2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Friday, September 16, 2011


The Democrat Party of the Town of Ulster will likely let local elections November 8th, come and go without a contest. As much a testament to the successes of Town of Ulster Supervisor James Quigley, III, it is probably a continuing rebuke of the actions of former Supervisor Nick Woerner, (who recently lost in his primary bid for City of Kingston Alderman, Ward 5).

Town of Ulster Democratic Party Chairman, Michael Berardi, a former Ulster County Assemblyman and successful local politician and businessman, no doubt has his hands full in rebuilding the party.

Regardless of party affiliation, a robust political contest, including all the discourse and debate, can be the best thing for town residents. It brings to the forefront their issues and concerns. It forces contestants to layout their vision and in general keeps their feet to the fire. Conversely, it means virtually one half of the electorate have lost their voice in their community.

Win, Lose or draw, competition in politics is just as important as competition in the marketplace. In the marketplace, it gives consumers a choice and keeps prices low, in politics, it keeps our elected officials on their toes and addresses the concerns of the electorate.

Without discrediting the current Administration, for a stronger future, lets hope Mr. Berardi enjoys much success in rebuilding the Town of Ulster Democrat Party.


  1. Berardi's a good man, if anyone can increase the ranks of the local dems, he can.
    Quigley did a good job, there are still a lot of things in town that need attention but overall with the hand he was dealt, he did a good job.
    Although I didn't have a stake in Woerner's bid for Ward 5 I was really glad he lost, I wouldn't wish him on my worst enemy.
    Brink & Kitchen should have been challenged, if for no other reason thankeeping Joel awake and Eric in tune,
    Jason's position should not be political, it should be made permanant and he should be able to hold it. He is one Town official that does the right thing for everyone.
    Petremale did a good job, lets see what happens with dept cuts though,
    Marsha weiss is as good a town justice as there is, our town can boast on behalf of both Marsha and Susan (Kesick), they are classy women and fair and honest judges.
    I would have like to have seen some fellow dems challange the town board members but there is always next election.

  2. It's not that hard to understand, there is no way a democrat can get elected this year and even next, so why suffer the indignity.
    But don't worry, WE'LL BE BACK! these guys just aren't that good!

  3. Nobody wants to be a loser

  4. Rocky,

    We need you back. Why didn't you run again? Please organize a write in campaign. We need you to do what Kitchen did for the 2 years on the Town Board. Stand up to these guys.

  5. Secreto, PUH LEEEEEEEEEZE! We're just getting out from under the pile of Sh*t that Nicky Boy left us with and you want some of those guys back, yeah I guess you want Aaron and Zweben back too?

  6. Rocko Secreto, The last time you ran you got crushed by a long shot. How bad would you lose to two guys that actually do a decent job. Your a loser. Stick to packing out bread isles you have almost mastered that art. Your as dumb as a box of rocks. You may have at one point had the people of the TOU bamboozled, but the days of the back door politics in this town are over, just like your political career, LOU.

  7. 11:41am

    Are you nuts? At least if you are going to try to get a democrat to run at least pick a competent one. There are several in this town, but they were run out by Nicky, Secreto and all of their buddies. And we can see by their actions how much Secreto and Co. cared to stick up for this town. As soon as the checks stopped, they picked up their ball (and scoreboards) and went home.

  8. no one should condone less practice personal derision, Politics is tough enough, putting yourself out there these days means that you and you family are subject to various types of slander, true or untrue, if we continue to treat our neighbors with such distain we will one day be hard pressed to find anyone willing to subject themselves to public scrutiny.
    It's product of the 2 party system, the us against them mentality. If we cast our vote for the better man and leave party loyalties behind we might one day get the leadership we desire rather than the leadership we deserve.

  9. NIcky got his ass kick in ward 5 what's the odds he gets the message or will he move to another state and run for office where they don't know him.

    Someone told Nicky Boy when he first won the supervisors seat in TofU that it is his office now, make the best of it, he sold out to his cousin and his attny before the last vote was counted and will pay for that forever!

