2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Can't Take It Anymore!

I don't know if anyone is paying attention, afterall the UlsterReport is filled with such vitriol and inuendo that it is difficult to find any truth at all in it's 'reporting'! We know that the UlsterReport's
mission statement is to slander current TofU Supervisor Jim Quigley, it is troubling however that they will not post comments from anyone who thinks that the Town of Ulster is better off since Woerner was unseated and that Supervisor Quigley has done an admirable job in executing his responsibilities and keeping his promises.
With our current 2 party system of government the entire constiuency will never be fully satisfied with either party in control, it is unproductive however when lies and rhetoric take the place of truth and fact.
It is no differnet on a State or National level and if resident's, citizen's and voters are to get a fair and balanced portrail of their current and aspiring leaders.


  1. Does the blog even exist? No one can even find it. If the idiot wants to sit in a closet and tell lies to himself then let him because no one else is reading it.

  2. The Ukster report is a fraud. There are no comments posted, as no one agrees with Woerner, or Aaron or whoever is writing the damned thing. It's actually great to see "no comments". Gives you an idea of their impact. Same goes for the "Queen of mean", Robin Yess. No one gives a shit what she has to say either. When people use these blogs to retaliate, or spew hatred, they turn the whole world off.
    On the other hand, love this blog, and wish you would post more often. There is much to be said for pointing out both the positives and negatives in government. Thats what keeps our elected officials working harder. When its all about getting even with someone who beat you in an election, or blaming your own failures on other, we all se thru it.
    Keep up the good work.

  3. Thanks for all the support, I appologize for the recent lag in new posts, I hope to post weekly for the foreseeable future and appreciate the need for unbiased information and will always post all comments (as long as they keep the vulgarity to a minimum) both positive and negative. I may choose the topics but I consider this YOUR blog as ULSTER IS YOUR TOWN TOO!
