2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Contractors License Law"

August 12, 2009

“Contractors Law”

Nick Woerner’s ‘Contractors License Law’, (see Town of Ulster Website townofulster.org/)
Since the public hearing of August 6th, the dust has settled regarding this proposed law, it is clear residents of the town and neighboring communities are totally against the ‘Contractors Law’. This is confirmed by the many legitimate shortfalls pointed out at the public hearing.

It should be noted this law was in fact proposed by Supervisor Woerner and drafted by Town Attorney Andy Zweban specifically for this public hearing. At the close of the August 6th hearing, Mr. Woerner stated “This law is proposed by the Town Board and comments will be taken under advisement before a decision is made”.

Let the record show that Councilman Eric Kitchen has stated, “I have not been involved in the creation of this law, nor do I support it”.

Furthermore, where was Councilman Secreto for this most important public hearing.

Questions & Concerns regarding the establishment of such legislation:

· Is this a license or a registration (this question put to Mr. Zweban was never addressed)?

· Will the Town be liable for licensed or registered contractors?

· Other than general liability & workmen’s compensation insurance, will there be ‘other qualifications’ to receive a license or be registered as a contractor?

· Who will determine whether or not an applicant is undesirable to be licensed or registered under the proposed town law?

Since this law will affect all residents, it is strongly advised that everyone review and understand the ‘Contractors License Law’ and the implications it will have on them if enacted!

“We Need a Little Less Legislation and a lot more Education!”


  1. Lets see Nickie wiggle out of this one, November can't get here fast enough!
    I hear Albany calling your name, Nickie, we need more corruption move up here! I just hope he takes his cronies, ie, Zweban Aaron Artist etc along with him!

  2. I guess Nick will propose adding a few more cops to the force to make sure this law will be enforced, by the way Nick, WHO IS THE CONTRACTOR WHO WON THE BID FOR THE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER? Not another cousin I hope!

  3. The sad thing is that come election day they will act surprised when they are voted out.

    This is like when you own a store and Vinny Fingers pays you a visit to become "licensed" to have a store in his neighborhood.

  4. The Town of Ulster does not have a full time Building Inspector in the Building Department. The Supervisor has cut back staff because of a reduced number of building projects.

    So Mr. Supervisor which cousin do you propose hiring for the position of license czar in the Town? The Town of Ulster will soon be a "closed Union Shop".

  5. Once again the incompetent Mr. Woerner is trying to impose a change in the town that can only make doing business more difficult for a person or persons he deems unacceptable. The public comment portion of the past board meeting, I believe, sent a clear message as to how the residents feel about the proposed change. I was disgusted when Mr. Woerner made a personal attack against a local town resident who is also a contractor. It appears that Mr. Woerner did not have any factual information to back up his claim. It was a frightening example of just how the proposed change might be implemented. Here is a contractor, that Mr. Woerner has an obvious bias against,that could potentially be denied a license because of his disagreement with the policies of this administration. It also appears that this proposed law is totally unecessary as any contractor applying for a permit in the town must show proof of insurance. This is not going to protect any citizen from the small time unscrupulous "handyman". It appears that there is a mechanism in place to address the contractors who perform work on the scale that require bulding permits,making this totally unecessary. What is the real motivation behind enacting this law? As to the lack of a full time building inspector? Perhaps they will hire one after Mr. Aaron finishes the shoddy construction project that is being built on a postage size piece of land near Chambers School. Wouldn't want to harm the family business!

  6. There is more here than meets the eye, it isn't just the policy, it is more the process that is questionable.
    Whenever there is strong public opposition to projects or programs Nick (or should I say Nick's contributors, after all he's just Aaron & Zweban's puppet anyway), our illustrious attorney, Andy Zweban, finds a way to take it into closed door session. No public input allowed!
    Another tactic we've seen used often; If Nick's boys feel there is opposition or the public is a little too informed, things disappear from the agenda. Just like the re-appraisal for tax purposes of the Chambers property for the benefit of Nick's brother- in-law, 'Stevie Boy' Aaron, Boy did he make out, Stevie Boy's favored son status for campaign Contributions is paying off nicely, Arron's taxes go down, our taxes go up to make up the difference!

  7. I agree with the post about the process the town board, specifically Mr. Woerner and company, uses to change zoning, taxes etc.. This current regime does not listen to nor care what the residents of the town have to say. They rule by intimidation. Pity the poor resident who does not have a great command of the english language or is not comfortable speaking in public who chooses to speak their mind at a town board meeting! Oh and those tag teaming, rubber stamping Brink brothers must go!

  8. Isn't is strange that the Town Attorney is present for all public meetings? Is it because he bills by the hour, or is it because Nicky needs to have "Uncle Andy" there to get him out of trouble. I have never seen a more bored looking person at a Town Meeting! If the opinions of the residents of the Town bore you Nicky, perhaps you should find another post!

