2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Friday, September 17, 2010

November Elections

Now that the New York Primaries are behind us and State and Local Races will be heating up things should begin to get interesting.
There are still questions begging to be answered:
For Instance:
How important is Tea Party support?
Will Democrats even bother to vote?
Will Coumo's past relationship with HUD and the housing crisis come back to bite him?
Will Gillibrand's past relationship with Coumo and HUD come back to bite her?
When will George Phillips finally take the gloves off and hit Hinchey where it hurts....his record and his relationships with lobbyists and his ultra liberal positions on the economy? (don't forget the Saugerties pipeline)!
Now that Kevin Cahill has a real race on his hands, can he run far enough from his record to win a 9th term against Peter Rooney the choice of Republicans, Independents and Conservatives across the district.
Will Cahill's relationship with the Working Family line hurt him or help him this time around?
Where is ACORN?
Will Cahill have Sheldon Siver out on the campaign trail this time out?
Can Fawn Tantillo upset Eliot Auerbach for County Comptroller?
Will Faludico hurt Van Blarcum's chances at re-election?
And maybe most improtantly:
Can Carl Paladino give Andrew Coumo a run for the 'Money'?



  1. I think the country is underestimating the size of the tea party, i think ist is more like what was once called tbe silent majority and think a lot of people are going to be suurprised this November 2nd

  2. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But most of, if not all of those incumbents will win. Now don't be fooled by last years elections. Hinchey, Bonacic (who you forogt), Cahill, Auerbach and Van Blarcum are NOT Nickie Woerner and Ulster County is NOT the town of Ulster. Woerner was a piece of crap that needed to be flushed.

    Save for Hinchey, these guys are not disliked nearly as much as Woerner was. People hated that guy. People actually like the Democrats in office you listed. They are pretty much nice people and that goes a very long way.

    Here is who I support and do not support.

    I would like to see Hinchey go down only becuase he only helps those who help him. His relationship with Steve Aaron is enough for me. He is too close to those type people and he has to go.

    I can take Cahill and VanBlarcum too and I hope they both win. Cahill will not run from his record, Why should he? It is pretty damn good!

    VanBlarcum is taking scum off of the streets every day. Urgent is in the paper 3 or 4 times a week. Crime is down and he is part of the reason.

    Auerbach still has work to do. He seems to be a mini Mike Hein with all of the press stuff. Yuk...enough of that already. Show me where you are saving money, not just where it is being wasted. I have not seen the fixes for the problems he points out.

    Paladino is too much of a wild card for me. I do not like all of the nasty stuff in his background, racism, pornography, crude behavior while drunk in public. All documented, none denied.

    It is not how I would like it to be, but damn it, the Republican party has got to put up better candidates. Aside from Phillips, the rest of the slate, is pardon me, a bunch of misfits. If you stood them side by side, it would be like you were looking at a bunch of extras for a movie or something.

    I expect to be taken to task for having an opinion that may not jive with the regular readers, but I call em as I see em, and that is how I see it.

    Where is Ronald Regan when you need him?

  3. Paladino is at least more honest than say Spitzer, ablout as wholesome as say Bill Clinton and not as bad a drunk as say Joe Biden, these guys all expect to get re-elected or in Spitzers case run for something else so I don't see the point, I know this from years in the financial world, business is a lot tougher than politics. in fact its tough and to make it worse it has its own brand of internal politics. Anyone who can make it in the business world today is head and heels above say any politician living off the public dime and the lobbyists dollar.
    Besides a guy like Coumo is a headline chasing opportunist who's only foray in anything close to finance was his years at HUD, along with Gillibrand they are probably as responsible for the mortgage meltdown as Barney Fwank and Chris Didd (misspelled on purpose).
    Lets face it career politicians have screwed the pooch, they've killed the golden calf and are well on their way to turning America into just one more 3rd world country.
    Is this what you want for your children?????????

    PS they thought Regan was unelectable as well!

  4. I don't think 4:13 is not all that far off.

    The the only other factor I think you are missing is that a great deal of democrats are not all that impressed right now either and many will say screw it I am staying home. The only candidate where this might make a difference in the race is the Hinchey/Phillips race and maybe the Auerbach race. But I think the Republicans shot themselves in the foot on the comptroller race by choosing to run an unqualified politician against an unqualified politician. They should have picked a qualified candidate who was actually still a Republican.

    The rest of the races will be too far apart for any factors to really matter.

    As far as Palidino's personal past, he sounds about on par with every other politician we read about daily.

  5. 3rd world is right, did anyone notice the rise in those living in poverty, up about 5 million in one year!

  6. In this country poverty means only two TV's and a Blackberry instead of an I-Phone

  7. If that's what it means I guess you are right, all I know is I've had to cut my cable bill in half and reduce service on our cell phone plan along with my wife hanging close out on the line to keep the electric bill under $400. The kids don't get all the things they ask for, they are beginning to understand what no means even before they ask. And we havn't lost a job in our family but my school taxes are $330 higher and I don't want to discuss how much my health care and deductable and co pays have gone up! Has Cahill's OH NO HE HAS A STATE PLAN! It looks like my wife and I will have to work about 3-5 years longer than we had planned or we'll be eating cat food instead of tuna in our golden years. Let's not begin to discuss the value of my home!
    The only line a democrat deserves is in front of the firing line, GO TEA PARTY GO!

  8. Every state elected person gets the same plan. They do not get it for free either. They are state employees, who should they get their insurance from, Walmart?

    Look at the retirees in the state system, that is where the real problem is. Fred Wadnola for example, he collects $35,000 more per year than I earn. He is collecting over $70,000 per year. That is just one pension, he has other public funded pensions. Yet he is still getting/takes $20,000 more of our dollars as Chairman of the Legislature. We are paying his full insurance tab too boot. That is reprehensible if you ask me. There should be a limit on the top end of the pension/pay scale for people who are retired and collecting public paychecks. Who needs as much money in retirement as Wadnola is getting?

  9. The Tea Party protesters were quite a bit smaller on Sunday. I guess they were saving themselves for Tuesday.

  10. 8:45 I guess you don't have to vote for him next time around and run for the legislature yourself, and I'm sorry you didn't take a job with the state, or a teacher then you would have the same retirement plan yourself, could you ahve taught for 30 years? Blame the Democrat policians of the 60's and 70's for giving State, City and Federal workers unfundable benefits and pension plans, they wanted to secure the democrat vote, it was just politics as usual back then and we are paying for it now, which is exactly why we need to scale things back now in spite of union threats or our children will find themselves in worse shape financially.
    Besides the unions don't care about their constituency they just care about their dues and government funding, so they can give your tax dollars back to favored politicians in the form of campaign funds and get more government funding and laws passed like 'card check' to intimidate their constiuency even more.
    SEIU CSEA AFL/CIO dinosaurs from the past that need more reform than congress.
    You seem to have mis-directed anger, or you just don't like Fred!
    When he began teaching, after a few years in the service, teachers were one of the lowest paid professional in the country, I don't remember him complaining.

  11. Isn't is strange that no one complains about Bonacic's or Larkin's length of term, insurance, or salary? They have both been in office longer than Cahill and both get the same salary and benefits. I guess you are exempt from the "firing line" if you choose to put an "R" next to your name. That is where the credibility of some these posters goes out the window, if it is wrong for Dems, it is wrong for Rep's.

