2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Monday, August 24, 2009

Priority One—Fiscal Responsibility

August 24th, 2009

Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat Fiscal Responsibility should be local government’s prime concern. This year more than other’s it is even more important as the economy lingers in a recession. Town officials should consider a timely budget so residents can make informed decisions this November.The following report depicts the fiscal activities of the Town of Ulster’s current administration. 

Town of Ulster Financials 2007-Present 

  • Fiscal 2007:
Forecasted Budget: $5,619,902.00
Actual Expenditures: $6,201,233.00/ Over Budget ($581,331.00)

This budget was approved by outgoing Supervisor Wadnola

Supervisor: Nick Woerner

Town Board members: Rocky Secreto, Craig Artist, Joel Brink & Dave Brink 

  • Fiscal 2008:

Forecasted Budget: $5,973,433.00 
Actual Expenditures: $6,675,732.00/ Over Budget ($702,299.00) 

Supervisor: Nick Woerner

Town Board Members: Rocky Secreto, Joel Brink, Dave Brink & Craig Artist 

  • Fiscal 2009:

Forecasted Budget:$6,196,660.00 
Actual Expenditures: $7,057,361.00/ Over Budget ($860,701.00) 

Supervisor: Nick Woerner

Town Board Members: Rocky Secreto, Joel Brink, Dave Brink & Eric Kitchen 

  • Fiscal 2010: Yet to be submitted.

Supervisor: Nick Woerner

Town Board Members: Rocky Secreto, Joel Brink, Dave Brink & Eric Kitchen. 

Although the budget for 2009 has not been presented to date, it is expected to have risen approximately 10% and an anticipated property tax increase of upwards of 20%. The factors yet to be considered are last years budget overrun and the drop in the Towns portion of County Sales Tax revenue and Town Mortgage tax revenue, both considerable amounts. 

A further fact to be considered before election-day is the financial profile of the Town:

January 2006 Fund Balance $1,289,337 
December 2008 Fund Balance $14,825.00/ Expenditures: $1,714,502.00 

The town floated a BOND for $1.4 million, ($225,000 was for legal fees), in May 2009 and is considering another Bond for the completion of the Senior Recreation Center.

This would make raising funds for emergencies more difficult, and strain the Town’s credit rating in an already stressed economy. 

The US economy has been in a downward spiral since mid year 2008. Nationally, economists and leaders of the current administration have determined that this is possibly the worst recession since the late 1970’s-early 80’s. Local economic forecasts are no better. These trends should be considered while deciding on projects and budget overages in such dire economic times.

As residents of the Town of Ulster are being pressed harder and harder to meet their own budgets, Town Officials should be no less responsible. 

Expenses for energy and taxes are on the rise, the potential for inflation becomes more and more inevitable as these factors filter thru the economy. We urge local officials to consider these facts as the budget for 2010 is prepared. 

Budgets are by no means written in stone, however when an administration presents a comprehensive spending plan, the residents should be able to rely that the administration will do it’s best to adhere to it.


  1. I had no idea, is there any way to find out what the budget over runs were spent on? I'm sure it isn't all rising fuel costs. It can't be for services, we don't have that many for starters.

    I know the town just negotiated property tax reductions for Aaron, the Mall and I think Sam's Club, what about we residents, can anybody negotiate to lower our property taxes, I'm tired of subsidizing revenue for developers just looking to make a buck. What about foreclosures in the town, how many are because of high property taxes.

    Will someone answer this for me, Aaron promotes himself as a developer of affordable senior housing, but subsiding his profit margin is driving up the taxes of local seniors to provide housing for Out-of-towners! where is the justice in that???????????????????

  2. Doesn't Nick need approval in order to spend more than the budget allows, maybe we gotta' get rid of him and his YES MEN, Brinks, Brinks and Secreto! They sound like another ambulance chasing law firm we can do without.

    I know Nick depleted the Reserve Fund to near zero, where dod the money go? And if he knows that expenditures are out of control how can he entertain reduced tax assessments from guys like Aaron and the owners of the Mall?
    OH I Forget, Steve is his relative!

  3. where has all the money gone?

  4. Nick is like a kid spending his parents money, it has no meaning to him he didn't earn it. OTHER PEOPLES MONEY' the only problem is the Other People are the voters. Wise Up People, get this ass hole out of Ulster!

