2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Facts Are Hard to Find!!

It is the intention of this blog to inform our residents of the 'Economic Practices and Polices' of the current Supervisor and Town Council. 
Unraveling the facts has been a problem as contradictory statements and cloudy bookkeeping practices have been difficult to disseminate.  
Topics under investigation by this blogger are:
  • The Recent Property Assessment signed by Craig Artist, Deputy Supervisor for Birchez/Chambers.
  • The Use or Mis-use of the Surplus Fund Balance.
  • The Recent Tax Agreement with Sam's Club and The Hudson Valley Mall.
If there are Topics you, the Residents of The Town of Ulster, wish to see addressed please use the comments section of this blog. We will do our best to investigate and report on all issues on the minds of voters in a timely fashion.


  1. I'd like to see the billing log for Zweben made public! That Nazi pri** has been cleaning up in this town, well everything but his reputation, there is no hope there.
    But seriously, any idea how many hours he bills for annually?

  2. From what I've read that Tax/property assessment was a real back door deal, there is even questions arising as to whether it was actually signed before the town Council voted on it as well as the fact that it was drawn up by Zweben! Another reason not to trust these guys.
    Refer to the article in the Kingston Times some time in July for the shady details. Thanks Eric Kitchen for standing up for the residents and shame on Secreto, Artist, the brothers Grimm, (I mean the brinks bros), and of course the "RECUSED" Tricky Nicky, the boy king Worner

  3. Since Nicky boy got elected politics in town seem more and more like our corrupt county!

  4. I wouldn't say the County is corrupt now. It definitely needs work, but not corrupt like Ulster.

    6-8-10 years ago? You maybe right.

    It is a far cry from when the Republicans, including Ulster's favorite son Fred Wadnola, were running things.

  5. I want to see how many hours the elected officials are actually putting in each day.
    ALL OF THEM !!!

  6. 9:42AM is that boy king or toy king? Zweben, Spada & Aaron's toy that is, they pull the strings and Nicky boy jumps, speaks, sits up, rolls over, votes, recuses himself and even plays dead, Brain dead that is!
    another guy who wouldn't do too well in prison!

  7. Does every town have their attorney present and so active in town Hall meetings as our town? I can't remember the last Town Board meeting I was at where Zweben wasn't there too! Also is it his job to protect us from bad government or Nicky from us? If the latter why doesn't Nicky pay Zweben's fees? It seems he's always working to weaken our position if it interests hisown oh I mean Aaron's, no QuikCheck's no no I mean Spada..............

  8. Funny, Kitchen voted in favor of the mall and sams club settlement too. Maloney is also on record as supporting both.

  9. Maloney caused them. Don't let him fool you.

  10. Did Kitchen have a choice? He can't vote "No" 100% of the time. There are issues that where the votes may not satisfy everyone but the options are not as attractive also.

  11. 7:48PM, I'm not defending Maloney, but I don't see how he caused them, I don't think there is any blame to be assigned in the Sam's Club or Mall issues, they are entitled to apply for tax relief and in times like these they should take advantage of every situation.
    The problem arises when in light of these developments, the Supervisor ignores the reality of a lower tax base, in addition to these if you add the reduction in sales tax and the reduction in Mortgage taxes, (both much greater than forecast), fail to reduce or even control spending and have no 'emergency fund' available as a contingency, you must turn to the residents once again.
    That is just poor fiscal management and the supervisor and town council should be held accountable in November.

  12. Nick's past ie:taking money from the likes of Aaron and Spada have come back to haunt him, you've got to give the devil his due and paying back favors and playing favoritism are things the boy king can't escape. He did them, he's too blame he could have said no, whether it was all orhestrated by his buddy Zweben makes no matter, He could have had a real future in politics but he sold out his constituents! People won't forget!
    PAyback is a bitch, isn't it Nick!

  13. These facts you can find!

    Zweben's handpicked candidate Mark Halwick gets crushed in Ward 9 in the City of Kingston. Zweben's dislike for Mike Madsen does not play well with the voters as Mike Madsen beats Frank Dart for the Democratic line in District 6 in the City of Kingston by 50 votes. To top it off Zweben's support for County Court Judge is detrimental as Williams wins the Independent line 3-1.

    It's not looking good for Andy in November.
    Nick is next.

  14. Daily Freeman

    Conservatives want changes in Ulster town budget

    Published: Tuesday, November 4, 2008

    Hendrick said members have been too conservative when planning for some revenue sources and suggested adding $15,000 to the interest earnings line.

    "Based on the fact that our 2007 increase was $225,000 and our 2008 budgeted interest was $125,000 and they want to minimize it to $75,000," she said...