  12. I dispise Fred and everything he stands for.

    Fred does not have to scrounge every red cent he can get from the public trough, but he does. Every red cent he can get his pudgy little fingers on. Always has and always will. When local budgets are in the red from Phonecia to Marlborogh to Saugerties to Warwarsing, why does he have to grab that extra 20K. It is immoral.

  13. Paladino is a filthy human being. He is a racist, misogynistic, sexual deviate. Why would anyone in their right mind put someone like him in a position of authority?

    And please, don't give me that Spitzer was too, if we had known that, he would not have been elected.

  14. 9:23 Is perfectly right, it's not a D or an R it's both, State, federal and COunty government is dysfunctional, the two major parties are just as bad which is why the "people" are speaking out in record numbers and electing non-establishment candidates, like Carl Paladino over Rick Lazio, The establishment merrygoround is a thing of the past, if it continues to exist in it's current state, kiss prosperity goodbye, it's like the beast that eats up everything in sight, when the food supply, (OUR TAX DOLLARS), runs out it will begin feeding on itself.
    Which is why they all gotta go! Larkin, Cahill, Bonasic, Hinchey, Coumo, Gillibrand, SIlver, Espada, Frank, McCain, Bloomberg etc etc.....
    Look at the great job $111 million in stimulus has done in LA, created or saved 55 jobs, if you ask me the only jobs that it created are the 2 that sign the checks, Keep the beast fed.

  15. Why do you say Rooney is the choice of independents across the county? Cahill has earned the support of most independent voters every election. That will be decided on Election day.

    If you meant IndepENDENCE party, you are wrong there too. The state party decided, for the second election in a row, to overrule the County parties and endorsed the Republican. Both Ulster and Dutchess County Independence parties endorsed Cahill before the State got involved.

  16. It sounds to me like whether state or county, Rooney will have the Independent line on the ballot, therefore, well what's your point?
    Besides, many indpendents voted for BO in 2008, do yoou think they will be lining up to vote for that side of the aisle any time soon?
    I think as other comments have stated, the spectrum of disillusioned independent, democrat, republican and conservative voters is a litte broader that a casual glance would show. That can't be good for incumbents of either party, but more so for Democrats since they bear the brunt of voter angst as they are the one's ramming unpopular legislation down the throat of the America, not just once but time after time and with Cap and Trade and potential illegal immigrant amnesty and even more stimulus on the horizon I think election results 11/2 will surprise quite a few media talking heads and political pundits.
    As far as independent voters are concerned, I don't get the impression this was quite the 'change' they expected and am confident they would 'hope' for a second chance, which this is.
    I don't see all that many democrats running on health care and 35 and counting congressional dems and quite a few senatorial dems are opposing Pelosi/Reid/Obama in supporting all of the Bush era tax cuts.
    It kinda' makes you wonder!

  17. 11:37, The last poster makes some sense, I'm an independent and I'm not so sure about the Ulster Independent party support, I know Bernardo was behind Cahill, but I get the impression he's about the only one, after all Cahill is Bernardo's meal ticket in Albany, he doesn't want to lose his seat at the table! That pissed a lot of us independents off this year.
    It's about 'Fiscal responsibility and smaller government, DUH' STATE< FEDERAL OR COUNTY!

  18. 10:07 who are you kidding, if Spitzer was on the ballot right now he would be elected. So would Bill Clinton, the Republican Congressman with the airport bathroom antics, and every other sicko politician.

    These Politicians all have some sick and disgusting things in their closets whether you know it or not. So if you are looking for someone holier than tho, don't look to someone elected or running for office.

  19. 6:03... I refuse to knowingly vote for someone with the background of Carl Paladino. Sorry, just can not do it.

  20. 2:44, I am calling you full of sh!t. First off, Cahill was selected by the executive committee which Bernardo is a big part of, but not the only member.
    Secondly, if you were in fact a member of that party, you would certainly not call yourself and independent since you would know it is INDEPENDENCE!

    Take you tea party BS and sell it somewhere else.

  21. 6:03, You're an idiot. Saying ALL politicians are sexual deviates like Paladino is flat out wrong. He has shown all the signs of one with his salacious emails and perverted videos.

  22. OOOOOH interesting, sounds like there are quite a few liberls out there who are uncertain about 11-2-2010,
    OOOOOH interesting, sounds like there are quite a few conservatives out there who are uncertain about 11-2-2010

    Ya know what, you are all full of shit, you guys would vote the nation down the tubes for party loyalties. It's not about Independents, Consevatives, Republicans or Democrats, it's come down to the future of our way of life, No Comunist threat, no nuclear weapons, our elected officials are selling us out for 30 pieces of silver. Your children will be paying for their lack of crediblilty, and it sounds to me like none of you care. You would rather stick to your losers, and stick it to your kids than take the hit for your own poor judgement.
    So you voted for Spitzer and he turned out to be a scum bag, so Coumo may have driven the housing industry into collapse so a guy making 25k could live in a house worth $250K so now that we are in the hole you;d rather have more of the same elitist pricks like Barbara Boxer and Barney Frank talk down their noses to every day Americans.
    What makes a guy like Coumo a better man than Paladino, His ego and ambitions are certainly signs of insanity, His ability to deny his participation in the mortgage meltdown is certainly questionable if not criminal.
    And don't forget, Charlie Rangel gets the Dem not after pulling some crazy crap in congress, The little elf, Geitner the tax cheat is running the IRS, Go figure, but a Democrat will accept it from another Democrat, just don't let a Republican make a mistake, and the truth be told, republicans are no better. they juar get called hipocrits and then hide their heads, dems don;t care if they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, they just rationalize their behavior and because they know they can still get elected even after they are proven a liar a theif and a cheat.
    Sorry but you guys are a joke and you've got the government you deserve.

  23. 7:11 you are the idiot, proper gramer, I am part of the independence party and I am an INDEPENDENT, I am not an INDEPENDENCE, so do me a favor and shove it!

  24. 8:16. If you are so wrapped up in using proper grammar, then at least spell it correctly.

    Why did you write "Ulster Independent party support"? There is no such thing and anyone who was a member of the Independence Party of New York would know that. You are full of shit, plain and simple. Like I said, go sell that Tea Party bull shit somewhere else.

  25. Sexual Deviants, Tax Cheats, Racists, Drug and Alcohol addicts, pick your poison. Albany and Washington are filled with them. Some are known and others are holding on to the closet door for dear life. The only thing I give Patterson credit for is that at least he told us who he was right off the bat. No surprises in the paper with him.

    I'm not voting for Palidino either, nor Cuomo, and certainly not that dumb arrogant thief Lazio. Either way we are screwed, and NYC City Politicians are piloting the plane. So smoke'em if you got'em because we're going down.

  26. 8:16, You really are an idiot aren't you?

    How can you be part of the Official Independence party and say you are Independent? You are affiliated with and allegedly registered in the Independence party, that makes you anything but independent.
    If you want to be truly independent, you should change your registration to Not Enrolled in a political party.

  27. last comment right on, The list of non enrolled should be growing, especially with all the bull that all parties are throwing around.
    The best thing we voters can do is keep them, (the Politicians) guessing, it makes it impossible to pander to and pidgeon hole us.
    It's a shame America has been hijacked by lawerys and politicians, often they are worse, they are both, a prostitute has more credibility and ethics, at least you know you are getting screwed.

  28. Anything to take take that corrupt Len Bernardo out of the picture would be great. Wadnola's wife, Fawn Tantillo, and Bernardo are making the decisions for the entire party. It is a party that does not deserve a line on the ballot.

