky and the county Lapdog Auerbach together.

  30. I can't figure why Auerbach would want such negative press, Nick is a lightening for criticism and Auerbach has had his fair share before Nick came on the scene. Nick is somewhat like Hein, all ego and no substance. you would think Auerbach has had enough of that already.
    I doubt Nick paid for the lunch anyway, i bet he called in a favor from Al S. to get Auerbach to sit with him maybe for a job at county. If so I'm sure Uncle Al told owner Mike (lol) to tear up the bill.

  31. In keeping with past history, the Town of Ulster has ALWAYS named a public facility after a supervisor when they left office. In the spirit of thanking Nicky, even if he wasnt the best of supervisors, may I suggest we name something for him. Perhaps we could have the Nicky Woerner Town Dump.

  32. I'd like to know what happens to all the campaign funds that Jingles didn't spend, do they go back to the donors, or does he get to use them for his next campaign?
    When does the UPD get back the equipment supposedly still in his vehicle,?
    We need a monument that reads
    "Nick Woerner's Political Career'
    Nov 2005-Nov 2009
    I get the impression that with the closing of his blog, (probably because it depressed him more than the reader) and this seemingly new effort to sit with people at county he is still attempting to ruin the lives and careers of the people that opposed him.
    I didn't trust him as supervisor and trust him even less as a private citizen.
    From earlier comments regarding 'Eminent Domain', can we take his mommy's house for the betterment of the community?

  33. Elliot, if you want to lose, stick with Nicky. He is poison and 100% full of shit. Run away from him and run away now! I would suggest that you only look at what happened to Brian Cahill. Cahill is an example of what happens when you are associated with Woerner in the publics eye, even when you are not.

  34. Do the math. Nicky spent A LOT of money advertising for Auerbach in the Comptroller Race, now he is hanging with Auerbach. Also think back to when Blabber thought he was going to work for the county, what did he do to his blog? Finally, Nicky and Elliot are not related so his royal Hein-ness shouldn't have a problem with Nicky moving into Fair St.

  35. I'll ask again, what did Jingles do with the unspent campaign funds?
    If it's any of our business, I'd like to know!

  36. 9:45
    I doubt there was any unspent campaign funds.

  37. Forget the local stuff for a moment what's going on up in Massachusetts?
    Could Brown actually pull this out, what a blow to Obama if he does.
    Put an end to healthcare reform!!!!

  38. What's up with Schumer, is ridiculing the electorate, calling them names and belittling them how you 'serve' them? His elitist attitude has no place in public service.
    I hope the voters of New Your remember what is going on in Mass. when we vote to replace Killibrand in the senate!
