2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Sunday, September 11, 2011

2011 Town of Ulster 911 Memorial

(click post title above for related video)

In remembering our past we insure our future.

On a rather gloomy Sunday morning friends and neighbors came together to honor and give our thanks to the heroic men and women who paid the ultimate price to save the lives of others whom they could not know. They did so, some many times over, knowing full well the odds of their death grew greater with every attempt at rescue.

These fearless men and women are a testament to the character that has made America great. On this day, which lives on in the hearts of all of us who refuse to let time dull that memory, we give you thanks. We must also thank those who, with God’s Grace lived on to tell us these stories of heroism on behalf of those no longer among us.

The tales of heroism are far too numerous, the loss of life still far too great as September 11th, 2001 stands out as Americas greatest tragedy.

As young American men and women in uniform continue to sacrifice their lives to ensure such a tragedy is never repeated, we must remain vigilant.

It would be a far greater tragedy if such an event were ever to happen again.


  1. Thanks for sharing, it was a fitting tribute.

  2. Is it really 10 years? Now all we have to do is finish up in Afghanistan and Iraq, straighten out our economy, put a few million people back to work and elect a President and Congress who have a clue and we might be say'n something!

  3. At least we didn't have to listen to Mayor Bloomberg and all the bull about no invocations, no prayer and no clergy. What an ass he is.
    Ulster gave it the dignity it rightfully deserves!

  4. Thanks for the video, I couldn 't make the ceremony, it must have been something, what are the flags?