    It is corrupt from the state level execs right on down to the county execs.

  29. ole' Andrew better start telling us about the skeletons in his closet too. Because once he starts taking on the powers that be in Albany you never know what will come out. Ask Spitzer

  30. Andrew Cuomo = HUD.

    Andrew Cuomo's HUD = Kingston Housing Authority Investigation

    Andrew Cuomo's HUD KHA Investigation = Chester Straub going from HUD to Ulster Co. Development Corp. for 5 years of a do nothing job.

    Andrew Cuomo's HUD/UCDC = ZERO Economic Development in Ulster County.

    Follow the money/greed/graft...

    GO CARL GO!!!

  31. Chester Straub? He has been gone 6 - 8 years now. Why not talk about Dan Alphonso, Ward Todd,Fred Wadnola, Rich Gerentine, or Jeanette Provenzano?

  32. Gone but not forgotten!

  33. Straub killed U.C. economic deve.opment, Mattison and Hein's girl March are just throwing dirt on the coffin. So much for Hein's economic development summit - rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic...

    If 6:59 is correct, Andrew Cuomo has some interesting ties to U.C.

  34. Who is Peter Rooney and why would I vote for him instead of Kevin Cahill?

  35. 12:05...I can not think of a reason to vote for him instead of Kevin Cahill. Kevin is a very good representative. I see no reason to interrupt that representation.

  36. I personally have a major issue with several of Cahill's stances, but overall I think he understands local issues better. The Republicans dropped the ball with this candidate and I can't support him.

    Either way NYC decides how the rest of the state must exist, and I have seen nothing from Rooney about how he can actually change that. If every single upstate district that can joins together NYC/downstate still runs things and it will only get worse with the change in how prison inmates are factored into the district boundaries. NY can not be fixed in its present state no matter what Cahill or Rooney tell us. So elect anyone you please, Palidino might put a small wrench in things, but I can't see him being able to make any big changes either. I say give it to the democrats and let the NYC wannabe Utopia complete the bankrupting of this state.

  37. Why would anyone vote for Rooney over Cahill is more like it. Imagine, Rooney spends all this money linking Kevin to Silver, saying what an evil man Silver is. Then he wins. Silver ain't going anywhere that's for sure. Now we have to depend on Rooney to get anything for us back home. You might as well sign our taxes over to NYC completely.
    With Cahill, we get a guy who has his bosses ear, is one of the smartest people I have ever met, a person who can grasp just about any issue you throw at him and knows how to get things done for home.

    Oh and by the way, from what I hear, this guy Rooney is pretty much a jerk. I have a close relative who is a waitress. She told me he is the most unwanted customer when he walks in. He is rude, misogynistic, and very, very conceited. He actually signs $2 bills as tips? WHAT? Signs $2 bills?, as if he is some sort of celebrity?

    Imagine that representing you in Albany. No, I would not vote for Rooney over Kevin, ever.

  38. 8:07
    Your reasoning is rediculous, Cahill votes in favor of every Silver Bill or tax just so he can bring a few crumbs back to the district, it is exactly that kind of thinking that got us in this mess to begin with.
    I would rather have Rooney vote NO and let Siver justify why than have Cahill act like all those congressional and senatorial leaders who vote yes just for some pork.
    I really believe this kind of thinking is bad for all of us, just ask Dutchess how 1.5% payroll tax to fund MTA is helping their economy, and tell me a few million in pork makes it right!
    All that does is give Cahill a "look what I did for you" to offset his "look what I did to You"

  39. Read Rooney's website and listen to his ads, he has no plan to address how to change the way the legislature does business. Sure he says he will support term limits etc, but no one else will so it really doesn't matter.

    At least with Cahill as Silver's whipping boy, he does his little dance and we get some table scrap money for this area.

  40. I listened to Rooney's ad's and I am puzzled. I have followed the activities of our elected officials for a very long time. As I recall, Cahill has always been in favor of an unrestricted constitutional convention. Those ad's are not accurate and Cahill can not change what some inept editor publishes. It is apparent that Rooney has not done his homework and is being directed by the power brokers in Albany. This is DIRTY POLITICS and I hate dirty politics and dirty politicians.

  41. Cahill has always been in favor of changing the way schools are funded, instead of by an unfair property tax system. But it has not and will never be fixed. Cahill is untouchable, anything that you don't like about this state which is most of it, he can just blame off on the NYC delegation. Rooney brings no real actionable ideas to the table so he is dead in the water. NYC wins and so does Cahill.

  42. Looney Rooney as some know him around town, is just flexing his wallet which I am very surprised at. He also has a reputation for getting what he can for free. Just ask the boys as Smitty's.

  43. What has Cahill done in all the years he has been in the State Assembly?

  44. What has the Assembly done all these years? Nothing. What has the entire legislature done? Nothing. What will the state legislature do no matter who is elected? Nothing.

    Any questions class?

  45. 11:34, That really depends on who you ask. If you ask the colleges, hospitals, public and private schools, municipalities, arts groups, thousands and thousands of regular citizens who he has helped, energy people, and lots of others, they could give you a long list of accomplishments.

    If you ask a Republican, Conservative, or Tea Party person, they will say nothing.

  46. First off I say nothing and I WILL be voting for Cahill. All of the people that 4:08 speaks of are people that have been bribed by Cahill with pork money. Nothing has been accomplished in this state in forever.

    All of the good ideas that Cahill had years ago he still has because none of them have been accomplished. And thankfully all of the bad ideas that Cahill has had also have not been accomplished.

    I can give you a huge list of bribed people that will preach great things about Bonaciac too. Start with the fire departments in his district. Giving out money accomplishes nothing, but it gets you re-elected. And I guess it provides a ready supply of people willing to defend you on local blogs too.

  47. Where do I begin. I will start with a few local issues that impact our lives every single day. BTW, these things are not done blindly, they are done in consultation with local people to see where the most benefit can be had.

    Helping the schools get their fair share of State aid while he works to get the Legislature and the rest of the state to come to it's sense's and adopt one of his proposals for property tax reform, is productive and makes sense. It is an accomplishment.

    Helping the Hospitals successfully merge, as opposed to closing one or the other did a few things. First and foremost, it saved hundreds of jobs in the worst economy in our lifetime. It made sure adequate health care for local residents was preserved. It solved the long term problem of competition in health care.
    That is a MAJOR Accomplishment.

    Artists, pay property taxes, pay rent in what would be vacant factories,employ hundreds if not thousands of people, purchase services like plumbers and electricians, fuel, draw tourist, and add significantly of the quality of life in the region. Supporting them is an accomplishment.

    The colleges are the largest employer in Ulster County. It makes sense to invest in them so they continue to draw more and more students, which of course add to the local economy and most importantly, educate our kids.
    Another accomplishment.

    If you want some of his accomplishments that have impacted people across the state, just let me know and I will post some of them too.

  48. Schools get their fair share after New York City takes what it wants. Talking about property tax reform for 10 years with no changes is not an accomplishment. It is a lost cause.

    Closing one of the hospitals would have been the best thing for this area. Instead both were kept open and an additional money siphon was created in the form of Health Alliance. Maybe you would care to release the salaries of those major players involved in that fiasco.

    Artists.....hahahahahaha. As long as we keep buying manufactured goods from China and watching those factory jobs leave the state and country there is no accomplishment there.

