2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Candidates

Sept. 2nd, 2009

It's nearing the time where lawns around town become a canvass of political placards of red, white and blue. Mail boxes will soon be filled with foldout flyers introducing you to your choices on Election Day. Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons bring with it visits from the men and women fighting for your vote. 

The candidates this November:

  • 'Your Town' Supervisor:
Incumbent, Nick Woerner, (D) is being challenged by James Quigley (R)

  • 'Your Town' Council:
Seeking re-election, Rocky Secreto, and former councilmen, Craig Artist, (D's) are being challenged by John Morrow (R) & Chris Hendrick (C)

Are you satisfied with the status quo or is it time for new blood and a new direction?

Ulster is Your Town Too welcomes the comments of our friends and neighbors.

Informed Voter=A Intelligent Vote!


  1. Is Craig bull s**t Artist really expecting to get more than one vote? and how does Secreto expect to win a second term, he's a thug and his wife is no better.
    I won't even mention the supervisors race, it's not a race at all, Fatso Nicky ain't got a chance in hell!

  2. anything is better than what we've had to put up with for the last two years. Nick's treatment of we tax payers is insulting to say the least, he and his cronies have fleeced us long enough!

  3. The person who answers his phone is one of the rudest people I have ever encountered in a public office. Not sure who it is because he has several people working there. It doesn't cost anything to be nice, I guess they forgot to tell Nickie's clerks that. One Secretary is plenty for a person who spends 20 hours a week in the office.

  4. Here's the deal, yesterday the Freeman's front page told of school tax increases of 8.77% for Town Residents, add that to a 120 or 12% county tax increase, a 20+Town property tax.
    Central Hudson has combined increases over 20% for last year and this and before you know it you're talking real money.
    The federal government is bad enough, Obama is gonna' raise income taxes, payroll taxes, medicare taxes and cap & trade taxes, all of which are more out of our control than the future of the town.
    It's time to take charge of spending, Nick wont do it because he can only make money when he spends money, ie Zweban, Aaron, Bichkert, Oliveri, Spada, Artist etc. I'm sure there is a quid pro quo with all these people and Nick is using his position and your taxes for his part of the deal.
    ENOUGH! Wake up Ulsterites, say NO to spending, the UPD is too big and getting bigger, well except for Sinagra, he's still short, short in stature, short on credibility, short on personality.
    And Ozzie Bichkert is a scar on the landscape, like each one of his signs, I'm sure there was a little quid pro quo for a yes vote on projects before for the Planning Board.
    Zreban, like Sinagra is also short in stature, big egos no backbone! They have ruined this town in just 4 short years, I hope they investigate Nick and all his cronies, they'll fill that sink hole of a jail for years to come.

  5. Candidates Woerner, Artist and Secreto support the Birchez/Elant collaboration at Chambers.

    NEWBURGH — The Elant at Newburgh nursing home has been cited by the state for an "actual harm" or "immediate jeopardy" incident at its facility.


  6. Speaking of Steve Aaron, let's review his wonderful housing projects shall we?

    They are all built with federal dollars in the form of grants and loans. He uses out of state (even out of Country!) non union workers with the exception of a very few local contractors who are non union. The tax benefits are another story altogether. He uses LIHC or low income housing credits to lower his tax liability or sells them to others for cash.
    Did you ever wonder why he tries to fit 80 units where 30 should go? That is why! He has enough to offset his personal income so he spreads them around to other friends and business associates. Look who buys them.

    Chambers will have 160 or so units where it was zoned for around 40. Until Fred Wadnola and Nickie Woerner changed the zoning for him. That is 4x's the density that you or I could have put there with single or multi-family homes.

    Next comes the PILOT or Payment in lieu of taxes. That will remove his local tax obligation by reducing what he should be paying to something that 2 or 3 houses on the next street pay. Some single family home owners in Ulster pay more for one family than Aaron will pay for 160.

    So what you have is a developer, using federal housing grants and loans, who uses out of state and immigrant labor, that offsets all of his income tax liability with LIHC and pays little property tax with his PILOT. But he is providing senior housing, so that makes everything OK right?

    Nickie Woerner, Fred Wadnola (and their town boards), Maurice Hinchey who makes sure he gets all his money, and any other politician who greases this guys skids are to blame.

    Quigley and the other neighbors did the right thing by suing, I wish they had won and stopped this guy dead in his tracks.

  7. 4:55AM, The more I read about politics and development in the town in the past, the more I realize that It has nothing to do with the differences between Republicans & Democrats, not locally anyway.


    From what I can tell from what I read in the news papers and hear from my neighbors Woerner isn't that guy.
    I know too many people around town that have been insulted by this guy, either at town board meetings or by just not getting a return phone call.

    Nick has done a goods job for his friends, a lot of them have made money at our expense and it's gotta stop.

