2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More Facts You Just Can't Make Up!

After reviewing the latest campaign Finance filings of the Candidates for Town of Ulster Supervisor one contribution sticks out like a 'sore thumb'!
On Nick Woerners latest filing there for all to see is a major contribution of $2, 500 by none other than his Deputy Supervisor, Craig Artist. 
This contribution in and of itself is not unusual, what is unusual however is that fact that according to 'Public Records' Craig Artist is "a deadbeat dad". Apparently Mr. Artist has foregone his child support payments, designated by the courts, to further his and Mr. Woerner's political futures. 
We'd Love your thought's!


  1. Wow.....ex-wives and politics don't mix

  2. Sorry to hear about Craig's difficulties, i wouldn't be surprised if the $2500 was Nick's, Zweben's or Aaron's to begin with, but more contributions from those guys would have looked even worse on the Campaign disclosures, than money from a crony with a bad marriage and and no commitment to his own children.How did this guy ever get elected in the first place??????????????????/

  3. I guess elections are more important than the wefare of a child. Give me a break, if the court said the ex-wife is entitled to money from Mr. Artist to help support his child, that is where his money should go. And, I am sure she doesn't care if it comes from Mr.Artist, Nick, Zweben or Aaron. He should be ashamed of himself. Maybe they can pay the ex-wife off out of the descretationary funds?

  4. 2:53- I don't know if moving money like that would be legal. We should ask congressman hinchey. Maybe he would know.

  5. whats up with the sign at tthe bottom, was it torn? why the duck tape, OH I see now, they don't like Nick!

  6. The Family court process isn’t fair, I pay child support, I have been struggling to stay current but it sometimes is difficult what with the higher taxes and gasoline I have missed a few and the system pulled my driving privileges. We are only talking about $900.00, how come Artist hasn’t lost his license? Who does he know? It just isn’t fair!

  7. If someone is irresponsible with the welfare of their own child how can we expect them to care about a whole town? If, as suggested by "anonymous 4:02, that money was given to Crag Artist to funnel to the campaign, well it wouldn't surprise me! It sort of sums up what this current administration is really all abou!

  8. I still love the sign at the end of this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I got a letter from NICKY this morning he is resorting to begging whoa is me, the poor boy feels as though he's been slandered, I can tell you from meeting Jim Quigley, not one word was spoken to debase Mr. Woerner, not only that but Woerner insists that they tell lies about him, lets face it he bankrupt the town, we owe over 2 1/2 million dollars plus the 1.3 million from the general fund, that's almost 4 million dollars he cost us in 4 years, we can't afford Nicky and his friends any longer!