    Colleges you say? Improve them all you want, we can't afford to send our kids there. So we don't get to see those accomplishments.

    The best accomplishment we could hope for is that the state stays as locked up in in-action as possible. Because if you give it to either party or allow New York City to strengthen its control we are all screwed.

  49. Listen 6:25, don't piss in my face and tell me its raining.

    I am voting for Cahill not because I think he is going to change the world. First off Rooney's a joke and doesn't have a clue. But second off this state is beyond screwed, the best thing we can do is get someone in there to steal as much money from the thieves as possible. That is where Cahill comes in. I don't care how he gets the money, as long as he gets it. When he can't get as much as I think he should then I will vote for someone else.

    Don't try to convince us that they are serving some higher purpose helping the residents of this state. Because every voter knows that they aren't. State Legislators are a cross between prostitutes and thieves, so let's just be honest here and pay them to get us stuff. Take their money shake there hands and be done with them. Just make sure you wash your hands afterwards.

  50. 4:08. I guess you can add these guys to your list LOL!

  51. What I can't justify is all the lobbyists that Cahill takes money from for his 'projects' most of the money he takes is ours to begin with, all the votes for unions and organizations that benefit with government subsideies, (another word for your tax dollars at work), which he gets back in the way of campaign finance etc.
    The guy justifies bad government as a choice, it is not a choice and if we are going to get anywhere we have to start somewhere, he and Hinchey and Gillibrand and Bonasic seem like as good a place to start as anywhere.
    All of those comments who seem so apthetic about the state of affairs in Albany don't seem to understand that they don't have to put up with incompetance, and sometimes the message you send can be a wakeup call, the few senators and assemblymen in Albany that do what is right might just take the message and run with it but if you go with the status quo, (which in my humble opinion could not be worse than no government at all) then you are telling them that business as usual is ok with us. IT IS NOT AND I APPLAUD THOSE THAT ARE WILLING TO GO TO BAT AGAINST THE ALBANY MOB,(Cahill included) THAT HAS STOLEN< CHEATED AND GENERALLY RECKED OUR STATE.
    Look at New Jersey, 6 months ago you could have said that it was as doomed as New York, but 1 man willing to fight the 'status quo' is making a difference.
    Rooney may not be that man but he ain't Cahill and for me that is enough!

  52. 7:25,
    As long as that NYC is part of NYS, The City Democrats will control the Legislature. It only makes a difference who goes to Albany from "upstate" when they can get things done. I know that if Rooney goes, what money we do get back, will disappear immediately and without question. If you think it is bad here now, just imagine what it would be like with someone who would be ignored in Albany. Cahill ain't perfect, but voting for Rooney is akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face and I like my nose.

  53. How can you complain about a group and then vote them in again?

  54. 3:35 You hit the nailright on the hed, how can anyone justify re-electing someone who has been wrong for us all just because they think that every thing he does wrong is better than stopping the wrongdoing.
    If that isn't the definition of insanity I don't know what is.
    Cahill may be the first to go, look, the truth is NYC ain't all that happy with it's elected officials, so maybe they will be voting a few of them out as well, ok now you have a start but if we keep electing the same good for nothing but themselves politicians that we wont ever have achance to change anything.

  55. I will vote for them because I am a realist. Nothing will change. NY is on its last legs. So I say put guys like Cahill and Bonciac back in and let them steal as much for us as possible while the ship goes down. Eventually states like NY and California will go bankrupt and cease to exist in their present state. Then we can discard sleaze balls like these and other legislators and build something meaningful from scratch.

    To think that person can change this state is laughable, especially with NYC at the wheel. They are like locusts taking anything they can from upstate just to keep their heads above water amid their own mistakes. The system will not allow anyone to fix it. It is that system built by people like Cahill, Silver, Cuomo, Bruno, Pataki, etc that will eventually crumble.

    I want to believe too that my vote can fix it, but I am smart enough to realize that it is not possible. We need to hit "ctrl-alt-delete" on this state and leaving the idiots we have now in office is the fastest way to do it. Really how much business is there left to leave? Not much. The new Solar Manufacturing sector barely has its doors open and the Chinese are killing us. And what's left will move out of state as soon as they see the benefits for doing so.

  56. Something tells me that some of the people posting here will vote for Cahill no matter what and always will. Something also tells me some of the people posting on here never voted for Cahill and never will. I am looking for a reason to vote for Rooney, but there just isn't one.
    Rooney & Cahill, there are BIG negatives with both. But,I am leaning towards Cahill and here is why.
    I spoke to Rooney at an event recently. This man has no clue about government. He was trying to talk to me in soundbites and catch phrases. I guess he thought ridiculing Kevin would satisfy me, when all it did was prove to me that he is not prepared to serve. I am sorry, but I want substantive answers, not "Silver has to go" and other obvious items that were fed to him by his handlers.
    I have grilled Cahill a few times in the past, and I can honestly say, he didn't just answer, he explained. In order to explain something, you have to understand it. I respect him for that.
    I have been waiting to vote for a Republican for over 10 years and there just hasn't been one. Glen Noonan, Fawn Tantillo, Robin Yess and now Peter Rooney? I am Republican, but I am not stupid. Give us a decent candidate please.

  57. That is because Rooney is one big marketing gimick with no substance. I have seen him at events too, being led around by people that know less than him. No party insiders, so sitting Republicans, nothing. Obviously no one has faith in him.

  58. I ccan't believe what I am reading, I have never heard so many reasons not to vote for Cahill by people that will vote for him anyway?
    Logic, anyone?
    Back in the 1972 Election, it was my first time in a voting booth, I would like to have voted for Nixon, but his dark side was begining to emerge, the alternative was Humphrey, I just couldn't do it so I wrote in, yeap, I opened the little panel above the ballot and with pen in hand wrote in for Ronald Regan. Not that it was smart but I had to express my anger with the choices at hand.
    In 76' the choices were between Ford and Carter, I could vote for Carter for obvious reasons but Ford had pardoned Nixon for watergate and didn't deserve my vote either, I wrote in for Donald Duck.
    I am more proud of those two votes than any i have cast since, yes they might have been wasted but my vote is my right, it is precious and about the only way i can live with myself for the 4 years that follow.
    I don't care if the opposition is as wacky as gary Busey if he isn't part of the problem he may be part of the solution.
    Voting for Cahill who is part of the problem is just nutz, any message we can send to albany that says we've had enough is a start, if cahill gets the nod then these guys will think they can get away with anything,
    I am also voting for Paladino, by the way who'd a thought he'd be only a few points behind Coumo in the polls, if that doesn't tell you now is the time to vote these guys out, then you all deserve what you get, MORE OF THE SAME, CORRUPTION and DYSFUNCTION!

  59. That poll was a fluke. There have been subsequent polls showing Cuomo with a double digit lead.

    Cahill over Rooney, he is just the better candidate no matter how you look at it.

  60. Polls are useless. Going into primary day every poll had Lazio ahead of Paladino anywhere from 2 points to 12 points. As I recall Paladino won by a little more than 10 points.

  61. I guess polls are only usseful when the results fit your point of view.
    What changed since the last comment, now it not how bad a representative Cahill is, (I guess your don't wnat to sound insane), now he's just better, so now basically you justify his votes with Silver and NYC as good, the fact still remains we neeed to get all the bums out, and if Cahill goes this time and Rooney is no better or even worse,(I know its not possible),
    then getting rid of Rooney will be a lot easier after 2 years than getting rid of Cahill, That's how you do it sooner rather than later you will have effected the change you want, jsut electing the same thievs over and over again wont change anything.