  8. We should remember Nicky’s current endeavor “investigating” and trying to stifle the first amendment right’s of bloggers who don’t agree with him. There was an article in the Kingston Times last week about Woerner and UPD “investigating” blogs with negative information about Town officials and UPD’s Chief & Sinagra.


    Woerner and the Town Board are using tax payer money and police resources to “investigate” blogs. Wake up call Big W- there is nothing illegal about blog sites or the name of a blog site or contributing to blogs. A blog site can include the name of anything in its address, tag lines, or content. Blogs are covered by the First Amendment just as letter to the editors or other forms of public opinion. All this “investigation” is, is a way for Nicky and his pals to retaliate against the public for NOT being in their team. A reasonable person would this that everyone involved in this little “investigation” is aware that using police resources and personnel to investigate a matter that has no criminal aspect is improper. Town government cannot use police resources to investigate non-criminal matters. Just ask the NYS Attorney General’s Office.

    The bottom line is that this being just one of many of Woerner’s debacles. This is yet another example of Woerner misusing tax payer funds and resources to further his personal agenda, help out his buddies, fulfill his need to retaliate against non-believers, and continue to hurt the citizens of the Town of Ulster. Stand up for the First Amendment and the Town of Ulster, support more responsible leadership.

  9. Nickie drives around in his Mafia like dark windowed Lincoln as if he is some sort of celebrity big shot. I'll bet the tint on those windows is illegal.

    He can't decide if he wants to mimic John Gotti with his questionable friends and Mafia car or a Police officer with his tricked out lights and police garb.

    In Nickie we have an uneducated,narcissistic, spiteful, and immature kid. He has a lot of growing up to do. We should not have to pay his way to adulthood.

  10. One would think by now that those around Nick realize that his questionable tactics and his disrespect of the residents and their wishes and his affiliation with the likes of Aaron, Zweban, Bichkert etc is giving them a bad name too. These individuals might have the best interest of the town at heart but because they associate themselves politically with Nick, their reputations get tarnished as well.
    Wise up guys, this guy is going down come November, if you really care about the Town, take off your blinders and look at the landscape, most residents have had enough higher taxes, rediculous spending, total disregard for transparency, the air of impropriety and nebulous relationships and lousy development that only benefits his friends and campaign contributors is gonna' leave you, like him out in the cold.

  11. hey 5:57 - Aaron, Zweban, Bichkert, etc. are not getting a bad name because of Nick. They had bad names before Nick. It's interesting how scum attracts scum. It's obvious that they and Nick don't care about the town; they only care about their wallets.

  12. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    BYE BYE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$BYE BYE
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$BYE BYE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$BYE BYE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$BYE BYE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  13. There once was a boy named Nicky,
    Who thought himself a bit tricky,
    when meeting the people,
    he seemed a bit feeble,
    cause Nicky is too much of a Dicky!

  14. There once was a Chief named Paul
    who had fat ass Nickie by the Balls
    they hired a runt, which was a real stunt.
    At this do nothing job, for work he had to hunt.
    when Quigley came in,and noticed the sin,
    all their badges they did turn in
    'cause no trash was allowed in town hall.

  15. Here is the million dollar question. If Nicky hadnt spent the $11,000 in the Comptrollers race, and helped to defeat Quigley in that election, would Quigley now be poised to take him out in November? Seems to me that Big Al Spada, Slimy Stevie Aaron, and the little putz Zweben, may have killed the Golden Goose this time. Nice job, assholes.

  16. No one EVER accused Nickie B. Woerner of being a genius. He is a 1st class bull shit artist and is able to persuade people of questionable intelligence to follow him.

    He will go down in local political history as a person who had a chance to go all the way, but got stupid and surrounded himself with money hungry leeches that will move on to the next sucker whoever and wherever that may be. Nickie will be cast aside and forgotten.

  17. I'd still like to know where all the money in the surplus fund went? I know our taxes have sky rocketed under Woerner, (he had to support the profit margins of uncle Stevie Aaron and I'm sure Spada got his cut as well. Still I think you've got to look deeper, Zweben orchestrated the entire 4 YEAR FIasco than will now cost residents at least an additional 20% tax hike in times of economic disaster this can push more 'business away, keep good development from investing and chase homeowners along with new business to Saugerties, Catskill etc.
    I hope Nick not only leaves office but leaves town as well. I bet that little prick Zweben expects to still be town attorney even after Nick loses. How can he be tin 2 places at once ie: Town Hall and County Jail?

  18. Could maybe one of the candidates answer a question-how has the Town of Ulster who was always years ago been low in tax $ amount, now rise to one of the highest tax $ amount towns in the county? The Town of Ulster holds all the business in the Hudson Valley, therefore we should see a reduction, or has someone been given too much of a "break in taxes"? Makes you want to sell your home and head for greener pastures with this kind of Government!!!!!!!

  19. Help please? New to the area and confused....Artist told me that he was a republican and police commisioner, a few weeks ago. Are either of these true?
