2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Friday, December 2, 2011

Congratulations Joe Sinagra!

As per the Freeman's article in todays issue, former Town of Ulster Deputy Chief of Police, Joe Sinagra is moving on. He will become Deputy Chief of Police in Saugerties.

We would like to congratulate Joe and thank him for his many, many years of service to the Town of Ulster and wish him Good Luck & God Speed.

Saugerties will be a safer town with Joe watching over it!

Thanks Joe!


  1. Well it looks like Quigley is keeping his promise to clean out the Ulster PD!
    Our gain is Saugerties Loss!

  2. I glad someone else realizes that..... Don't let the door hit you.

  3. I'd really like to say something nice about Joe but I got to know him well when Woerner was Supervisor and I'm still wondering how you could fit such a BIG ego in such a LITTLE body.
    Well any way out with the 'MOLD' in with the NEW!

  4. I get it..............Out with the MOLD, cute.

  5. Half of his years of service for "Ulster" were spent sitting on his A** working for the county. How anyone hired him as a potential chief I don't know. Apparently, Saugerties is someplace the old Republican machine still have some juice.

  6. So what is it, he was so tight with Woerner a Democrat and 9:13 claims he's connected to the OLD Republican machine, is he a bi-partisan kiss-ass or an unbiased kiss-ass, well at least he doesn't have to bend over to kiss ass!

  7. Congratulations Joe, Saugerties is better off with you on the force. don't let any of these comments bother you.

  8. Seriously... do you think Woerner was tight with the Democrats? They hated him then and hate him even more now. He couldn't even get an Alderman nod in his hometown. Sinagra got every job he ever had through his political connections, he is a tool. Every cop in Ulster County can not stand the guy, ask around. Why do you think he spent so much time working at DSS?
    Woerners biggest supporters were Jim Maloney, Al Spada, Nina Postupack, Maryann DeGroodt who is Sinagra's first cousin, Ozzie Beichert, Craig Artist, and on and on. The only Democrats that supported him were scum like Zweben. Weorner was a Republican puppet.

  9. Asst. Chief Sinagra is a decent guy and a professional. I was very disappointed when he let himself get caught up in Nicky's dirty political games. I think Taggard was the better choice for Chief but had Sinagra used better judgement and stayed out of politics he would have been a more serious contender for the job.

    I wish him luck in Saugerties and I am glad to see that he is moving on and furthering his career.

  10. Congratulations Deputy Chief Sinagra, soon to be chief. To all the people with the negative comments, you have no clue. I work there, Joe was the last of the professional administrators here. Our department is quickly falling apart. There is no leadership. I was proud to work for Ulster PD, now its an embarrassment to work here.

  11. 4:27 Spada, Zweben, DeGroodt, Beichert and Artist are all 'gonifs', do you know waht a gonif is? It's someone who is only in it for what he can get out of it for himself. There is no political loyalty, their only loyalties are to money & power and they will use people like s Charmin'. Woerner was far too young to know, far to eager to please them but he too did it for himself and sold out the dem's in the Town.
    Now he has a reputation he can't shake, a political future that is a non-starter and a vapor trail that even EPA regulators can't eliminate.
    Sinagra was just as bad as the worst of politicians, he can't hold a candle to his dad, at least his dad was honest enough to say plainly, "What's in it for Me"? Joe is a sneaky little shit who kisses-up while sharpening the blade, watch you backs up in Saugerties, no allegience is to valuble, no friendship to close to guarantee his loyalty.

  12. It's a shame Joe is a great guy, but as far as the job went he was a major phony!

  13. *850pm* maybe if you r so embarrassed you should get that resume out elsewhere. Look for some other form of employment, the facts r the police department is doing a great job with less $$$. Leadership is excellent, as is moral. I do hear the HVM is always out looking for new security guards, maybe that will be more up your alley! The job shouldn't be about what party your boss is enrolled with, it should be about his/her ability to lead, Taggard along with his entire force are leading this town just fine, so get over yourself.

  14. Anyone person who counts Nick Woerner as a friend has very questionable judgement as far as I am concerned. I am in agreement that Sinagra is one of the political opportunist that snakes his way into any opening he can get his family to push for. One thing I am glad to see is that these people are being called out. Woerner, Spada, and the Sinagaras et al.

  15. woerner Spada and Sinagra may top the list but bichert and aaron, zweben and degroot are all just as slimey, I wonder if Mike Berardi knows the kind of people that make up the Democrat party in the town. I feel bad for him, he's far too honest to get mixed up with such questionable characters.

  16. 12:57 Mike has his hands full and that's putting it mildly, even though most of the names except woerner are republicans. The worst guy you mention is Ozzie bichert, what a complete moron he is, "Here's yur sign"

  17. The people who make up the real Democratic party in Ulster certainly can not be mentioned in the same paragraph as sum like Spada, Degroodt, Zweben, Biechert, Aaron or Woerner. Most of them are republicans anyway.

    The "Democratic party" that woerner brought in was full of relatives and friends who had nothing to do with Ulster before Woerner got here and have been invisible and silent since he lost and had nothing left for them to take.

    Look back and see who was here before Woerner and you will see decent, hardworking and honest people. They will be back, just a matter of time.

  18. the best thing that could happen to the town was woerner, at least now we wont see another democrat controlled town board for some time to come.

  19. Good luck & Good riddance Joe.................

  20. This whole Democrat Vs.Republican thing is ridiculous. There are good public servants and bad public servants. At the town level, philosophical differences are minimal, it is mainly administering the budget and making sure the town codes are being followed by developers and everyone else. You are either protecting the taxpayers in all phases of operations or you are not. That is what makes a good representative.

    We have had/have bad apples from both parties. Some work hard, some don't work at all. Some are creative and proactive, some are along for the ride and just show up for meetings. It has absolutely nothing to do with party affiliation. The sooner people figure that out, the better off everyone will be. We need people who will do was is right for the taxpayers, not what is right for their political party.

  21. I agree 1153 you hit the nail right on the head!!!