  62. 9;23, all that is true if you think Cahill is bad for the district. I happen to think that he is very good for the district.

    You can vote him out and then vote Rooney out then vote the next person out, ad infinitum. In the end, the only people who lose are the taxpayers of the district. But you sure feel good knowing you did your part to change things.

    What Rooney or any subsequent representative does will never equal what Cahill does, no matter how you slice it. Cahill is the better choice. Vote with your head, not your heart.

  63. Give it to Cahill, let him be holding the bag when the state falls apart in the next year or so. If you elect Rooney even though he is an idiot the Democrats will blame the last 30 years of problems on him. And since he is nothing but a bunch of sound-bytes he will end up taking the blame, because he is too dumb to form a logical argument to the contrary.

    Look at it logically. NYC's budget is going straight into the ground and so is the state. So next year even though the state can't afford it the Legislature run by NYC representatives will suck even more out of upstate by the way of fees and taxes. Eventually there has to be a breaking point, whether it is upstate residents that are bled dry or starving people in NYC. Either way this state will collapse under its own weight of government. When the minority is supporting the majority, it doesn't work. Obama has no money to give to broke states at this point, so we are screwed. I would rather see all of this happen to the democrats that have built this welfare utopia we have in NY.

    Don't believe me, look at our school districts. The state has addicted them to state funding, allowing them to spend at will and hide the expenses in the money they receive from the state and feds. Now the money has dried up and our local school districts were left holding the the bag. Not that they didn't deserve it for their reckless spending, but you don't see any state or federal reps taking responsibility for cutting their aid. This is quickly expanding to municipalities, hospitals, and maybe even Cahill's precious "artist factories" lol. Add this to jobs going at minimum out of state but more likely out of the country and the future isn't pretty.

  64. 9:47 & 10:08 these ideas wont change anything, hopeing for the state to collapse will do nothing but hurt all those residents who have jobs and business in the state, you sound like one of those progressive loons that think that the way to get rid of capitalism is to collapse it and them hope that a more solicialsic system takes hold, it appears to me that the nation is getting istself back onn track, only the mid term elections will prove it either way, it will be more of the same big spending, big government more legislation or something less destuctive and more sustainable. Do you think that NYS will really collapse? if you do you are kidding yourselves, change must come from the bottom up and electing the same idiots to change the screw up they created is just plain DUMB!
    You are trying to justify doing the insane once again, it doesn't wash, besides we seem to be talking like Cahill-Rooney is the only game in town, Hinchey has to go regardless of what side of the ailse you are on, he has gotten so full of himself he now dictates policy to us rather than serve at our pleasure. patterson was better than many expected but Coumo will reck the sate quicker than you can say "Hold it"
    So you give a guy like Paladino a shot, he may not be a CHris Christi but he is more fiscally responsible than Coumo, so with all the possibilities you think electing a say Cahill will be better?

  65. Hinchey is a whole different story. I believe that you can fix the US by voting incumbents on both sides out because you aren't fighting a preset majority like we have in NY aka: NYC. I also don't mind giving Paladino a shot because he will if nothing else do a better job at exposing the legislature for the thieves they are, where as Cuomo is part of the club and will keep his mouth shut.

    You want to fix NY before it collapses, show us a way to take NYC out of the equation. Rooney doesn't have it and neither does anyone else running. The legislature has stacked the deck and have locked in with the changes to how population will be counted next year. The NYC democrats and what they call Republicans down there will vote together at all costs because that is how they rob upstate, can you say MTA tax.

    As far as NY collapsing, show me how it can't. We can't change the system and the system can't sustain itself, so show me how it won't collapse. These idiots in Albany won't even stop spending when the scope of the problem is shoved right in their faces.

  66. The way I see it, you can have your cake and eat it too.

    Vote for Phillips and flip the U.S. Congress. Shumer and Gilabrand will win anyway and the likelihood of the U.S. Senate flipping is not high.

    Vote for Paladino, he has an outside chance and he can be a pain in the ass to the Assembly which will not flip in our lifetime with a 71.8% to 28.2% lead (104 Dem 42 Rep 2 Not Enrolled).

    Vote for Bonacic/Larkin flip the State Senate which will happen anyway.

    Vote for Cahill, since Rooney is ill prepared, would be a nonentity and totally ineffective back home.

    Now you have a congress that will block everything Obama does. A senate that will work with the Congress just to get things done.

    At the state level, Paladino will cut, cut, cut. He will cut so deep the Senate Republicans will piss and moan. The Democratic Assembly will be forced to cut just to get anything done and will be forced to work with both the Senate and Paladino.

    If all works out, all of my Senators, Congressman, and State reps will be in the majority and I will have a Gov who is wielding an axe trying to restore order. This is how I am voting, wish me luck.

  67. I agree with you to an extent 7:46. Pallidino can cut all he wants, but it still must pass the legislature. Ask Patterson how cutting has gone over in the legislature. I bet you my house that the Republicans would join the democrats to beat Palladino and get their voter bribe money. These slime balls are like crack addicts trying to get their fix which is why they can be so easily compared to thieves and prostitutes.

    Hinchey has to go and might, and I think Gillibrand has an outside chance of losing because she does not have the NYC Liberal sheeple to vote for her that Schumer has.

  68. 12:56, Maybe Peter Rooney is cheap sometimes (but he always pays his tab) and he'll continue to be that way with the taxpayers money when he is elected.

  69. Obviously 1:29 hasn't seen the Ethics Ruling that states legislators don't have to pay for stuff.


    After all they are better than you and I. And how would they decide how to vote if lobbyists couldn't give them money and free stuff. If my company has to issue 1099's to my suppliers under Obamacare, then legislators should have to issue 1099's to lobbyists and donors as well.

  70. I don't care, I've had enough of the Bull shit from the NYS assembly and the NYS senate, all I know is if you don't try and change it it will never change.

  71. Amazing, Peter Rooney was on the radio this morning and all he did was talk about his pony tail and the fact that he is self financing.

    He has no idea what he is doing, no idea what he is talking about, no idea what to do. He could not articulate one issue. Even the woman on show tried to get him talk over and over again and he had nothing to say.

    We know all about his pony tail and his truck though! Wow what a wellspring of information.

    He did not talk about property taxes, he did not talk about creating jobs, he did not talk about reforming Albany, nothing. BIG FAT ZERO!

  72. Did you hear Fred Wadnola shut Robin Yess up on the radio this morning?

    "OK, We've heard enough from our county chair"

    She was on the radio for less than 5 minutes.

  73. Rooney is a non-issue. I would love to vote for someone, anyone other than Cahill. But I can't vote for a total reject from the politician factory.

    On to bigger and better things, who is the new Police Chief going to be?

  74. I heard WGHQ this morning and waited and waited for Rooney to tell us something about his reasons for running. I heard about his pony tail, his latest story about the fireworks, his trucks and that his best qualification is that no one is contributing money to his campaign.

    Agree with him or not, Cahill gives more substance in five minutes than Rooney did in two hours.


    And yeah, who is going to be the new chief?

  75. I thought Rooney was pretty good and a breath of fresh air. He's not a politician who has a rehearsed 5 minute spiel. From what I got out of the interview is that he is honest and wants to do what is best for Ulster County.

    On a side note, some of the callers who were going after him were not so bright.