    "Sales of equipment, there was no notation so that's $5,000 added in," Hendrick said. "They skipped a line for sale of equipment, they skipped a line for insurance recovery, they skipped a line for refunds of prior year expenditures, for gifts and donations, and all of these lines have money allotted in the 2007 and 2008. For 2009 they put them all as zeros."

    Conservatives are also asking that most of the $650,000 in fund balances be left in the budget as revenue.


  15. I don't know if it's me or can anyone make sense of the last post (3:39)AM?
    He must have really done his research at 3:39 this morning, I think he was a little tired or confused or just plain insane because I can't make heads or tails of his point.
    Hendrick's point was that you can't rely on the budget since they don't disclose things in the appropriate format.
    As far as the fund balance----WHAT FUND BALANCE ASS HOLE!
    I think her reference was that the it was already used as revenue, but I'll defer to the actual article for edification.

  16. Here's one for the books:
    Why does Nick want to merge the Parks Dept with that of Kingston, has anyone seen the condition of the city's parks, something like their roads.
    Our parks are just fine, thanks to the Town workers who take a lot of pride in their appearance. Did he forget that Sotile wanted to close kingston Point this summer? Maybe if they merge the parks depts, he thinks his backers will still have a foothold in our town? I can't figure this kid out, I think he should have become a mortician, the people who give him the bulk of his support have been killing this town for the past 4 years, there is his 'job security'!

  17. Nickie and Sottile, a pair of doomed idiots. Dumb and Dumber.

  18. 3:39 is an idiot. By 2008 most of the fund balance left to him in 2006 was already spent by Nicky and crew. If I remember right the conservatives at that meeting were grasping at any straw that would attempt to lessen the dumbass's double digit budget increase.

    Way to take statements completely out of context 3:39 (aka: Nicky). Better luck next time, but next time ask the lawyer for advice on how to better word it. Just add the bill in with the others.

  19. Quigely and team would have been smart enough to not hire new positions that we could not afford, they would not have blown money any chance they got, etc. etc. So therefore in 2008 a meeting trying to figure out how not to rape the tax payers of this town for 30% would not have been needed.

    Read the date on the articles that you cite halfwit. Nicky had been in office for a while spending money before those statements were made.

  20. Flashback to 2006 - Woerner proposes Tax Cut

    If there is no fund balance spending, there is no tax cut. Hence, no justification for a salary increase. It is a shell game, a fantasy or more accurately, a rip off!

    Excerpts from the Freeman report.

    Additionally, Woerner is appropriating $400,000 from the town's surplus fund balance to offset the tax levy.

    "The point is that it is a decrease," Woerner said. "If I can put additional money in for myself and the supervisor's position, I think that it is appropriate in a tax-cut year."

  21. Jim Maloney is no fucking good, period. He is the #1 back stabber in the county. No wonder Quigley is done with him.

  22. I wonder if this kid Nicky ever had to budget money to pay his own expenses, I think he uses the taxpayers like their money is already his. I think he thinks he's entitled to his cut of our hard earned money so he can play his own version of monopoly.

  23. I hope 10:05 means "they wipe their feet on us". cause they do and I for one have had enough

  24. Have you seen the website?



    Absolutely no substance to show for 4 years of control.

    I mean, even the bio on Nickie is wrong. Either they are idiots or the person who did the website guessed the wrong grandparent since he is a bastard child.

    Woerner wanted to follow in the political footsteps of his paternal grandfather, Larry Woerner,.......Woerner also wanted to follow in the professional footsteps of his maternal grandfather, Joseph Boris,

    Paternal is Father, Maternal is Mother. Who can blame the webpage vendor for screwing that one up.

    Woerner has brought fiscal responsibility to the town, fought corruption, championed for safer streets, and brought senior housing issues to the forefront of discussion

    WOW, what utter bullshit!!! Here is how I would have written that.

    Woerner has brought fiscal IRresponsibility to the town, Brought corruption, championed for safer streets by enlarging the police to an unnecessary size, and brought senior housing issues to the forefront of discussion and profits for his relatives

    I got news for the geniuses over at the


    team or as I will now refer to them as, the WAS team, Maternal is MOTHER not Father, that would be Paternal.

    One fact is right, he is following in his maternal Grandfathers footsteps as a politician, but in an underhanded way. I did not know his Grandfather, but I am sure he was not sleazy like his grandson Nickie.

    They are presenting themselves as leaders and they are anything but leaders. They are followers and they follow Nickie and Nickie follows Aaron, Zweben and Spada. Enough is enough.