  10. Just to make my point the TofU Dem committee is still trying to recover from Nicks arrogance and deceit

  11. Although he acknowledges the problems with the Democrats, I don't think the writer of this blog has a full understanding of the depth of the damage Nick Woerner and Co. did to the Democrats in Ulster. The committee is demoralized and pretty much defunct. Woerner and his partners in crime, people like Secreto, Zweben, Artist, Joe Boris (his father) and Uncle Jeff Primo, cut out the people who worked to build the party that allowed Woerner to get elected in the first place. It was a very foolish thing to do. Short sighted and short lived.

    Sure, Jim Quigley has done a decent job, but certainly nothing outstanding. Basic, competent administrating is Jim's hallmark. There is nothing that has happened during his term that will make people remember him. He has done a fine job as supervisor, again nothing outstanding.

    This Town Board has been utterly forgettable. I am willing to bet that 80-90% of Ulster residents do not even know who is on the Town board. They have done nothing to distinguish themselves either.

    If the Democrats want to get back in this thing, they will first have to rebuild and bring back some of the people that brought them up in the first place. They know who they are. If a couple of those guys were on the ballot, they would have a fair chance against Brink and Kitchen. Both of those guys are useless and need to be replaced. After all this time Jason Consenza is a semi-competent clerk, he has had some issues with filing certain items on time and his office always looks like a hurricane has passed through, not professional at all. Marsha Weis hasn't been censured or anything, so I guess she is OK too.

    In short, I think the Republicans are pretty lucky to get a free pass this year. There are certainly vulnerable candidates on the ballot, but the Democrats are so damaged by the Woerner legacy, they can get away with it.

  12. 720, Sounds to me like you must be the most knowledgeable, memorable, making things happen candidate out there. Maybe you should have thought about this 6 months ago and you could have thrown your hat into this uncontested race. As for all of the average joes according to you, we currently have in office, just remember they haven't had too much opportunity to go doing new things, because they are still fixing all of the screw ups from good ole boy NICKY and crew. My advice to you is, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, because I don't believe anyone that would be in office currently could do a better job than these individuals that are there right now are doing. Obviously the DEMS knew enough not to let anymore screwballs such as Secreto or anyone else get involved to make the town move backwards, so obviously they like what is taking place currently and they don't want to throw a wrench into the works.

  13. Dateline October, 2029..As the Dems complain about the do nothing town board, The Republicans claim the are still trying to clean up the mess Nicky Weorner left there over 20 years ago!

    When will it ever end.

  14. 720, You know what is funny to me? All of the critiquing everyone is willing to do about the current administration, whom is trying harder than what this town has experienced over the past several years, particularly the Nick, Rocky years or should I say the years of CORRUPTION!!! I agree with 107 these people are still fixing past problems, obviously you don't understand how deep this goes. The Dems no matter how weak or strong they may be, would be willing to get involved with these issues. They have been run out of this town and with morons such as Secreto still believing he has voters that support him is simply a JOKE!!! Obviously someone realized that and they blew him right off skipping his endorsement. If the Dems are ever to attempt coming back into the TOU leave Secreto where he belongs at HOME!!!

  15. 9:00, No one, especially Democrats stick up for Woerner and his cronies. Secreto is like the ball player or boxer who does not see what everyone else sees when it is time to pack it in. He will need that 0-30 slump or 1st round knockout to get the message.

    Why do you compare yourself to what everyone acknowledges was a complete failure of an experiment?
    It is like saying your new 2003 Hyundai is far superior to the 1997 Kia you had before. When what was advertised before election was, elect us and you get a shiny new Mercedes! Ever here of bait and switch?
    Nicky's crew is gone, you knew what you were inheriting, or at least you said you did, yet you continue to blame them. It has to stop sometime. You were elected to fix these things and get Ulster on the right track. Things look OK, but not great. In fighting and a do nothing town board are to blame. Quigley would be 10x's better with a competent town board to work with. Too bad the Democrats couldn't challenge Brink and Kitchen.

