2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Friday, September 17, 2010

November Elections

Now that the New York Primaries are behind us and State and Local Races will be heating up things should begin to get interesting.
There are still questions begging to be answered:
For Instance:
How important is Tea Party support?
Will Democrats even bother to vote?
Will Coumo's past relationship with HUD and the housing crisis come back to bite him?
Will Gillibrand's past relationship with Coumo and HUD come back to bite her?
When will George Phillips finally take the gloves off and hit Hinchey where it hurts....his record and his relationships with lobbyists and his ultra liberal positions on the economy? (don't forget the Saugerties pipeline)!
Now that Kevin Cahill has a real race on his hands, can he run far enough from his record to win a 9th term against Peter Rooney the choice of Republicans, Independents and Conservatives across the district.
Will Cahill's relationship with the Working Family line hurt him or help him this time around?
Where is ACORN?
Will Cahill have Sheldon Siver out on the campaign trail this time out?
Can Fawn Tantillo upset Eliot Auerbach for County Comptroller?
Will Faludico hurt Van Blarcum's chances at re-election?
And maybe most improtantly:
Can Carl Paladino give Andrew Coumo a run for the 'Money'?


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Respectful, Reverent & Remebered

There is not a lot to say, over 3,000 lives lost, citizens and civil servants alike, 9 years later as American lives are still being lost in strange lands far away, to free people who know no freedom, we at home should not forget.

Without hatred and vengeance we must revere the qualities of America and our way of Life, Liberty and Prosperity.

Without apology for we have raised the civility of man to heights unimagined by oppressed people around the world, we sacrifice our blood and treasure.

For those whose lives were stolen and to those who suffered the loss of a father or mother, a son or daughter, a relative or friend, as well as those who hate and despise us, NEVER FORGET!

See: links to the right parts 1-4 or visit youtube.com and search 2010 Town of Ulster 9 11

Cut & Paste the following link to view slide show:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

911 Memorial, Don't Miss It!

Saturday Morning, Sept. 11, 2010, (911), people should begin gathering by 9 AM.
Town of Ulster Park, (formerly Post Park), at the new fishing dock.
With all that is wrong with the world, so many firefighters and policemen gave their lives unselfishly as did many ordinary citizens trying to save the lives of men and women they did not know. Over 3,000 died and thousands of their family members and friends are still searching for answers and justice.
Dismiss for the moment those who politicize and demean their sacrifice for profit and self interest and just as improtantly dismiss the many others still at war with us. Instead celebrate the American Experience. We are all Americans on 911 just as we are on December 7th. Americans have stood tall and made the ultimate sacrifice for millions of people the world over.
Time and time again we spend our blood and treasure to offer liberty to a reluctant world. There are those of us who would rather offer appologies for our actions throughout our history. Saturday morning at 9:03 WTC South Tower, 9:43 The Pentagon, 10:05 WTC North Tower and 10:10 Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Let us offer our prayers for those who died and the families and friends they left behind, let us not insult their death, their memory and their sacrifice with appologies for our way of life, our liberties and our freedoms.