  25. That is the funniest website I have seen. What a joke

  26. Yeah but ya' gotta like the balls on these guys! They screw the people of the town left and right, screw with the budget #'s, screw with the UPD to intimidate anyone supporting the opposition, all the while expecting the voters to support their re-election bid a third time. They won e years ago in spite of all the bull shit, maybe just maybe they are using Afgani's or Irani's to count the vote!
    This year I think it's just a little different though, Nick is hiding out in his last place of refuge, Aaron's Chambers complex, it works well, none of the residents come from the town and even better none of them pay taxes and they thank him and uncle Stevie for putting a roof over their heads, a roof that is putting profits in uncle Stevies pockets and taking out of the pockets of the residents of the town.
    THANK GOD THE RESIDENTS SAW THROUGH NICKS BID AT EXTENDING THE SUPERVISOR'S TERM TO $ YEARS! Can you imagine how fucked we would be if the 'boy king' had a free ride for 2 more years?

  27. Forget the politics for a moment, Leadership is a quality that isn't learned, it's something in a persons very being and one thing for sure it ain't in Nick's. There is a young boy, (for privacy reasons, I won't mention his name), he is a boy scout and 13 yrs old, he recently made Eagle Scout, no small task for any boy let alone one so young, it is customary for local leaders to attend the Eagle Scout Court of honor, in many instances even federal and state representatives attend as these young men are the cream of our society and it is important to nurture their character, they are the leaders of tomorrow. Nick was invited to the ceremony, e he never even responded to the invite, he was later phoned and e mailed for at least a letter of recognition, No response from Nick, not a returned call or even a reply to a # of email requests. What kind of example is this for the youth of our town. In short, that's the kind of guy Nick is! No substance, no credibility, no backbone, he's like a huge amoeba so full of himself he cares not for anyone or anything unless there is a buck in it for him!
    He should be run out of town along with his band of thieves in a box car headed for County jail!

  28. In response to Septermber 19, 2009-at least the jerk is consistent. I have made many phone calls to the town hall asking to speak to our supervisor. Unfortunately, he is never available nor does he return phone calls. In the past I have never invested much time in following local politics, usually waiting until near election time to make my decision and cast my vote. Following blogs like this one (as well as other sources) I feel I have gathered enough information (evidence) to determine that the current Supervisor and others have almost destroyed this town. We have renegade police officers, who target youth, to intimidate and trump up anything they can to generate revenue. We have a supervisor who doesn't know the meaning of fiscal responsibility as well as the hangers on, relatives and other that cannot wait to steal from the residents of this town. We have senior citizens who believe that the supervisor, Aaron and Zweben are doing things for them rather than for their own gain. Get real people! Time to educate yourself in preparation for the upcoming election. Vote responsibly!

  29. The politicians are out going door to door. It is a good time to let them know what is on your mind. After talking to a few of them over the weekend, here is who I am voting for. I am a registered Republican and those from my party who are not getting my vote have not earned it, have done something that I think hurt the party, or just plain stink.

    Williams, Postupack, Quigley, Morrow, Secreto, and Cahill get my vote this year.

  30. Just received a phone call from a senior citizen saying she was taking a survey to see which canditate I am supporting for town supervisor. I asked whom she would support and she said Nick Woerner as he has been very good for seniors. Obviously, from my response she understood it would not be Nick Woerner. Really disturbing!!

  31. The Senior taking the survey must be a resident of Chambers as all the other Seniors WHO PAID
    WOERNER'S 21% increase in REAL ESTATE TAXES are looking at Quigley.

  32. Ah-fall!! Too bad I wasn't able to sleep in this morning and enjoy the cool morning air while snuggled under my blankets! I thought for a moment I was somewhere on the west coast as there was a terrible rumble and then the entire house shook! I thought for a moment it must be an earthquake, but alas, it was just the heavy equipment moving who knows what behind my house. My idea of sleeping in was over as well. I have been serenaded since that 7 am wake up call with the high pitch whistling of some sort of earth moving machine as well as the rattling and tinkling of every thing that is or is not nailed down in my house. I guess that's what I get for my huge tax increase. Should I complain? Doesn't get you anywhere. The supervisors office as well as the building department just don't bother to call back. I guess I'll just have to take it! I'm sure there where many other suitable sites for this project in the town, but I guess none as cheap as this proptery. Lucky for Mr. Aaron he has "friends in high places." Well, I hope thing are peaceful in your neighborhood-enjoy the lovely weather!!

  33. Anyone else notice that Nickie isn't coming around? I see Secreto and turncoat Artist, but no Nickie. Nickie does not have the courage to face the voters.

  34. Nicky cant come around. According to sources close to the boy wonder, he is in school full time, in troy. not a bad gig, go to school, ignore the town and get paid by the "suvker" taxpayers. GO QUIGLEY. Please save us from this rip off artist.

  35. At least he is planning for his own personal future now that he has ruined the towns future.

  36. I agree with some of comments here but some of them seem to be very rude and inappropriate. I am a new resident who votes for the person and not the party. I am very impressed with 2 candidates in particular so far. Jim Quigley who was serious and very well qualified. Brian Cahill was polite and very informative. I would suggest that you make sure and speak to as many of these people and make your own decision.

