2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Results In-No Change Here!

To go through the names of the winners and losers at this point is unnecessary, except for one or two races still too close to call, Incumbency is the word of the day.
Challenges in all State and most County races fell short, in many instances by a much larger margin than expected.
Local winners including Kevin Cahill, Eliot Auerbach and sheriff Van Blarcum secured victory early on. Maurice Hinchey also won by a wider margin than expected. A testament to heavy Democrat turnout opposed to Carl Paladino or, if you like pro Andrew Coumo.
The State Assembly is as dysfunctional today as it was before the election, we can expect more of the same for the next 2 years, good, bad or indifferent.
The State Senate on the other hand is still a question, with the balance of power within one or two senate seats it may take another day or two to unravel the mystery, don't hold your breath!
All in all the Tea Party wave didn't crest until it reached the Pennsylvania border where upsets spread throughout the state. This wave tore across the Politacl Landscape turning many solid blue states like Ohio and West Virgina to solid red or a peculiar shade of purple, it began to lose strength as it reached Colorado and Nevada and finally trickled up to California with little or no strength left.
Are New Yorker's truly satisfied with the establishment of Albany or are they so apathetic that helplessness and hopelessness took hold early in the election cycle?
The answer might be found in election result from the State of California where Senator Barbara Boxer defeated businesswoman Carly Fiorino handily and Meg Whitman fell prey to former California Governor Jerry Brown. It seems that $138 Billion State deficit wasn't enough to force a change of course in this once great State. Can New York be far behind? The East and West Coasts of the Nation vote quite differently than the rest of the Nation, could the tipping point of entitlements have been reached? Taxpayers beware!
Although a little patch of red, (symbol of the GOP), finally appeared in the New England area of the political map, the real surprises are the changes taking hold in Illinois, the State once known for it's dirty politics, (Politics, Chicago Style), recently demonstrated by disgraced Governor Blagoivitch and his attempt to auction the President's Senate seat to anyone with a dime, that Senate seat will not go to the failed banker, Giannoulis. It seems, unlike New York and California, Chicagoans have had enough.
To those of you hoping for a new face on the United States Senate, my condolences, it seems the ground machine, (big Unions), of Senate Majority leader Harry Reid has denied you the crown jewel of the Mid-term elections.
Congratulations to the winners and losers, it has been a tough campaign season, sometimes a dirty one but with so much at stake hard fought by both sides.


  1. I think that people understand that the agenda in this state is run by NYC politicians and the rest of the state is helpless. This will only get worse in redistricting and the change in how the prison populations are counted the redistricting process. So people don't care.

    As far as Hinchey. The reason most vote for him is because of the pork money he has bribed them with. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that pork will be considerably less for a congressman in the minority. What's more IF the Republicans actually follow through with there propaganda they are saying no earmarks will be allowed on any bill. Fat chance, but if it were to happen Hinchey would lose the only thing that allows him to be liked.

  2. 9:35 Great disemination of the facts, I wish i could find a point of disagreement but, que sera.
    was disappointed to hear about Partsearch, let's hope they resolve their issues and the UCDC can lend a hand, well if nothing else QE2 should give them a boost, with imports costing more, (the dollar is falling yet again in global trading), maybe their prices will be more competative? Like the Original Post stated, 'Don't Hold Your Breath"!
    What is it about the Fed, they care so much about the Banking industry, we poor consumers will be paying on both ends, our money is worth less and our taxes will be going up! ENOUGH ALREDY! IF this house of cards must fall, so be it, the thought of a prolonged period of stagnation is far more threatening than a quick crash, besides we may get both!

  3. That's right $600 billion in "stimulus" the Fed did it so Obama didn't have to. Well here we go again, this time the 'round we are all gonna feel it, at the pumps, at the grocery stores even and maybe especially at Walmart, we couldn't get the Chinese to revalue their currency, so I guess we can indirectly devalue our own, the ripple effects might be too much for our fragile economy to absorb, Our Government is working more against us, in political policy, in financial policy it seems not to matter.
    Does anyone remember reading about pre WWII Germany and wheelbarrows of cash to buy a head of cabbage. It might not get that bad but gold hit a new high today, siver traded over $25.oo an ounce and oil broke $86 per bll. those in the stock market might enjoy the 2% increase today but the $ is effectivly 20% deflated, and all the money the Fed put into the mkt will be invested overseas where interest rates are more conducive to any earnings. Lets not forget the value of our homes is depreciating as well. How can people suposdly sooooooooo damn smart be so damn stupid, trading our future for an unsure and shaky present.
    It's like paying off one credit card with another, sooner or later it will catch up with you!

