2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ulster Litttle League Kick-off

Opening Day for Town of Ulster Little League was enjoyed by the players as well as their parents. The day was s little sunnier than expected and with the BBQ out of the way it was time for opening ceremonies.
After all the players paraded onto the field and recieted the Pledge of Alliegence, Coach Ron Kelder introduced the teams and their coaches. Supervisor Quigley thew out the 1st pitch in the style of a Yogi Berra rather than a Nolan Ryan, (it wasn't quite a strike, but he did reach the plate), and after a chuckle from the crowd a resounding 'Play Ball' was welcomed by all.
The First game, between the Yankees and Astros, was decided by a 2-1 score. Well played and well pitched, both teams looked like future major leaguers as they played hearts out. The result, the still undefeated Astro's took 1st Place by beating the Yankees, the only other undefeated team in the division. A rematch is scheduled for later in the season.
It was really nice to see so many friends and neighbors in attendence and even more pleasant as the politics of past administrations played no part in the festivities.
Once again, KUDOS to the Town of Ulster Recreation Department, Jeff, Chris and Eric did a fine job!
We are awaiting pictures from the league Photogropher and will be sure to add a photo link to th blog as soon as we get them.

1 comment:

  1. To not be able to park on one side of Fording Place Road during KHS softball games is depriving the elderly a chance to watch there granddaugthers and other parnets. As the weather is usually very cold during this season. Maybe the Ulster police should give out some speeding tickets and the Athletic Director is just a plain coward on this. Let the fans park on the grass. You dont maintain it anyhow, like many of the facilities. But its all right to park in left field at Gruner what a double standard.
