2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is Today the Day?

After my voting visit to the polls this morning the workers voiced a unanimous opinion, "Turnout is UNUSUALLY HIGH"!
A sure sign that midterms do count.
The high turnout, if true is surely due to the state of the Nation and support for or upset with the 'status quo' in Washington. Will this have any effect on the results of State and Local Races as more voters take to the polls?
Only time will tell.

It has been this blogs intent to pose a question or celebrate a local event or sometimes report on local news and let the thread go where it will without censorship. I would like to thank the majority of comments for their sense of ethics while voicing their opinions, I understand that there are times when the choice between profanity and civility cannot escape passion and emotion and so these less than desirable comments have not been censored.
A healthy debate can make our subtle differencs seem irreconcilable or show both sides that the really improtant things in life are shared by all Americans, more so by most Ulstonians, a good job, a good education and a healthy family. I know quite a few people across this great Nation who wnat no more or no less.


  1. sitting home watching the election results, I guess NYS stays democrat with coumo as gov,the only real disappointment here is Hinchey, I can't figure out what my neighbors see in him but he is a winner,
    Nice to see the House go gop though

  2. All the congressional districts around us flipped, but not us. Even the northern district would have flipped easily had the conservative not split the vote. Oh well I guess we like the world the way it is.

  3. The NY Times is reporting that the Democrats also have control of the state senate. Excellent!! Let the end of NY begin.

  4. Could be, Dem Gov, Senate & Assembly, wow, sounds like the States up to yesterday, maybe now our friends and neighbors will get a whiff of the BS that comes down I-87 from Abalny and Up I-87 from the City, it will all settle over the Hudson Valley in the form of entitlement programs, tax increases, business closings and school poor performance, Pretty much just what we've been getting all along, only on steriods!
    Hold on to your wallets boys & girls!
    It's funny the whole country gets it,except the east and west coasts, maybe there is something in the water?

  5. they can have whats left in my wallet, a few moths, not much more after the tax bills and central hudson.
    The kids are gonna be a little disappointed though, not much of a future left in the Hudson Valley! That is unless you choose to be a politician or a have a cousin at the thruway authority?

  6. The Democrats will be taking over the Town of Ulster next.

  7. Do you think the people of the Town of Ulster are that stupid?

  8. Well does one of those Democrats want to buy my house? I am out of here. I don't plan on being here when Mike Hein's money games finally hits. He is doing the same thing that Nicky did with the reserves only worse. I don't plan on being here to pay for it. You guys like him so much buy my house and my $4500 a year tax bill and enjoy him all you want.

  9. Only a completely partisan idiot would vote the dem's back into office in ToU. There are some decent dem's in our town who could work across party lines the way Quigley and company have - but they aren't the ones with an axe to grind who would try taking Quigley out. Rocky/Nicky et. al. are the only group spoiling for a fight. I say bring it on - they will lose as bad or worse than last time, and will deserve it just as much!

    Let's let people of either party willing to listen and work together try to get our town back on track - no small feat after Woerner and Zweeben stuck us with a $300k negative fund balance(and nearly destroyed our bond rating)!

    I will be supporting Quigley for Supervisor next year, and will consider supporting any Dem or Rep willing to work for the common good of the town. Clearly Brink has to go, and Kitchen... he's a whole other story.