  37. 3:58 has a very good point. I would add that you should go a step further and spot check some of the info you are given. Their is a lot of misinformation being spread. Talk to these people, that is why they are knocking on your door.

  38. Looks like Jim Quigley and the Republican team have no regard for town law. There have been political signs up for them all over the place a full 10 days early.

    That is not right and shows disrespect for the voters and the laws of the Town of Ulster.

  39. From the Town of Ulster Zoning Law

    Nonpermanent signs for temporary events, including but not limited to
    political, charitable and special events. Such signs shall not be placed on
    any utility pole, street sign pole, hydrant or tree within the right-of-way of
    a public street or on private property without the specific authorization of
    the property owner. Placements of these signs shall not exceed ninety (90)
    days. The names and address of the sponsor who is responsible for
    removal must be placed thereon.

    Is there a Biddy Basketball Signup sign attached to a Utility Pole by Town Hall? Against the law?

  40. Keep reading.....
    C. Temporary signs
    The following signs of a temporary nature must receive a permit from the Building Inspector before being displayed in any zoning district, except those specified under the Exempt Signs section (§190-30.C.). The permit shall note
    the date of the first day the sign may be displayed and the date it must be removed.

    2. A temporary sign, not exceeding 32 square feet in area, which is erected by a municipal, charitable, political or non-profit organization for a period not to exceed 30 days.

  41. I want to see these laws enforced....

    4. An A-frame (sandwich board) sign with a face area of no more than six square feet. Such sign may not be placed within the right-of-way of a
    public street or within any driveway or parking space and shall be removed daily between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM. In addition
    to other fees established by the Town Board, a security deposit shall be deposited with the Building Inspector to insure removal of temporary signs upon expiration of the permit period. If any temporary sign is not
    removed by the expiration of the time limit on the application, the Building Inspector, after seven (7) days written notice to the permit holder to remove such sign (s), and after failure of the permit holder to do so, will
    cause said signs to be removed, and the security deposit will be forfeited
    to help defray the cost of removal. The seven (7) day written notice provided herein shall be computed from the date of mailing said notice.
    Said notice shall be directed to the permit holder at the address provided on the permit

  42. I am a first time reader of this blog. There are enough negatives regarding the present supervisor to justify my interpretation of him.
    the sheer arrogance of these people makes me ill. run rough shod over the town residents, tax them beyond their means . If that is how they aid senior citizens.\, we had best run while we may.
    Mr Quigley is a person who is knowledgable in the financial field and will bring that expertise to a town which has not had same in as long as I can remember.I have lived here 55 years so have seen it all.
    Please folks, name calling is ok if you must, I do it myself to be honest, but on this public venue, keep it to blanks. It only lowers us to their level. We have to show that we are 1)seriously concerned with the welfare of the town and its residents and 2) that we
    are above the petty, cheap tricks which seem to be running rampant in this town govt.

  43. I am very curious to see Mr. Quigleys experience with government budgets and revenue streams.

    Anyone involved in Government knows it is very much different than a typical business budget. It is not as simple as revenues meet or exceed expenditures. Does Mr. Quigley have any experience with labor unions?

  44. I feel it necessary to respond to a few comments today!! Really, a big deal about a few signs? The current administration didn't seem to worry when they decided to allow Mr. Aaron to build 70 or more units behind Chambers School/Lawrenceville Street. No problem changing zoning to suit the needs of Woerner, Aaron and company. Seems to me Mr. Quigley is far more educated, especially in matters financial, than Nick Woerner. What experience/education did Mr. Woerner bring when he was elected supervisor? He is no boy genius! I am tired of the Woerner camp dragging the seniors along with the promise of affordable housing. He is constantly trying to court that vote. Holding himself and Mr. Aaron out as their savior. They do not pay the property taxes in this town and it is unlikely that many have been lifelong residents of the town. Priority should be given to town residents, but I'm sure that hasn't been done. I am not anti senior as I am quickly approaching that category myself. Seriously, there are many issues facing the residents of this town. We need someone who understands the global issues and the impact it has on each and every tax payer in this town. Someone with a vision for the future in terms of jobs and keeping the young people from having to move away to support themselves. We do not need another senior housing complex or fast food restuarant. Just thinking!!!!

  45. "I am very curious to see Mr. Quigleys experience with government budgets and revenue streams."

    Are you serious? And what kind of experience did a Nicky boy have when he was all of 19 years old? Lets compare this. Lets elect someone who is 24 and has ran the town of ulster into the ground or give someone who is successful in business and has more experience with money in general a chance? Ill take the one who is more experienced with money.

  46. How can the boy wonder still run around with his 'ulster' plates??? Bad enough when he had them on the trailblazer running single mothers (with child in the car) practically off the road....