  9. Nick isn't bored, he has no clue as to what is happening unless Zweban/Aaron tell him. The guy who mentioned the Brinks' is right on the money, it seems that Frick & Frack aka the Brinks Brothers either are 'Lost in Space' or or Nick took his hand out of their backs and their mouths can't move on their own, either way for Dave it has been a wasted 4 years and as far as Joel is concerned, his recent love affair with Nick is just to cute for words.
    Hold on till November, all signs point to a brighter future, NO NICK, NO ZWEBAN and a whole lot less AARON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. It's unfortunate that Mr. Aaron will be able to piss on the residents of the town for many years to come. He, like many other dogs has marked his territory.

  11. I don't understand, are you more upset about a needless law that won't affect many people, yes I agree, it is a unnecessary complication, I'm more concerned about the emergency fund balance, and the upcoming tax hike.

  12. I agree with anonymous that there are greater issues facing the town. As I am reading the above posts it is clear that the "contractors law" is a starting point for the many discussions to come. You raise some good points about the fund balance and tax hike. Do you wonder how many residents understand the deals that have been made? While the residents face a substantial tax hike, Mr. Aaron has a sweatheart tax deal. What about the residents whose properties border the latest Aaron project? It's unlikely their taxes will go down even though I'm sure their property is worth less with the monstrous buildings literally right in their back yards. Mr. Woerner and company have done a great disservice to the residents of this town. He has been fiscally irresponsible and has skirted the law on more than one occassion to suit the needs of a few. One thing is clear-the current regime must change in November.

  13. I don't mind paying my share of the tax bill, don't get me wrong I think our entire tax structure has to be scrapped and the playing field leveled, a flat tax seems to be the best way to go, even on a local basis, that way homeowners and businesses won't have to absorb the entire school tax burden while many renters, (low income housing etc), get away scot free and are responsible for the largest expenditures in education.
    I mind being set up for the dope by Woerner Aaron and Zweban, they make fools of us with their priority treatment of their friends and family at the expense of the rest of 12,500 residents of the Town. Talk about Elitist mentality, The entire nation is up in arms over the way congress is treating us, I hope Nick knows that his treatment is like rubbing salt in the wound and we ain't gonna take it no more!

  14. What about the bonds we now owe and what about the proposal for another 1.2 million bond to pay for the senior center and a couple other of Nick's pet projects, pet meaning Nick;s friends, family and campaign contributors benefit and we foot the bill come tax season! And what did happen to the 'emergency fund balance', it was once over a million dollars, I heard there is only a few thousand left?

  15. pay attention to the bills being paid at this upcoming town board meeting (aug. 20th) i belive there was a REFUND sent to mr.aaron for overpaid taxes (to the tune of over $6,000.)..(and it was sent by nicky, who i thought was supposed to stay out of any thing aaron?!)
    also, mr zweben does get paid by the hour, $150.00 to be exact. look for his over $20,000. payout this month also........alot of smaller bills add up to one very large bill!

  16. How can the proposed Contractor License Law help the residents of the Town of Ulster when at the same meeting which introduced this law, the Town Engineers recomended a bid from Sausto Contracting stating that there were "no outstanding violations" for them. Perhaps their expertise should be limited to engineering because investigation is not their strongpoint. Did they miss the citation on Mr. Sausto on permit #07-66 issued on 5-4-07 in Rhinebeck in regards to work being started without a building permit and a lack of inspections on the footings at 2 Clove Rd. where Susan Sausto was the applicant. This was found after a basic preliminary search.
    Perhaps this just fell "between the cracks". More and more, these "cracks" are giving the Grand Canyon competition in the Wonders of the World category.
    How can something so obvious be overlooked, and just how thorogh will the powers that be look into the background of proposed contractors. I guess they are covered because one line in the proposed law says something to the effect that the Town can not be held responsible for contractors who have licenses who should not have them.
    Who benefits from this law? Are the main players Nicky and Andy even taxpayers in this Town??? Do they get affected? That's right, Nicky still lives with Mommy and Andy lives in the city of Kingston. How comical is that.

  17. I'm not sure I understand the need for a senior center. Hasn't Stevie provided community rooms for seniors at his housing projects in the town? It's the least he can do given the deals that have been made in his favor. The residents of this town have to step up election day and vote for change.

  18. Do you really expect a guy like Steve Aaron to provide anything to anybody in this town without first making a buck off the taxpayers, We are talking about the same guy who sued his own mother?
    If he was such a good developer & neighbor to the Town & city why didn't he put sidewalks in his Birches development adjacent to Colonial Gardens, Wouldn't it have been a good idea so those poor people wouldn't have to walk down Flatbush Ave in the street, sometimes with little children by their side or in strolers?
    What's in it for me? Steve Aaron a Great Humanitarian LOL LOL LOL!

  19. Thank you for laying out Contractors license laws in terms we all can understand. I admit that I sometimes get lost in the intricacies!
    contractors license bond

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