  5. He never owned a home, never paid property taxes, never had to make a heat payment. He has no respect for what each homeowner must go through. It is other peoples money. He didn't contribute!

  6. Is Nick gay? I keep hearing that rumor. He looks gay. He hangs around with another guy that looks gay. Maybe he is gay. I like gays, but I do not like Nick, even if he is gay.

  7. What is the deal with Artist and Woerner? Is it true they are no longer speaking?

  8. i wish Brian Cahill was running for Supe ,
    too bad the job doesn't pay enough for people
    to give up their day jobs

  9. What is the deal with Nick Woerner and Atlantic City? Anyone know what that is all about?

    Someone please answer my questions. I see comments on Artist and Woerner not gettting along and others on Woerner and Atlantic City. Does someone want to fill us in?

  10. The rapid decline of the Town of Ulster can easily and correctly be attributed to the current administration. From the Supervisor, to the Clerk, to the Police chief, to the Assessor, to the unqualified friends and family that make up the workforce of the Town of Ulster. There is no defense available for the people who are running the town now. They screwed the pooch over the past 4 years. Some have been there a lot longer, hold overs from the Pre-Wadnola and Republican glory days and some have been added within the past few months.

    I have even seen a decline in the Highway department and other services. If the leader of the enterprise is signaling that it is OK to run a sub par operation, then others will follow suit. Including those who are usually good managers and workers. It is an esprit de corps issue and plays on peoples sub conscience which in turn, shows through in the performance of their duties.

    The problems that I see coming from Town Hall, including the basement,the Highway Garage and the departments contained therein, can be corrected with one vote come November. Ridthe town of it's bad seed and the rest of the garden will flourish.

  11. You are right, Ulster is my town too. I will never forgive Fred Wadnola for bringing Steve Aaron to town. He is the first one to roll out the red carpet and give away the store. I will never again vote for that man. If it wasn't for Nick, he would be taking the brunt of the Aaron backlash right now.


  12. 11:46AM Do you mean to say that Nick would not have helped his own brother in law ( that's Right, Stevie Boy is Family), It sound to me like you blame Wadnola for Aaron but Nick gets a pass for giving away the cow along with the quart of milk. I don't think that argument holds water. And you RRR should check the facts, you sound a little bit silly!

  13. Wadnola at least built up a surplus of 1 1/4 million dollars, what did Nick ever do but spend, spEND, SPEND, and the town still went down hill

  14. Freddie helped Aaron first. Nickie just followed and went further with what was happening when he took over. The pilots were in place when Nick took over. It is no secret around town that Freddie was taking orders from the uptown bigwigs on that deal. I may sound silly, but I am telling the truth. Freddie left and Nickie just took over taking care of Stevie Aaron.




  15. When will the new budget be out?

  16. TO RRR\
    I had issues with Fred when he was supervisor, it still doesn't justify Nick selling us down the sewer on Lawerenceville St

  17. Nothing justifies an elected official selling the taxpayers short. No relationship, no personal benefit, nothing. If Fred, Nick or anyone else did that, shame on them. I am sick of the "me first" politicians.

  18. Nice work RRR. They had Wadnola and the town board in their pocket the whole time he was in office. That was the problem. He did what ever they told him to. It isn't just Aaron. Al Spada and others with big bucks too. Look at those eyesores on the by-pass and the Walmart road fiasco. Thanks Freddie!

  19. If I am not mistaken the Town Board and Wadnola voted to deny a variance to expand the senior housing past the first phase. Then Nicky gets elected and all of a sudden the variance goes through within a couple of months of taking office and now we have those two story eye sores. And that was even with Aaron stating in the paper that he had no plans to build anymore in Ulster during the election when Maxwell tried brining up the relationship between Nicky and Aaron.

  20. RRR, Get over Fred, he's old news! The Problem facing the Town today is that pompous, arrogant fat ass sitting in town hall today! He's worse than Fred could ever be, he's the one who brought in that nazi pig Zweban, once he got his claws in the town no resident ever had a chance. He lines his pockets just like Nick's brother in law,Stevie Boy, with taxpayer's hard earned $'s then sticks it in their faces with closed door sessions and mis-interpretations of the law.
    The open sores on the town are Zweban, Aaron, Spada, Oliveri, Bichkert, Secreto, (him & his wife), Watzka, Sinagra and of course Nicky Boy, They GOTTA'GO! Get rid of Nick and the rats will all follow!

