2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

When it comes to celebrating the holidays, 'there is no place like home'! A warm fire, the intermingling of aromas filling the house with mouth watering anticipation. Family and friends literally talking 'turkey' around the dinner table.
Fathers and sons gearing up for opening day rituals of hunting season. Mothers and daughters milling around the kitchen putting the last minute touches on table settings and pumpkin pies.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a great Holiday Season!


  1. Men don't help around the house getting dinner ready? You mean that's women's work?

  2. 9:52 Boy some people will start an argument over anything these days, do me a favor 9:52 go scratch your ass!

  3. yes 10:19, you love your women barefoot and pregnant. You're just as much of a misogynist as the blogger if you think that the blogger's mindset isn't in the 1950s! Interesting that your response is negative and nasty. That's your moronic way of defending the dinosaur of a blogger (unless, of course, you ARE the blogger). You're obviously an old, white, male Republican who agrees with the blog. You don't think for yourself because you can't think for yourself.

    You agree with everything you read on this blog and the news? You can't come up with a cogent argument? Blogs can't be controversial to stir up a conversation? And if someone disagrees with you, you tell them to scratch their ass? You're old (maybe not even chronologically, but mentally), but you're not wise.

  4. ha ha ha...guess 9:52 struck a nerve with 10:19. Looks like 10:19 has been watching too much of Little House on the Prairie!

  5. 952 How IGNORANT are you???

  6. I can't believe how a little tradition can threaten the foundation of ideologically moronic. Any thought of a traditional holiday really irritates a nerve.
    So much for grandma's house and a little appreciation for the things sorely missed in our society, (and before you call me a misiogynist as well I'm a woman), it was nice to cook for my family, my husband usually does the cooking, I thought he might enjoy a litle foodball. I didn't feel as though he thought me subserviant to him, in fact it was nice, so nice in fact I'm going to cook again Sunday, even our kids enjoyed it.
    I feel sorry for those, (9:52,11:30 and 12:02) you guys must bee really insecure if you are threatend by tradition, All I can say is I'm glad you're not my husband, I bet you are just as critical of your wives and your children!

  7. I gotta agree with 10:01 some of the comments sound like they grew up where everyone wins and if one guy outta 1000 complains that it's too hot, well gee lets buy a big ole air conditioner and freeze out the 999 just to make him happy, why not tell him to just put on a sweater?
    Besides there are women who feel that cooking a meal is what they like, are they all mis treated as well?
    And as far as the hunting thing goes, I rather teach my son how to hunt, I'll leave the Barbie Dolls for his sister!

  8. ha ha ha - I'm a woman too - and I cooked, cleaned, and shopped - but my husband helped set the table, cleared the table, and did the dishes. Why is that ignorant? Why is "tradition" that men can't help around the house? I mow the lawn, shovel snow, and take out the garbage. My husband helps with laundry. I work outside the home.

    For all you "traditionalists" out there, I feel sorry for you. You're setting up your sons and daughters for disappointment. Your son will expect his wife to wait on him hand and foot, and your daughters will be subservient.

    It is amazing that the right-wing segment of society truly still thinks - in the 21st century - that women should be in the kitchen.

    BTW - I cook all year 'round, too. I cook, clean, shop, and do laundry. But my husband HELPS around the house. He changed the kids' diapers when needed and read them bedtime stories. He's a Viet Nam veteran - he ain't no pansy.

    The roles aren't as well defined as you all would like them to be. I love doing things for my husband, children, and extended family, but the men can help.

    The fact that you're all giving me a hard time about it tells me that none of you do help - and you don't think you should have to. But I bet your wives wish you would.

  9. 5:49 - why am I ignorant? Because I believe that husband and wife should share household duties? I feel sorry for your wife.

  10. And this is why there is a Conservative/Republican controlled town board.

  11. What in the hell is 10:41 talking about, since when to conservatives and republicans have a monopoly on tradition.
    I love the traditions my family has handed down, and honestly, I make a better turkey than my husband, he paints the molding a bit better than me, we go with our strengths, but I still fail to see the connection.
    My daughter played with barbie dolls untill she was 11 now she blays softball with her older brother, she's pretty good too, I just don't see the connection. If people weren't so afraid of the differences in us they might enjoy things a little more, If I wern't a lady I'd tell you where to stick all that political correctness crap!

  12. 10:41 is right. Ulster is stuck in the 50's and 60's.

  13. Most Republicans I talk to long for the days of Orvil Norman and Dick Boice.

  14. You know what you people are really sick!

  15. 7:36
    You got that right! Since when is tradition such a bad thing?

  16. It used to be traditional for women not to vote, for women to stay at home and raise the children, cook and keep the house. It used to be traditional for women to be subservient to men.
    There is a reason that changed. It is time for the town of Ulster Republicans to catch up.

  17. what does being a republican have to do with it?
    I just don't get your logic! It sounds like the idea of tradition has to do with much more than household chores!