  4. Glad I bought a bunch of Silver about a year ago. I have made more in the last month on (a pitifully small amount of) silver than I have in the last two years on any of my bank accounts. Very Sad.

  5. The Fed's action should be the topic here, forget the election results, as long as Geitner and Bernanke have the reigns of the Fed and Tresaury any hope for securing our future is at best on a wing and a prayer, (funny though I thought secularists don't pray), and at worst a total collapse of the $ and the domestic market place not to mention hyper inflation. people don't realize the hits their 401k's just took, those on a fixed income will be screwed as commodities like oil, gas, sugar gold, silver & coppper skyrocket, they will translate to higher prices at the gas pump in home heating bills and utilities, the cost to transport food will increase ergo the price of food itself, imports will increase, yes the earlier comment was correct, Walmart's pricing structure might resemble that of sears or even Macy's, it will cost more to go to and from work, but employers, due to the higher cost of doing business will be resistant and reluctant to increase salaries, finally but not totally, the costs to operate government will increase as well which will result in still higher taxes.
    BOY O' BOY I hope I'm wrong, but the better part of prudence begs that we prepare for the worst as we hope for the best.

  6. didn't Japan's lost decade last about 25 years?

  7. The New York State Legislative branch of Government is made up of the Senate and the Assembly. Together they make up the Legislature.

    Why is it that there has to be another reason other than people liking the candidates that gets them elected? Bonicac had it right when he said "the voters either like you, or they don't". I think that says more about incumbency than anything else.

  8. 9:21 love the condecending attitude, IF U SAY SO it must be true.......LOL

  9. I guess Kieth Oberman is go'in back to ESPN

  10. Long Time RepublicanNovember 5, 2010 at 5:24 PM

    News flash........

  11. PPPPLLLLEEEEEAAAAZEEEEE! can we at least let the dust settle on the last elections!

  12. He should just give me the money he is planning on spending on the Exec race, and I will tell him he lost. Sounds like a fair deal, no?

  13. Rooney found a new toy, politics. Maybe fireworks will get him in trouble now. He likes all the attention he got from his fans during the campaign.

  14. I think Rooney showed some class in the race, (so did Cahill for that matter), it was one of the least personally slandering local contests of recent memory. Most of the tasteless aspersions were cast by the electorate in the blogishphere and Editorial pages of the local papers. It could be they, (comentors), are just reacting to previous comments, it may be only a handful of commentors invading blogs repeatedly. Many comments were cut and pasted from blog to blog. Original thoughts would have been more persuasive!
    If I read one more time about seat belts contributing to one's election decisionmaking, I may just stop driving all together!
    There is one thing I think is worhty of bringing up, that is the lack of neutrality displayed in the national and local media.
    There was a time when newspapers would excerise their political views in the Opinion Pages by endorcement. Hard news and reporting was once void of bias. A free press is our best defense against oppression, the declining circulation of the Freeman might be a sign of the times. There is a shift toward getting our news via the internet and cable TV, but that is more applicable to the National Landscape, Once you get bast the Police blotter, it's all opinion. Residents need a strong local newspaper of which to turn for the facts. Reprinting articles from larger news papers and reporting local news with a political spin doesn't do residents justice.

  15. 9:35, what race were you watching? Rooney ran a 100% negative campaign. Here is a website that was created by his campaign. www.rooneyelection.com There is page after page of negative statements about Cahill. Not one instance of what Rooney would do to improve the situation other than he is not Cahill.

  16. 12:23 Negative regarding policy, isn't that fair game, Cahill did the same, that's politics, there was nothing derogitory about families, or personalities.
    If I disagree with a policy of anyone and state why, it will have to be negative, or I would agree with it. at least I think that's how it works!

  17. I agree with 12:59 to a point. Disagreeing over policy is what these things ought to be. The problem was that Rooney's campaign was that it was not based in fact (sloppy homework), he took it to ridiculous extremes (come on, how many times are candidates going to accuse their opponents of coddling criminals before they realize that the public is smarter than that!) and he offered no alternatives of substance ("I'll learn when I get to Albany.").

    nuff said.

  18. Rooney ran an attack campaign. He never offered solutions. That is in essence, a negative campaign. There is a difference between dirty and negative, Rooney ran a negative campaign. Voters want something to compare to.