  16. 1:07 Yeah it's just like saying that we should give millions of $s more to solar cronies of Obama, after all IT'S JUST AN EXPERIMENT! You're an ass. Don't justify poor government with a high school science project. THis is real money, real people and real consequences, or do you think we are all just lab rats at your disposal?
    Again you are a complete and utter ASS!

  17. 2:17 PM, When you run out of logical responses, resort to dragging in totally unrelated issues and name calling. I love it.

    No one compared or related anything to a "high school science project". I am surmising from your cryptic statement that you are talking about what for all intents and purposes, was an experiment by the town of ulster voters in trying an unknown entity to govern. AKA voting in the Woerner administration. Get it now?

    Maybe I should bring it down a bit to an easier reading comprehension level, would that help?

    The fact remains, with the exception of Jim Quigley, the town Board members on the ballot this fall should be replaced. Brink is damaged goods ever since the Republicans abandoned him and he stood by Woerner's side for 4 years. Eric Kitchen is simply too incompetent to govern.
    Neither has done a thing for the voters in the last 4 years. Wait,I take that back. Kitchen got a town law to stop trees from being chopped down, after they chopped his Mother's tree down.

  18. 3:23 It's not personal but...............
    You're the person calling it an experiment, I think maybe ass wasn't quite right, a verbose ass would be more like it/like it or not!
    Maybe a little clarity would help as well, it's awfully har to know what you're thinking, it's pretty muddled in that brain of your's!
    CLARITY, Clarity, clarity!

  19. Kitchen and Brink aren't the only one's who should be replaced.


    Maloney (Wadnola is already gone) ignoring his constituents, just like Woerner, his best buddy.

  20. The one thing the Democrats did right was keep that Secreto off the ballot even if it cost them every elected position in the town. He is an selfish, egomaniac who thinks he is smarter than everyone else.

  21. 3:23. I understood you and you are correct. Quigley is the only one with 1/2 a brain.

  22. I just don't get it, the Town's finances are finally on the right track, we're making small improvements in infrastructure, (ok really small improvements but improvements none the less), the towns depts are running more efficiently, including the Transfer station and recreation, and all in the face of the worst economy since Carter was President, what's so bad? KUDO's Quigley and Co.

  23. I will be writing in the name of a person who I would like to see back in the Legislature and a person who I would like to see on the town board. The choices we have are so bad, I will be using the write in for the first time in my life. I encourage everyone to write in someone if they are unhappy with the choices. Maloney has to go, he has too much on his plate with all the Assessors jobs, the building department and as a Legislator for both towns. Brink and Kitchen haven't done a thing in 4 years. The Democrats didn't do the taxpayers any favors this year.

  24. Its tough to say Brink and Kitchen haven't done a thing, At least Kitchen does due diligence before he casts a vote, Joel is just a little too complacent and maybe should have been challenged.
    Just because you don't like the way a Boardmember votes, or most likely are from the opposition party doesn't mean that the Boardmember is working, he may just not agree with your point of view.

  25. Well said 1102am, I have to say I have witnessed the current town board in action and they do what is best for all, not just a certain few, they always have what is in the best interest of the taxpayer. As for the past administration I have witnessed them as well and I have to say I feel more informed now, as to what is going on in the town. Everything before seemed on the down low, as a taxpayer that just doesn't fly. The current board is doing great keeping government open to the public and now they have the opportunity to start moving forward, because they have almost gotten themselves and us back to surface and out of that deep hole Woerner, Secreto and Artist created.

  26. The only town issue I can recall Kitchen taking a stand on is the tree cutting issue. Waste of a chair on the board. His personal indiscretions notwithstanding, he is simply a poor representative. Brink will be about 97 when the next term is over, not to be an ageist, but he is getting a bit long in the tooth and not as sharp as he once was.

