2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Respectful, Reverent & Remebered

There is not a lot to say, over 3,000 lives lost, citizens and civil servants alike, 9 years later as American lives are still being lost in strange lands far away, to free people who know no freedom, we at home should not forget.

Without hatred and vengeance we must revere the qualities of America and our way of Life, Liberty and Prosperity.

Without apology for we have raised the civility of man to heights unimagined by oppressed people around the world, we sacrifice our blood and treasure.

For those whose lives were stolen and to those who suffered the loss of a father or mother, a son or daughter, a relative or friend, as well as those who hate and despise us, NEVER FORGET!

See: links to the right parts 1-4 or visit youtube.com and search 2010 Town of Ulster 9 11

Cut & Paste the following link to view slide show:


  1. The service was great!

  2. Thank you for changing the focus from the earlier post and the bitter comments...

    An amazing day 9/11/10, today was very much like 9/11/01. A perfect cloudless blue sky, cool but not cold in the morning... I stood on my front porch just as I did 9 years ago, blissfully ignorant then, until my phone rang and our world changed...
    I spent several days at ground zero... words and pictures cannot accurately depict the situation...
    The hardest part was coming out of the pit back to the comfort stations set up on the West Side Highway, we were bused out and would see all the people holding up pictures of loved ones...

    knowing that their loved ones had literally been vaporized, and not being able to tell them or anyone, the true gravity of the situation...

    I volunteered to be there, it wasn't my duty, and I wasn't a PAID fireman, I simply was compelled to lend my assistance.

    I am a volunteer fireman in the town of Ulster, and have been a volunteer since I was 18. I do it because I care about my community. I am not PAID, and I don't care to DIE, but would do so for the benefit of others. If some of you are offended by that, I'm sorry. I have nothing but respect for the PAID firefighters and police officers who sacrificed their lives 9 years ago, because no where in the employment contract does it speak about dying for others.

    I will never forget 9/11, the victims of terror PAID or otherwise, or those that brought this horror to our shores.

    I am dumbfounded that our leaders continue to make excuses and apologize to radical islamic groups and supporters of terrorism. We, the People of the United States, are at war, whether we like it or not. There are forces at work that want nothing more than to eradicate our very way of life from this Earth. Kiss your babies, kiss your spouse, and sleep in peace tonight, safe in the knowledge that someone committed to protecting our way of life is on the thin line keeping anarchy at bay.

    9/11 was a bellweather.

    Lest we forget.

  3. Thank you for sharing the video clips.

  4. 12:08
    Thank you for your sincerity and incite. We seem to have forgotten how close to home the tragedy hit. We seem to have become complacent in our approach to life. It is precious to me, mine as well as others and I applaud and revere those who willingly put it on the line for others. Paid or unpaid it takes a special person to make such a sacrifice, to have those who love them live with such uncertainty.
    I am disappointeded in those who criticize the their sacrifice, they appear petty and jealous and they cannot know what is in the hearts of their fellow man but they show the bitterness that drives them quite well.

  5. We are in the process of compiling a slide show of the Memorial which we hope will appear by tomorrow evening.