  76. Obviously the Kevin Cahill Kool-Aide has been working. Cahill hasn't had a new idea in ten years. He keeps regurgitating the same old BS. He isn't part of the problem HE IS THE PROBLEM!

    Folks, kick them ALL OUT!

    I WILL NOT vote for ANY incumbent, I urge everyone to do the same. Fresh faces, fresh ideas and at least a glimmer of a chance that Albany can be reformed.

  77. Yeah, 14 years of Cahill and look at the condition of our state. Don't we need change?

  78. Cahill hasn't had to have a new idea in years, because Silver doesn't let him accomplish any of his ideas.

    Now dance little Cahill monkey. Dance for your quarter.

  79. I started to believe that too, the no new ideas, done nothing, bad for all of us, Silver's lapdog, on an on, all of it. Then I dug a little, read a quite a few news articles, went to his website, kevincahillny.com and asked around.

    You do the same,and draw your own conclusion.

    Sure, Cahill has supported Democratic initiatives, what is he suppose to do? He is a Democrat!

    I just don't see Rooney winning. I listened to him too. He was a complete empty suit. He did not answer any questions Cynthia asked him. Never gave us an idea on what he was going to do, and if I heard about his damn ponytail or truck one more time... Ughhhhh.

    Shame on the Republicans for letting this guy be the person who is the face of the party.

  80. 3:44 are you the same guy that said the same exact sentence about Auerbach on Blaber's blog too? What are you the Democratic propaganda director?

    We all know Rooney isn't winning, but don't try and make us believe that Cahill is our savior. Cahill has supported NYC initiatives. Except when Silver allows him to vote differently to save face. Sure he has "supported" some good Democratic initiatives, but those aren't allowed to make it to the floor by Cahill's master so they don't really matter now do they?

    Rooney will accomplish exactly the same as Cahill. NOTHING. Except at least Cahill will be invited to the democratic strategy meeting under Silver's desk which will result in Ulster County getting some money from the state. So I say vote for Cahill and get that guy some extra padding for his knee pads.

  81. Its real simple Cahill has got to go, 8 tersm of NYC Sheldon SIlver ass kissing is enough, Rooney may not be a politicianm thank god for small favors, the fact that cahill is so much a politician is one of the major reasons he has got to go, I hope all the hot air about Cahill is shown to be exactly what it is a loser trying to hold on to his seat at the albany dinner table, is that you Len Bernardo, sure sounds like you trying to save your IN, anyone who really wants to change Albany has got to cast his vote for Rooney and Paladino, if not you'll get the same crap you've been handed for far too long, they, the incumbant stronghold in Albany has got you convinced that you can't change it, but the truth is your vote scares the heck out of them because you can change it, if only you had the courage!

  82. 5:03 and 5:55...

    Bonacic & Larkin both have more time then Cahill. But they can stay. Hypocrite!

  83. 5:03, Illiterate much? Good God man, use a period now and then.

  84. They have more time in the legislature, but Cahill has just as much time on the government tit as the rest of them. Has he ever had a real job that wasn't government funded.

    I know Hinchey hasn't. I remember when he was "Tollbooth Mo" government employee extraordinarie.

  85. Bonacic and Larkin are both as bad if not worse than Cahill. They were in the Senate for all those years with Bruno. Bonacic supported him 90% of the time until it was clear he was in trouble. Larkin was/is with him until the bitter end. They were stuffing their noses in the trough with the best of them.

    Tell me what's the difference? I'll help, it is the single letter next to their name, you know, the R.

  86. 12:14

    I think you will find that most people who want Cahill gone due to his and Albany's inaction, also want Bonacic and Larkin gone too.

  87. If you are thinking of voting for Peter Rooney, just go to mykcr.org and listen to him for the second hour of the show. Too bad you cannot hear the first hour where he was stunned, babbling and demonstrating that he is completely uninformed even more than this second hour.

    He says he has a lot of learning to do. What happens to everything else while he is "learning"?

  88. Rooney is obviously lost and really, really, likes to talk about himself. He is trying to sell his pony tail and truck. Both are very lovely, but they tell me nothing about his positions.

  89. If Peter Rooney is trying to show everyone that he can spend his money foolishly, he is doing a good job. I wish I had a half a million to waste.

    This was the opportunity to listen to him on Thursday to learn what his plan was to fix all those things he says in those very negative commercials. Instead, I got 2 hours of pony tails, signing trucks and Mrs. Wadnola finishing his sentences and answering his questions. Mrs. Wadnola even chimed in when Fred asked Rooney if he had any closing statements. I couldn't tell if it was Mrs. Wadnola being overbearing or being protective of Rooney who had nothing to say.

    I was terribly disappointed.

    Kevin should ride along with Rooney in his cartoonish truck, he would probably even get some Republicans to switch and vote for him. Once people find out that Rooney is not prepared and does not know the issues, they will as disappointed as I was. He sure does have a nice pony tail though.

  90. Rooney = gimmick. No substance, just flash.

  91. I'm a Republican and I think Larkin needs to go, but I would never vote for Doles. After speaking to Doles, he lied right to my face. After talking to people in the town of Monroe, I learned that he is indeed a pathological lier.

  92. Doles, is garbage.
    He is lying to Democrats and Republicans alike.

    Larkin may be losing it, but No way will I vote for Doles.

  93. Rooney breaking the law yet again.

    It is very clear that Peter E. Rooney thinks the laws do not apply to him. From putting up campaign signs before the law says you can, to storing illegal fireworks on his property, to this one, driving without a seat belt.

    Why does Rooney think he does not have to follow the law? What will he do if he is elected? Scary isn't it?


  94. Yeah what is with the Campaign signs being out earlier then they are supposed to this year. I have seen Rooney, Auerbach, Paladino, Phillips, and Cuomo signs up before they are allowed and on public right-ways. I know the public road part is allowed once they are within a month, even though it is tacky. But at least wait until you can legally put them up.

    I hope we aren't doing like two years ago where signs will litter every possible open space along every road. That was disgusting.

  95. Looking at the latest financial disclosures and noticed another one to add to the list of laws that Rooney Ignores. Rooney has not filed his 32 Day Pre General financial disclosure that was due October 1.

  96. The law doesn't apply to Peter Rooney, he doesn't have to wear seat-belts.

  97. I'm actually amazed at the relentless venom being thrown at Rooney. I don't know the man, but am actually being swayed to give him my vote so as to level the playing field, especially in light of the persistent negative comments on this thread. Give it a break folks - not wearing a seatbelt!?! BFD!

    He's not Kevin Cahill, which to me is a good thing. Last year we in the ToU got rid of Brian, who did nothing but puff, lets continue the trend and send Kevin packing as well. I'll give Rooney a two year shot if he turns out as bad as all of you say he is, then clearly he'll be voted out - but hopefully not by the comeback kid Mr. Cahill.

  98. Fireworks, seat belts, campaign sign laws, financial disclosures, add it up and it shows a terrible personality flaw. It shows that Rooney believes the rules do not apply to him. Some rich people are like that. They think they earned the right to ignore laws. Laws are for the little people.

    You may not like Cahill, but I refuse to support a guy who puts himself above the law. I love the constitution too, so much so, that I follow the laws that support it.

  99. 9:26, Have you not heard Rooney's commercials, seen his mail or visited his web resources? He started down the negative,untrue path a long time ago.

    The big difference is, what he is saying is not true. What people are writing about Rooney, is true.