  27. Things at the town board will be changing, and for the better, candidates will really want to be on it as a service, with Healthcare costs getting out of control, it may no longer be part of the pay package for boardmembers, they make about $10k a year in salary but 2x's that much in benefits, gotta be the next thing to cut, I bet about 60% of taxpayers are paying their own HC costs these days. One perk they should do without.

  28. 10:28, watch Kitchen run away when that happens. Free Healthcare is why he is there.

  29. Why is Jim Maloney having his fundraiser Thursday night (Oct 13) at the Hillside Manor? It's in the City of Kingston, and he doesn't even represent any part of the City. What an insult to the all the restaurateurs in the Town of Ulster. He's such an idiot, he probably doesn't even know where the city ends and his town begins.

  30. 8:41 If you check the actual District he represents you'll find that part of the city is in it. If you have a point to make here you fallen short!

  31. 9:53,
    The Hillside Manor is not in Maloney's district now and will not be in the district after January 1st. The fact remains he is holding a fund rasier outside of his district. There are a multitude of restaurants within the district that Maloney could have chosen. This is an insult to those business owners. I guess Jim does not support his local hometown businesses, which is a shame.

  32. You should have been their. The Greek Restaurant community was out in full support of Jim Maloney tonight. Perhaps you should ask them how they feel about an event in a place of business owned by one of their own? Besides one of the family members who owns Hillside is a resident of the Town of Ulster. Get over it and identify a real issue in this campaign. Where is Trot on Golden Hill. I hear he danced around the issue at a meeting of seniors at Chambers two weeks ago. At least Maloney is on the record for keeping county owned. right or wrong he has taken a position for the world to see.

  33. The owner of the Hillside lives in Maloney's District. Right down the street from him a matter a fact.

  34. 8:41 - you have your head up your ass if you think the Hillside Manor is in Maloney's new district. Are you that stupid that you don't know that the lines were re-drawn and we're now down to single-member districts? If you don't know what you're talking about, then shut up. The Hillside Manor is in Kingston, and the new legislative lines are completely within Kingston.

    Maloney should be supporting the district he represents. There are lots of good, privately owned restaurants in his town where he could've held his fundraiser: Skytop, Christina's, Bowery Dugout, Reginato's...Fred's Place!

    Maloney is an ass - and people are too afraid to publicly support his opponent (Mark Trott) because Maloney is so vindictive that they're afraid he'd do something illegal like raise their assessment. He is useless.

    What has Maloney done while on the legislature? What legislation has he introduced?

    He hasn't an original thought in his head. He's got to go.

  35. 8:45 maybe the answer is that we shouldn't appoint a politician as tax assessor. Maybe we need to ask ourselves if there is a conflict of inteest here. I think jim has kept himself above board, he may be as you say incompetent but I don't believe he is dishonest. Kinda sounds a lot like Obama's DOJ Pick, (wont mention his name, he's getting enough press these days with Fast & Furious). It sounds more like you have a personal issue with Maloney, that's why we have elections, cast your vote and move on, there will always be at least 1/2 of the electorate unhappy with the outcome. and honestly now you weren't going to support Maloney so why do you care where or why he chose the Hillside for it, or do you own one of those restaurants you list.
    Either way, it's why we have elections. Oh and Why does a legislator have to introduce legislation to be successful, Obama introduced Healthcare and look where that has gotten us. Dodd/Frank introduced Banking legislation and it doesn't look all that promising, need I go on!

  36. Why is it that every time someone criticizes Maloney or any local politician, someone, probably the same person, tries to compare them to Obama? It is really stupid and makes no sense.

    As for Maloney, he is a walking, talking conflict of interest and has been since the day he was elected. The local businesses should remember who supported them with a fundrasier (Trott) and who did not (Maloney.

  37. 8:45 AM

    Do your homework.

    Go to:http://www.co.ulster.ny.us/resolutions/index.html

    Type in Maloney. Check archived Resolutions.

    713 pages of Resolutions going back to 2004.