  21. 6:27, Who can argue that?

  22. Nicky thinks he is the Ayatollah of Ulster. Ayatollah Nicky. Him and his zombie cohorts on the town board push everything thru, skirting the law, no matter how it affects the taxpayers of the town. He doesn't care---he's not a taxpayer. He lives with mommy. He only cares to allow brother-in-law Stevie to build a 77 unit monstracity on a small piece of land zoned for no more than 12, bypassing the town accessor and giving Stevie outrageous tax breaks ($100./unit!!!)-- and then raising our taxes! He also just LOVES to see his name on the signs in front of these things. He's nuts! And his buddy (and yes man) Artist is no better (maybe even worse, as his intellectual capabilities are quite limited). He told people on Lawrenceville
    that he was voting NO and then votes YES the very next day. Then suddenly he becomes Asst. Super. and is mowing all of Stevie's lawns! He flushed the people of this town down the toilet.
    Ayatollah Nicky and his corrupt cohorts have to go. Please help and vote these incompetent ingrates out of office.

  23. Kennedy Fried Chicken, White Castle, Arby's, Sonic, it doesn't get any better than this! If Nick wins again the residents get just what they deserve, another Kingston, foreclosures, vacant storefronts, higher taxes, business exodus, OH that's right the town already has these things!
    Nick is just as bad as that a-hole Hinchey, I guess the Solar Consortium stayed away because of all the rain this summer!
    I know, I know, it's coming, well so is election day, let's see which gets here first!
    Just to keep it fair and balanced, the Bobble Head Brinks Brothers, (or the Brothers grim, if you like), should pack their bags along with that idiot Artist, he must be an idiot, after the way he screwed us he actually seemed surprised when the sentiment of the townsfolk turned against him. BYE BYE BOYS & take Nicky Boy, his family and friends with you.

  24. Hey the Solar Consortium has been hard at work. Just a couple of weeks ago they gave Hinchey some sort of award. Wow, how much did that cost 12 or 13 million.

    Maybe they will put solar panels on the Senior Center.

  25. Did anyone see the little blurb in the Sunday Freeman a couple of weeks ago? Steve Aaron was the recipient of the first annual Always There award (something like that) for his dedication to the seniors. Now, Always There is a reputable agency providing home health and nursing services. I find it interesting that it appears that Always There is renting space in the old Credit Data building and Stevie is building that two story building for seniors in the backyard of Chambers School and Lawrenceville Street. You would think Always There wouldn't want to deal with the devil. Wonder if Stevie is getting a cut of the "new" business. I guess the Town is now the hub for senior hoursing as well as fast food restuarants!

  26. Whats going on with Aarons current project at Chambers?

  27. In the contracts awarded for Aaron's projects, is there a requirement as to where the contractors must purchase materials?

    Just a rumor I heard recently and wondering if there is any truth to it.

  28. When the Federal spicket closes, so does the progress at Aarons projects.

  29. Steve Aaron is not Nick's brother-in-law. Nick's cousin Judy (?) is Steve's wife.

  30. There doesn't seem to be a lot going on at the latest Aaron job site. My house shook from 6:30 am to 7:00 pm in the evening during the heavy equiptment phase. I miss the drone of the compressors. The continuous sound of the nail gun and worrying that the (I'm sure uninsured)roofers did not fall to their deaths. I should be grateful for all the rain, it helped to contain some of the dust and dirt. One of the cooler summers but it cost me a fortune in electricity as I was unable to open the windows. I couldn't hang my laundry on the clothesline as I would have to rewash it because of the dirt. The siding on my house is filthy. I will have to hire someone to powerwash it, that is, if they don't have to get a license to do so in the town. Totally ruined my summer. Oh well, I guess that is why I pay 21% more in property tax while Mr. Aaron will pay a total of $100 dollars a unit. I know, the current town board would try to make me out as a senior citizen basher. I am close to being a senior citizen myself and I'm tired of having to carry all the seniors that relocate to the town, pay no property taxes and vote to keep these idiots in office. The seniors have to realize that Steve Aaron is not the second coming-just a sleazy business man who does not have anyones interest at heart but his own.