  100. How ironic is it that Steve Aaron pretty much was the person responsible for Nickie Woerner being supervisor in Ulster, and now they don't even speak to each other. It just goes to show you what a dirt bag Aaron is. He ruined that kids life. One thing you can't get back is your reputation. Aaron and Hinchey are attached at the hip, time to get rid of him next.

  101. Aaron is going to wind up privatizing Golden Hill. Who're the losers? Taxpayers of course!

  102. Woerner knew what he was doing and so does Hinchey. If they want to hang around with scum of the earth like Aaron I suggest we give him more time to. Phillips for Congress.
    To those defending Rooney, I suggest that you talk to him. He really has no idea what to do. All he wants to do is "take Cahill out". O.K then what? I am sticking with Cahill, at least he knows what he is doing.

  103. 9:26, You don't know what you're talking about.
    Brian was a very good Legislator, ask anyone who worked with or around him. Voting him out of office was obviously a mistake given that Wadnola was given a great opportunity as Charmian and has done absolutely nothing. Jim Maloney has pulled his usual disappearing act.

  104. Brian and Kevin couldn't get a job in sanitation if thaey promised to clean up their own Bull Shi*! PLLLLLEEEASE, give me a breakm they have been feeding at the public trough for far too long, a few of the cirtics in this and other threads criticized Wasnola for doing the dame, where is all the anger for two disreputable a holes who could dot an i without an instruction kit.
    Rooney may be an a hole as well but he's not Cahill who is definitly and a hole, I'll take a chance for 2 years and go with new rather than the same old bull.

  105. I would never vote for someone that doesn't wear a seatbelt! I'm glad this information came out.

  106. 7:55, WTF are you talking about? Brian Cahill was in office for a couple of years and has worked at IBM forever. Kevin is a lawyer. From the look of your posts, it looks like you are the one who has trouble dotting i's!

    You really are not helping your cause when you make posts filled with anger and misinformation.

    And BTW....Wadnola deserves it. Over a 100k a year in PUBLIC TROUGH pensions and he still takes 20k for his legislature pay.

  107. I agree with 11:20 about Brian Cahill. A couple of years on the legislature doesn't qualify in my book as living off the gov't tit.

    But he is wrong about Kevin. Lawyer or not, even when Kevin wasn't an assemblyman he was still working as a government employee. Just like Hinchey in his Toll Booth way way back when he couldn't get elected as a poliitician.

  108. 2:27, Kevin Cahill also worked in the private sector. He worked for a private insurance company for several years.

    I should know. I worked for him and helped him grow the business from zero to over $40 million a year. He had about 50 employees working for him directly and another 50 who worked with our group. It was an extremely successful venture and highly respected in the industry.

    I am grateful for the opportunities Kevin gave me and the new career I started with him.

    He is a smart lawyer and was a good boss. He has been a terrific Assemblyman.

  109. What private company, I thought he worked for one of the state funded deals in between stints in the Assembly?

  110. Why do some people consistently refuse to act as if the laws do not apply everyone equally?

    I am looking for a good sound reason why Peter Rooney has not filed his 32 Pre-General financial disclosure with the New York State Board of Elections yet?
    Does he think this is another law that does not apply to him? No matter when he files it now, he has not followed the rules that everyone else has.

    It is now 5 days late. Is there something to hide?

  111. Because Rooney thinks that he can bend the rules to suit him. He does not realize that you can't do that until after you get elected. Kind of like funneling congressional money through a not for profit to businesses. Or how about some new water lines to help a bro's property be more appealing for a sweet government project.

    Rooney just needs to get smoother on his delivery. How about some help? Hinchey? Bonaciac? Cahill? Bueller? anyone?

    You can't expect these green politicians to get you level of gutter ethics right from the get go.

  112. 6:08, He is not bending the rules, he is breaking them. If you think that is ok, well then your ethics and opinion have to be called into question.

  113. I would watch out with the accusations just yet. I know many a politician that bitch about how long it takes for campaign reports to post depending on how you submit them.

    It is nice to know however that not filing a report is wrong and you should be publicly stoned for it. But taking advantage of wording in congressional rules to move money and contracts to your friends is ok. In the end how much does some idiot that will never be elected Assemblyman failing to file on time really cost me? I would guess not nearly as much as the idiots that are already in office.

  114. I have to ask you, why is it that whenever someone writes about Rooney, you respond with something on Hinchey? Hinchey is scum, just look at who he hangs around with. Aaron, Woerner, Spada all disreputable in my opinion.

    Apples to apples please.

    Rooney's actions are symptomatic of a greater problem. Some of the well connected, political and financial elite seemingly thinking the laws do not apply to them. I don't care what party they are in, I am tired of it. I want people to know that this man thinks he is above the law. I want to ensure he does not get elected. I can not imagine what he would be like if elected.

    I use the financial disclosure as my litmus test for politicians. over 90% of candidates file on time. The ones that don't, are usually self funded and very wealthy or have questionable sources of campaign finances. (see last years Ulster races, much more spent then reported on BOTH sides)

    Campaign finance reform will fix all of these problems and give the average man a fair chance at being elected to public office.

  115. Look what Jeremy Blaber posted to his blog about his old pal Steve Aaron!?!

    Guess the honeymoon's over...

    Attorney General Andrew Cuomo the Democratic nominee for Governor made a little money at an event in Saugerties hosted by Steve Aaron, a local developer that specializes in senior housing, a few weeks ago.

    The event showed Andrew has strong support as business leaders and elected officials forked over more than a thousand dollars to support their candidate for Governor. Listen, a thousand dollars certainly is a lot of money but not an uncommon contribution for a statewide candidate, especially a guy running for governor. $37,800 on the other hand is outrages and in my opinion clearly an attempt to gain influence with the future Governor. That's how much Rivergate Development, an LLC owned by Steve Aaron gave at the event.

    Fortunately, Andrew Cuomo is guy of great integrity and one that can't be bought but it makes Aaron look bad.

    Cuomo Money from Aaron Event

    Nadine Shadlock - $ 1,000.00
    Rich Wyatt - $ 1,000.00
    John Mallen - $ 1,000.00
    Jay Modhwadiya - $ 1,000.00
    Andy Kossover $ 1,000.00
    Bob Kurzon - $ 1,000.00
    Eugene Heslin - $ 1,000.00
    Abel Garraghan - $ 1,000.00
    Scott Davis - $ 1,000.00
    Hayes Clement - $ 1,000.00
    Frank Cardinale - $ 1,000.00
    Marty Rutberg - $ 1,000.00
    Ulster Excavating - $ 1,000.00
    H&H Environmental - $ 1,000.00
    Millens Recycling - $ 2,000.00
    Tower Proudcts - $ 2,000.00
    Fala Technologies - $ 2,000.00
    McIntyre Consulting - $ 2,750.00
    Melcarne Construction- $ 5,000.00
    David Lenefsky - $ 5,000.00
    Lazy Swan - $ 5,000.00
    Rivergate Development - $ 37,800.00

  116. I actually called Pete Rooney's campaign and they told me they did file days ago. They are not sure why it is not posted and will call the board of elections immediately.

  117. I would never vote for someone that doesn't wear a seatbelt. Whoever investigated this, thank you!

  118. Enough on looney Rooney!

    What are peoples thoughts on Paladino/Cuomo?

    I for one like the idea of a non-insider taking on the powerbrokers of Albany.

    Besides, Cuomo did way too much damage at HUD to be any kind of REAL reformer.

