2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Monday, November 29, 2010

Santa Visits The Town of Ulster

As reported on YNN this morning:

The Tree Lighting Ceremony and Santa's 'Coming to Town' was enjoyed by an estimated 300 residents, (although the news segment estimated only 100), Sunday Evening around 6:30 at the new Senior Citizens Center at Town Hall.

Santa made it down to the ceremony courtesy of Ulster Hose #5, after all Santa's Sleigh might be capable of flight but taking off and landing without the benefit of snow makes things a bit iffy!

All the children attending were treated to a visit with Santa, (whose lap began to show some wear as the evening progressed), a complement of candy and stuffed animals seemed to satisfy even the most doubtful in the crowd.

Gift requests complete, hot chocolate and apple cider, donuts and cakes were enjoyed by all.

There is something about Small Town USA & Christmas, it's just a little bit special when friends and neighbors can share the Holiday Spirit without worrying about the PC police and Politics.

The Tree lighted and Santa heading back to the North Pole for some last minute details, it's safe to say:
'Merry Christmas to All & to All a Good Night'


  1. It was really very nice, my kids loved it and Dick was a great Santa!

  2. It was great but it's always the same people who come to events like this, it would be nice to see some new faces. Anyway, it's the little things that make T of U a nice place to raise a family. Thanks for putting it on!

  3. I would like to see the Author do a piece on local and state unions as well as a piece on the continued disfunction of the State Senate, Executive and Assembly as another opportunity to reconcile the State budget has passed and the issues that are at the root once again get a pass at the taxpayers expense.

  4. Cahill's twin is at it again, Uncle Shelly Silver stated that the Assembly would not meet to consider the latest proposals by Gov, Patterson as the senate considered them late on arrivial. SO the cost to the taxpayers goes up as nothing gets done and all the Assemblymen and Senators party hearty in the State Capitol on the taxpayers dime, think of the dinners and drink bills being submitted from elected officials and their staff and family members for 3 or 4 days of 'Nothing getting done' or business as usual. BUT the citizens of NYS have spoken, this is the kind of government they elelcted and our officials are surely carring out the voters demands, once again, NOTHING GETTING DONE and we pay the bill.
    Just think of the fraud involved, you think the Sunoco Station owner was bad, I'd like to see a few expense reports from some of our district reps for these four days.

  5. 740am, This event definitely brought in some new faces and families. There was probably 350 people at this event; so it was great to see some of the same faces but the event brought in many new ones as well. Great Job!!!

  6. Basketball season began last night, saw a game at CHambers, the kids are good, the coaches as well.

  7. 2:44, The campaign is over.
    Assemblymen and Senators party hearty in the State Capitol on the taxpayers dime, think of the dinners and drink bills being submitted from elected officials and their staff and family members for 3 or 4 days

    Where in the hell do you come up with this stuff? Do you actually believe that? Ignorance would be an understatement.

  8. IS IT SARCASM? I cant tell anymore, NYS reps are in Albany, they are using hotels their staff are using hotels, they are eating and drinking, at least if they are from this planet but I sometimes wonder, it is addng to the cost of government, is it costing the taxpayers at a time when we don't even have a budget? You answer that question. They are in Albany doing nothing, they have been doing nothing for a very long time now and unless we as state citizens do something, stopping campaign contributions would be one thing, they will continue to do nothing for some time to come!
    These are the facts!

  9. First of all, State legislators both Senators and Assemblyman do not have traveling staff. They have staff assigned in Albany and in district offices. They do not put staff up in hotels and feed them. They are on salary and do not get meal allowance or overtime.
    The only ones who are allowed to take per diem are the legislators. Some do not take a nickle of per diem, like Kevin Cahill and some of the legislators who live within driving distance.

    They are also passing legislation, albeit, not front burner stuff and not the most important things that should be addressed, but they are working.

  10. 10:53 About all I can say is BULL Sh*t no matter how you try to spin it Bull Sh*t!

  11. 2:04, Tell me what is bullshit?

  12. I think he means The entire dysfunctional body of NYS government is a joke, and that you can't spin!
    I may not agree with his exagerations but his sentiment is undeniable!

  13. Actually they aren't necessarily drinking and eating on the taxpayer's dime. Last year the joint ethics committee put forth a ruling that it is ok for legislators to accept free food and drink from lobbyists. But if your local State Trooper accepts a free cup of coffee he could get fired, go figure. These lobbyists must really be rich considering the drinking habits of certain legislators.

  14. Does anyone think a republican senate majority will be any better?
    Change that: is anyone stupid enough to think a repyublican majority in the state senate will be any different?

  15. 10:31 It's not the lobbyists that concerns me, it's the per diem that the assemblymen and senators and their staff get for just hanging around and doing nothing which is typical of New York State Government.
    So big deal the Governor got the the budget an hour or 2 late, they have have almost 2 years to get a budget ratified, do you mean to say they have no idea what to expect.
    It is all politics and screw the taxpayers and to defend this action in any way at all is as absurd as is gocvernment itself.

  16. Do I think that the Republican Senate will do anything better. No. But the Republican Senate will at least shut down Silver's armed robbery of upstate communities. If Cuomo follows through with his plan that he put out before the election I think the Senate more or less will go along with him. The question is will Cuomo follow through with his plan?

    So as far as I am concerned the only good thing about a Republican Senate will be the muzzle that they will put on Shelly the scumbag.

  17. No one can "muzzle" Silver. He is the boss in Albany, get used to it. Andrew will find out just as Spitzer and Patterson before him found out. Look what happened to those two. They did not play ball with Silver and look at them now. Neither of them has a political future, coincidence? You tell me.

  18. Reps, Dems, indy's they are all the same, once they get in there it's a joke and until we do term limits and make lobbyist's influence transparent we don't have a prayer!
    In New York it's even worse, the district breakdown for assemblymen caters to incumbents so there is no help there either.

  19. 6:55 is right about the fate of Spitzer. That hand was dealt to him by Silver and/or Bruno. But I think the senate will shoot down Silver's legislation just to spite him, which is good for all New Yorker's. Cuomo's actions will be based on how many skeletons (or hookers) he has in his closet.


    It's the holidays. The post is about small town America. At least for a couple of weeks, give us all a break from your rants about politics! There is more to life.

  21. No fun in wishing people Merry Christmas. We want politics and the gossip and opinions that go along with it. If we want Merry Christmas, we will go to Grace Community Church web site.

  22. 8:45 Have it your way, only, if you would try this, if, after you rant and rave, (all of which is ok with me), and deride your elected officials and anyone else with an opposing opinion, yoou offer them an unbiased "Seasons Greetings"!

  23. Hey Mr Quigley, your an arrogant a--h---. Oh yea, and Seasons Greetings !!

  24. 11:13, it sure didn't take long for the idiots for shoe their ugly faces, did it?

  25. idiots for shoe ??? yep...

  26. Vince Guido,as illiterate as always.
