2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Senior Recreation Center

August 19th 2009

With all the noise lately about the Senior Center, it’s location and expected use, this weeks Town Board Meeting should prove very interesting.

Questions raised so far surround some very important issues.

  • Have alternatives have been proposed & evaluated?
  • How much of the cost will be absorbed by the taxpayers?
  • Is it to be located in the ‘Flood Plain‘?
  • Beyond the cost of the structure itself, how will it be outfitted, ie: furnishings, entertainment and recreation units?
  • What are the expected costs for Heating, Air conditioning and general maintenance?
  • How many people is this expenditure expected to benefit?

From previous disclosures, the original Government Grant is $300,000.00, From what we can see the expected cost is $600,000.00, (not including overruns, remember the UC Jail). A pretty hefty investment in tough economic times.

We at Ulster is Your Town Too believe our seniors deserve some recognition and respect. We wonder, however, if this project might not be overkill. We understand that time is running out for utilizing the Government Grant, we are not sure though if spending an additional $300,000.00 in this economy is justified.

Is this the best way to afford our seniors with a place to gather and recreate?

Of the issues bulleted, an important question yet unanswered is the location. It has been suggested that the development site is smack dab in the middle of a Flood plain. Our Supervisor was incapable of addressing this serious issue at previous Town Board meetings. We all know how residents have suffered in recent years with flood damage, and the cost of insurance, if it is available at all. Will this be one more edifice left to ruin because we rushed in with eyes closed?

We feel this issue must be addressed before any commitment to development is initiated.

In addressing the question of overkill, have any other alternatives been discussed. Might it be economically responsible to rent a location, after all commercial vacancies are at an all time high, we are confident that a facility can be secured that would serve our seniors and all residents to their satisfaction, and might not inflict any further damage to an already exhausted budget.

The key factor in this project as with all Town Projects is to be sure we get the most bang for our buck’. The Senior Recreation Center might just be the answer, all we ask is that our local representatives do their job to protect our residents:

  • Investigate alternative solutions!
  • Verify the facts!
  • Fully disclose the projected cost!
  • Disclose the expected costs to outfit and maintain the Center!


  1. Please correct me if I am wrong, but according to I beleive it was the Kingston Times: The contract has been awarded for construction the only thing left to do is fund it. The vote was even at the Town Workshop meeting because a councilman was missing to get the 4th vote needed to approve the bond. Therefore it will be done at this Town Board Meeting on Thursday.

    But if the contract has already been awarded, it would seem that all of your questions would be pointless since the Town Board has already seen fit to build it.

    There was already some heavy equipment working in the area of the Town Hall. I don't know if that was related to this project or something else.

  2. I hope this site last longer than some of the others. Town of Ulster Soundoff. There this morning, gone tonight. Who got to them?

  3. Has anyone noticed that we awarded the bid for the Senior Center to an electrical contractor instead of to a GC? Or that we broke ground before we found out how we would pay for this fiasco? Did we learn nothing from the Ulster County Jail tobaggle??? Not sure, but when a household project is planned, you know how to pay for it before you start it... how can we commit to something and have this poor contractor start work when we have no money to pay him.... Mr. Sausto, do you like working for free???? I would like to ask our elected councilmen are you going to march in lockstep with Nicky as usual and put a greater burden on the Town taxpayers during these hard economic times? Don't forget, us seniors pay taxes too.

  4. You should read the Kingston Times Article. Basically it said the the other three are on board with Nicky. One couldn't make it to the workshop so the aye vote at Thursday's meeting is a given.

    Sounds like Kitchen is the only no vote. Thank you to him for at least looking out for us and trying to stop us from going into debt.

  5. I know this doesn't pertain to the Senior Center, but does anyone know where this went???? I thought blogs were created to express opinions, not censureship!!!!
    This was on the Town of Ulster Police Blog site.

    Tuesday, August 18, 2009
    Leadership problems with Ulster PD
    As happens in government from time to time, politics rears its ugly head and affects both the employee morale and the operation of an organization/department. This has been the case under the leadership of Supervisor Woerner, Chief Watzka and illegally appointed “Deputy Chief” Sinagra. This is evidenced by the “fast-tracked” promotion of non-resident Joseph Sinagra (son of former county big shot Phil Sinagra) from Sergeant to Lieutenant (a newly created position) then to Deputy Chief (another new position) without even the benefit of the Civil Service process. The second promotion even by-passed a more qualified and tenured Lieutenant of the Ulster Police Department. The now vacant 2nd lieutenant’s position now sits and waits to be filled by another person based on political preference, not by qualifications.

    This has caused UPD to become a “good old boys” department. Where if you don’t support the Supervisor (up for re-election) or you are not one of Watzka’s or Sinagra’s “boys”, then your future is bleak. There is no checks and balances here either, because not only is Woerner the Police Commissioner but he also runs the town Board, whose members are oblivious to this problem.

    Posted by Town of Ulster Concerned Resident at 9:07 PM 3 comments Links to this post

  6. While its true the Board has approved the Senior Center Project and the location, the full Board must vote aye' for the Bonding process. There is still time to voice opinion as to the necessity of adding more debt to our town in economic times as fragile as these.
    We already face quite a budget deficit, Retail sales taxes collected by the county have been abysmal and the short fall in the mortgage tax further exacerbates the situation.
    Residents of the The Town of Ulster cannot nor should not be subject to further property tax increases as incurred last year, but the prospect, barring some creative accounting, is not promising.
    It is the position of 'Ulster is Your Town Too', that our residents be informed not only situations yet undecided but of the consequences these decisions bring to reality.

  7. I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately it just seems like this is being forced through regardless of what the Town Residents think.

  8. This town board forces everything through no matter what the residents think or how taxpayers are affected. Ayatollah Nicky does not care about the taxpayers, as he is not one of them. He cares about (bro-in-law) Stevie making a big profit, and having his name on the signs in front. When a Chambers Elementary student wrote
    him a letter expressing fear that the bird path might be destroyed by the gigantic construction
    going on behind the school, Ayatollah Nicky responded that he'd get together with the student if they could have the press there (with a photographer from the Freeman!). The student, his parents, and the school found this pretty insulting (rightly so), and had to forget this idea. It was obvious that Ayatollah Nicky was just trying to use this elementary student to promote himself. This is what we're dealing with here. They've done enough damage--they must go.

  9. I do see a lot of progess being made now on the senior center.

    It's looking good. I hope it benefits a large majority of our residents in some way.