  19. 8:41 & 9:35 If I disagree with aligning Hudson Valley with NYC
    I would feel it necessary to discount the policies and agenda of the City as well as promoting values considered important to HV residents, does that mean I would be negative, YES IT DOES, when the direction is wrong, pointing out why it is wrong is STATING YOUR IDEAS, THEY ARE in essence different than those of your opponent, if Cahill is for higher taxes and more spending, less oversight of government and more of the private sector, I would be for less spending and lower taxes, smaller government with more transparency and less regulation over development and industry.
    If you can't figure that out, then I believe the problem is your's, It's actually a pretty simple concept, 'SAVVY'!

  20. Some people just wont get it, but wait a few months, with the GOP in the majority of the house of Representatives in Washington and Ear marks and pork the 1st target, Hinchey wont be bringing home the bacon, so to speak, there may be a supporter or two that will regret their votes.
    Cahill wont be criticising the unethical behavior of his colleagues any longer especially with the mandate he thinks he just got from his constituents.
    NY is worse off, more of the same will be the call of the day in Albany and Coumo will begin looking the other way. especially when his buddies get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, we will be as bankrupt as California, at least the rest of the country has smoe semblence of sanity!

  21. People like Cahill and what he is doing or they would not re elect him year after year. If you look at the results, Rooney only did OK. Robin Yess got more votes, Fawn Tantillo only got 600 less. So Rooney did not fair well in a year where he should have made it a race.
    The only thing to take away from this election is the Republicans have a solid base. The only way Democrats lose, is if the do not vote.

  22. I agree with 12:54.
    The best we can hope for in Albany is gridlock. Anything that gets done by the NYC controlled group in there screws us all. Silver is getting to the point where he doesn't even need Cahill to push his agenda. When that is complete Cahill will just be another useless upstate Assemblyman taking up space.
    As far as Cuomo, if he is about cleaning up Albany then how come he hooked up Hevesi with such a good plea deal when he should have made sure he was crucified? Mark my words, Coumo will either conform with his NYC buddies and let them keep ruining the state. If he tries to speak up or fight the establishment they will find a Hooker in his Hotel room too, or worse. Just like Spitzer when he tried taking on the Albany establishment and their patron saint; the teachers union.

  23. Ah! the real culprit: the teachers union, (and for that matter all the civil service unions), Not the teachers, police or firemen mind you, not even the rest of the state work force, but the unions just as in Jersey are screwing up this state as much as entitlements. Unfortunetley we don't have a Chris Christi in Albany. Coumo is a union loving zombie walking in lock-step between their donations and their demands.
    As far as NYC is concerned, the vote would be a little different, but all the smart people working in NYC left the state long ago and now commute from NJ, CONN & PA, with the exception of CONN; NJ & PA are now alittle better off.

  24. I'm curious about something an earlier comment noted, QE 2, what is it expected to do? (I thought it was an ocean liner)

  25. Take a look at the price of gold & silver, they are a good indicator of the effect of QE2 on youo money, silver is up 10% and gold 4% since QE2 was announced, in fact all precious metals are up as are the prices of coffee, soy bean and corn commodities, a sure sign of inflation, all a reult of the dollars decline.
    Wait till you get to the supermarket, eggs, milk and sugar are all about 10% higher as well.
    The President is on this Asia trip to comfort our trading partners, (and debtors), to be patient with us, don't hold your breath!

  26. Either many residents are in denial over the economy or they just don't have as much fun unless they are slandering someone!

  27. What about the economy? Do you think it is getting better. That is about as true as WMD's in Iraq. Look at the indicators. There has been no real increase in hiring outside of normal seasonal factors. What little bit of movement there is doesn't come close to making up for the billions of new printed dollars that we pumping off of the presses. Commodities, metals, and oil is shooting up. Even the Canadian Loon is worth just as much as the dollar. NY is broke, California is borrowing 40million a day just to cover unemployment benefits. The dollar is being pushed to the edge of a huge collapse. The only people that will be good for is are the few that can afford to be invested in futures, commodities, and other international funds. I promise you that is not the middle income family on main st. So what about the economy

  28. I still would like to hear from a few of those 3.5 million people who's jobs were either created or saved!
    We haven't done enough, electing 65 fiscally conservative representatives to congress is not enough, and NY'ers were absent when it came to changing direction.
    I wonder how this country will survive should the $ collapse, we produce nothing worhwhile any more and quite honestly, the world needs a China a lot more than it needs a USA!
    I just hope as a people we stick together, weather the storm and emerge stronger, with smaller government and honest potiticians, a few coal mines, oil wells and steel mills, not to mention a rebirth in the farm belts of NY, NJ etc etc!