    Maloney took the lead this year when the cost sharing ratio for the Safety Net Program was changed from 50% - 50% to 71% - 29%. He led the fight for the County to apply money from the TANF Program to keep the ratio at 50% - 50% saving the Town of Ulster $150,000 and a middle of the year layoff. He continues to fight for a County takeover of Safety Net and to keep Golden Hill open as a County facility.

    Do nothing. I don't think so. I just think is too personal for you.

  38. 7:27: Bad, bad examples.....5 minutes research got me the following.

    Bob Aiello has 1,218 in the same period and from what I hear, he didn't even show up for a couple of years.

    TANF? Led the fight for it? He should have sponsored or at least co-sponsored resolutions for fair distribution of it then right? Nah, he isn't a sponsor this year or any year. How about the task force to fix the safety net problem? Sponsor, co-sponsor? Nope, not that either. Not this year or any year. Show me where Maloney was a leader in anything. Leaders create and promote ideas. They don't jump on a bandwagon after someone else does the work. Maloney is the ultimate bandwagon Legislator.

    Golden Hill should not be a County run facility, it cost's taxpayers $8- $10 million a year. Bad decision for the taxpayers. Good decision for the friends and family plan.

  39. LOL 7:27, How does it feel to get completely owned? 12:00, hit the nail on the head.

    Unfortunately 7:27, you are typical of the town of Ulster voters who elect Maloney because he is the Assessor and the Legislator. Ask other officials what they think of him. You will find out he is one of the most despised do nothing people in politics.

  40. There seems to be a big HEIN PROBLEM, It seems that the ruin Steve Aaron caused the Town of Ulster was not enough to runhim outta town, NOW it seems he is the "unnamed person" HEIN intends to sell GOlden Hill to! As if Aaron's past actions are not enough to close him out of county opeations if this sale goes forward, (AARON IS ONE OF MIKE HEIN'S BIGGEST CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTORS, SOUND A LITTLE LIKE SOLYNDRA), both of them ought to be run out of the county on a rail. ANd Hein should take a page out of the Nick Woerner Playbook, Steve Aaron is a death knell to anyones political aspirations, he is so damn corrupt i's inconcievable and he will use anyone (regardless of political party) he can to get some easy pick'ns, that's government money for those new to politics.
    Why doen't the Freeman do soem serious journalism and show this scheme for what it is.
    Shumer was holding a fund raiser for Hein in NYC, LEnefsky was involed as well but when the tickets read: "SPONSORED BY THE BIRCHESE" Everyone pulled out and the event was cancelled.

  41. With all the cheap shots taken at Maloney finally coming to an end I'm glad that someone was sharp enough to start discussing the real issues in the Town & COunty,
    Doesn't anyone remember how bad things were when Woerner, Aaron and Zweben were running the town? Can you imagine how bad things will be in the COunty, after all a piece of a $400 million dollar budget is gonna be a lot bigger than that of a $10 million one.
    If Birchez via Aaron gets to buy Golden Hill the residents there will all be treated the way Steve treated his mother, he stole all her money and kicked her to the curb, any doubters out there?

  42. Why is the city of Kingston cosidering approving another aaron boondoggle, another senior development paid for by the taxpayers so that aaron can collect the rents for himself, and wait until he demands a pilot, that's payment in lieu of taxes, for the develo[pmentjsut to screw the city out of any future tax revenue so he can increase his profit margin, on the backs of the taxpayers.

  43. 3:53 has a good point - Aaron negotiates a PILOT, then when the project is completed, decides it's too high. He doesn't pay anything while he fights it, leaving the rest of the taxpayers holding the bag.

    Unfortunately, Woerner, Artist, Secreto, and BRINK fell for Zweben's push to help Aaron. Aaron saw his PILOT reduced by 80%, and the ToU taxpayers got hammered with a 20% tax increase.

    Only Kitchen stood up to Woerner and company.

    Aaron is now going to do the same thing to Kingston, and eventually the entire county when he buys Golden Hill.

    Maybe the silver lining is that when Aaron screws the entire county, Hein will be blamed and will go down in a ball of flames. His reputation will be destroyed due to his support of Aaron.