  119. Did anyone happen to read this article on NY Times today?

    Palladino has spent $3.8 million so far on his campaign. Guess where he spent $2,000,000 of it?
    His own companies or properties.

    I know it is his money, but why does that seem a little bit questionable to me?


  120. 7:15, let me ask you a question. When Coumo, or Obama, or Silver do there campaign business do you think that they steer the business towards companies that they either know or maybe even own or do they go out and hire fairly? They go with what they know, so that they don't spend their hard earned money on some company that might be owned by a tea bagger. Why shouldn't Pallidino?

  121. 9:41, good point, and I agree. What I was talking about is that he owns damn near everything up there!

  122. Of the $284,138.76 Rooney has spent thus far, $275,000+ has been spent outside the 101st Assembly District. Surely there are locally qualified printers, photographers, film crews etc. who could have benefited from his largess.

  123. News Release from Tech City:

    Former Town of Ulster Supervisor Nick Woerner has been named Director of Government Affairs for the largest commercial development in the Town.

    I guess his friends in high places twisted Mr. Ginsberg's arm to hire the former Supervisor.

    I guess Nick will be able to advise Mr. Ginsberg on how to negotiate with the Town of Ulster on how to get a cut in the Real Estate Tax Assessment just like the one he gave the Hudson Valley Mall. I wonder if for every dollar saved in Real Estate Taxes Nick will get a bonus?

  124. 5:15, yet one more reason to dump Hinchey! Jingles is the LAST person to navigate ANY government affairs, unless those affairs are illegal, dihonest and fraudulent!

    Good luck rehabilitating the Tech City image with that asshole in the room.

  125. What is the Town Board deciding at the Special Meeting on Friday at noon with regard to the Police Chief? Are they picking one or just setting up the process?

  126. If Tech city has hired Jingles, they have lost any chance of improving relationships with government officials. They ALL hated him with the exception of Hinchey who after assaulting a reporter last night, is on his way out.

    Ginsberg = complete fucking idiot for hiring Woerner.

  127. wha wha WHAT? Hinchey assaulted a reporter? What happened?

  128. http://capitaltonight.com/2010/10/hinchey-tangles-with-reporter/

  129. I have one fact with regard to NEVER re-electing Cahill,
    Chucie Shummer, infamous NYS Senator is taking responsibility for a tax break for subway riders, That is NYC subway METRO CARD users, NYC SUBWAY, Not A benefit to NYS Residents living out side of NYC.
    This $1,000 per year tax break is courtacy of the wonderful MTA tax to Dutchess COunty Residents as a gift from Sheldon Silver via NO CONTEST from your friend and Mine, Kevin Cahill.
    that is $1,000 per year in tax breaks to NYC residents who ride the NYC subway system.
    JUST ONE MORE REASON TO GET RID OF ALL THE A _HOLES in the NYS Assembly, The NYS Legislature , Shummer, Hinchey the Reporter Beater, is that anything like a wife beater, Hinchey needs to go back to toll collecting on the NYS Thruway.
    The only thing SHOVEL READY in the STATE OF NY is the Bull Shit that these morons shovel at us.

  130. Kevin Cahill did not support the MTA Tax. He vocally opposed the tax. He is also a leader in supporting a change in MTA governance (to increase Dutchess representation on the board). He has also supported discussions to cut Dutchess out of the MTA altogether. He has called for a complete audit of the MTA's books, especially after he and others caught them with two sets of books the last time they sought new taxes.

    Say what you will about Cahill's politics, he fights for his constituents every step of the way.

    To those who say otherwise: A lie repeated does not become the truth.

  131. I guess Nicky's payback for preferential tax treatment of Ginsberg has finally paid off in his favor, the truth is the taxpayers of the town still wind up paying his salary. I guess there is nothing this idiot wont stoop to. He and his cohorts AARON & ZWEIBEN must cut Nick loose and threw him under the bus, he can't make them any more money, (steal any more money if you ask me), for them at the town's expense. so he called on relationships he made while supervisor. I can't believe Ginsberg is that stupid or did Nick have records of some transactions that should not have occured?

  132. I can tell Cahill's staff is posting comments on this blog quiet often.

  133. 2:56,
    I can tell Rooney's high priced Albany goons are posting malicious lies on here. Just like his radio ad's and fliers. Show me an ad, I'll show you a lie. I am not on Cahill staff either, I just pay attention and do some simple fact checking.

  134. I realize we have no decent alternative to Cahill this year. But how can a guy campaign that he fights for me against companies like Central Hudson and other utilities but then he takes money from them.

    It would seem to me that, if he comes out publicly against them I bet they then up their donations. How convenient for Cahill. I guess he really isn't fighting for me, because I know I can't give him thousands of dollars. But who am I supposed to vote for, the idiot with the pretty truck.

  135. I'll take the idiot who's managed to make a nice life for him and his family in NYS despite the taxes and the economics of living here ANY DAY over a career Silver Asslicker like Kevin Cahill.

    Worst case scenario, we vote Rooney out next time around. Still a better alternative than giving an "at-a-boy" to Cahill for a job poorly done.

  136. Please show me where Cahill siding with the Majority, of which he is part of, is different than 99% of the Majority in this or any Assembly. Further where has it hurt his district and the people living in it?

    Cahill supports his parties initiatives. He also votes against things that are detrimental to his district against his own Majority. The previously cited MTA tax is a perfect example, Everyone knows that was Silver's baby and Cahill voted against it.

    I hear all of this Silver this and Silver that, what exactly is the negative result of Cahill's votes to the 101st district?

  137. Let's get real 9:55am. When Cahill votes against Silver it is because he is allowed to. Silver knew he had the votes to push the MTA deal, so Cahill was allowed to save face and vote against. This is done all the time in Washington and Albany by both parties. If you haven't figured it out yet you are an idiot.

    If Cahill goes against the party he will get hung out to dry by the party like they did to him when Guerin won. That wasn't a fluke, John beat him because the Democrats were smacking Cahill's pee-pee. That is why Guerin was smart to not try for another run in the 101st. He is smart enough to know that unless the Dems have it out for you, a Democrat can't lose in this district.

  138. 12:39, you have no clue what you are talking about. You talk like you know something you obviously don't. But why let the truth get in the way of a good bullshit post right?

    The Democrats were with Cahill then, as much as they were with anyone. In 1994 it was a Republican County by a wide margin and a Pataki won by a Landslide. That had everything to do with Cahill losing, by only a few hundred votes BTW. This is also the year Hinchey only won by a couple of hundred votes.

    1994 stats.
    Ulster County
    All Votes Cast......................... 65,854
    Cuomo/Lundine - Democrat............... 18,957
    Pataki/McCaughey - Republican.......... 34,632
    Pataki/McCaughey - Conservative........ 6,118
    Walsh/Sutton - Right to Life........... 799
    Cuomo/Lundine - Liberal................ 956
    Pataki/McCaughey - Tax Cut Now......... 984
    Lane/Bockman - Socialist Workers....... 109

  139. That's great, it was a Republican County. But it wasn't a Republican 101st. Cahill's predecessor made sure of that, who was that guy again? Even Guerin was smart enough to know this which is why he opted for the Senate after only one term in the Assemblyman. Cahill was hung out there and learned his lesson. But why let the truth get in the way of the party line. Mark my words if Silver needs the votes Cahill does as he is told if he knows what's good for him. The utility companies donate well but not that well. I guess we all know where our Central Hudson increase went to.
