2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Saturday, October 17, 2009

It’s Exactly the Reason:

The following letter appeared in Friday’s Freeman ‘Letters to the Editor’ section under the title: ‘Mismanaging Ulster.

We think is sums up the Election in the Town of Ulster as well as any!


Dear Editor,

When this young man, (Nick Woerner), was first elected supervisor of the Town of Ulster, many residents were hopeful that he would do a great job.

He appeared to be a young man who had expressed a desire to be a good communicator and to work with the people of our town for a better government. Little did we know that he would spend down almost all of the Town's reserves to the point last year where he raised taxes by 21% in an attempt to cover his losses.

As an example: in the 4 years he has been supervisor, he has used, (or misused), over $900,000 of the Highway Dept. Reserves and applied those funds to offset taxes, while at the same time refusing to allow the Highway Superintendent to purchase ‘Needed Equipment’.

This year the Highway Dept. reserves are once again being used to lower the Town property tax. The supervisor has bonded $1.3 million to replace aging highway equipment. He should have allowed the Highway Superintendent to purchase some of this equipment each year using the highway reserve fund balances. So we taxpayers will now have to pay for this error’ over the next 30 years.

To add insult to injury, he is using money from the Landfill Closure Fund to offset taxes for 2010. This is against state law as per the State Attorney General and the Consolidation of Towns. This money can only be used for capital projects.

We have apparently made a huge error voting this young man into office. He has successfully spent almost all of the town reserve funds. He has placed the town at risk of going bankrupt.

This is just one example of his inability to manage, resulting in over $2.9 million in unnecessary bonding that taxpayers must now pay for.

As for being a good communicator, he has failed miserably. He never returns phone calls, not even to other government depts. I have spoken to many people who say the same thing.

These are just a few of the mistakes this young man had made and the list goes on. To protect our town, we must send him home and replace him with a true manager. 

Robert J. Crane 

After a few months of searching for information to relate to our friends and neighbors so that they might make a more informed decision on November 3rd, facts have at times been difficult to find and even then harder to understand.

It is time for the people of the Town of Ulster to have their say, this seemed like as good a place to start as any!


  1. Thank god we didn't pass the 4 yr term prop, we'd really be in trouble if this guy had 2 years to go!
    It's funny though I seem to remember this being an issuer last election. & it's really worse than the letter describes,
    $1.2mil reserve fund (now next to $0), $2.9 mil in bond that's $4.1 million in lost funds then consider in spite of all this funding we still had an average property tax increase over 4 years in excess of 15%.
    Add to that the tax breaks for his friends, ie: Uncle Steve Aaron. from $35 thousand to $7200 and the new Pilot reducing his assessment from $1.8 million down to $156,000 for the next 4 years, how did this joker ever get elected the 1st time, let alone re-elected 2 yrs ago.
    Stamp his head 'Return to sender' let his mother deal with him!

  2. I heard Nicky is calling up anyone & everyone for help this time around, "Problem", most people around town have gotten to know him just a bit over the recent past and have seen the BEAST emerge from within.
    This guy has the class of a Bernie Madoff, Ivan Bosky and the entire accounting team from ENRON, He's just not as talented a thief as they were and although it took a few years the things he's done in the name of collusion, nepotism, favoritism have finally been brought to light!
    There are still a few around town he can intimidate by screaming and demeaning the voters in town won't gain him many friends or win over many votes.
    Moreover, he can garner some form of support from a few questionable characters in the City of Kingston, trouble is until he runs for Mayor over there, (don't laugh, when he loses the Town that will be the next target), they can't do a whole hell of a lot for him.
    Oh! I just remembered, those questionable characters from the City of Kingston are the same people he's handed a big piece of the town to.
    You know who they are, they can't hide any more either.

  3. 8:38 Doesn't the City of Kingston have enough trouble!

  4. The City of Kingston can have him, by the time he runs for mayor, population in Kingston will be less than 15,000 and only about half of them are taxpaying citizens the rest get a free ride and cost the taxpayers quite a bit. Let's see if Uncle Stevie gets back in the Kingston Housing Authority, I seem to recall a $100,000 deficit, monies unaccounted for when he was there last.

  5. Is the fund balance really close to zero, can he really use the monies for discretionary purposes? I thought that the allocation of funds from each account must be used for the original purpose of the fund? ex. Highway fund for highway projects highway equipment purchases, etc.
    How can he apply these funds to offset tax increases? I know he's done just that but i really want to know, HOW CAN HE DO THAT?

  6. Before I forget, off topic, what's up with blabers blog, what's this invitation only crap? What a way to keep opposing points of view off his blog, i guess he won't be around too long!

  7. It takes 3 votes to do anything. He needs accomplices. He needs one of the Brinks and Secreto to go along. We know Eric doesn't support anything he does, ever. Most of the time he is in la la land during the meetings.

    Just looking up at that board during meetings, it is no wonder Ulster is in such bad shape. Brink and Kitchen did not hold Woerners feet to the fire enough. They looked like two totally uninterested visitors to the whole thing.

    Woerner sucks, but so do our board members.

  8. Not to defend Eric, I think he's tired of getting shut out of the discussions surrounding issues on the floor. That's part of the Nicky way of inclusive government. If Nick could bar Eric from the back room discussions as well, he would. Anything to make Republicans for smart government look unprepared or inadequate. I think Joel is a poor last hope for a educated vote, and his brother Dave is Nicky;s other Yes Man with Secreto.
    It's no way to tend to the peoples business. We really do need a change, we can't let this go on any longer.

  9. Nice 1/4 page full color ad in the paper. Nice 4x8 signs. Nice Mailers. Nice 10,000 yard signs. Not so nice campaign finance disclosures. Something is adding up.

  10. I think Nickie beat you in the mail wars. He is winning over hearts and minds with his daily deluge of propaganda. I think Nickie is going to pull this out. You will be 0-3. Time to hang 'em Jim.

  11. I can't beleive the amount of mail I have gotten from Woerner and Co in the last week. I can't beleive that Hinchey is endorsing him what with all of the trees he has killed.

  12. I have never seen such Bull in all my life, and if fat boy woerner keeps this up he'll not only lose but disgrace himself in the process, OOPS he's already a disgrace!
    Lie's Lie's and more lies, I think this ass hole believes his own bull. What a waste of a life.
    Anyway., GO Quigs, great campaign stick to the facts, they will bury the fat boy, (need a Piano Case anyone), He has really tweaked the marbles of most voters with his anger and lies, people that know him are not surprised, its new residents and visitors that are appalled with his contempt for anyone not on his team. and even his team, the rats are jumping ship.
