2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

We at Ulster Is Your Town Too would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our friends & neighbors the very best of the Holiday Season! It has been an interesting year and we expect next year to be even more interesting.
We would like to thank our loyal readers for keeping with the Holiday Spirit and refraining from base interaction. This blog is dedicated to offering our neighbors a venue for debate and will continue to do so in the new Year.
So, All the Best of the Season, Christmas, New Year, Kwanza, Chanukah, Feliz Navidad, Boun Natale etc., etc. so on and so on ......................Until Next Year!


  1. There are times when I read the comments and just want to scream but the truth is the posts are usually relevant and everyone is entitled to an opinion so in the spirit of this Post, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!

  2. Nice Table, can I come for dinner?

  3. I can't help myself...

    We know that's not Nicky Woerner's table, if it were, you'd see the same ten place settings, but only one chair, with Blaber lying on the floor awaiting the scraps!!!

    Happy Holiday's to all!

  4. Happy New Year Ulster County, Our Christmas gift to you, we Name Names pull no punches and don't care who gets upset, the inside dope on the dopes on the inside follow our blog join the fun!
