2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Recreation Department A Real Success............

For those of you who are wondering how rewarding hard work and attention to detail can benefit our town, our taxes and above all our children, look no further than the Recreation Department of The Town of Ulster.
Summer Camp, a great success on the FUN front, Kid's one and all had a great time, (just ask them how much they miss it)! And as a bonus, for the first time in more than 4 years the program expense came in well under budget, YEAP, YOU READ THAT RIGHT, 'UNDER BUDGET'! In fact about $20,000 under the prior years expenditure of more than $89,000!
Rocky Who?
More importantly, the Camp Counselors and CIT's were the cream of young men and women, boys and girls from all around town, they are to be thanked and congratulated for their dedication and patience, campers of every age are better for the experience.

Just as importantly, the new fishing dock should be completed in time for the 911 Memorial Service to be held at Town of Ulster Park, (formerly Post Park ), Saturday September 11th at 10 AM. The service should be a memorable one and truly respectful of those whose lives were tragically taken by Fanatical Islamic Terrorists just 9 short years ago. 'Lest We Forget'!

On a sad note, it has come to our attention that the anger and selfishness expressed by former Councilman Rocko Secreto in his refusal to return Easter Eggs donated to the Town for the annual Easter Egg Hunt, (his insistence is they were donated to him personally), seems to have escalated to untold heights. It seems he is attempting to co-opt the Town of Ulster's 'Biddy Basketball Program' and relocate it at the Kingston YMCA. "SHAME ON YOU Rocky!"
The program has been run at elementary and middle schools in the Town for the young boys and girls of the Town and his attempt to hijack children of resident's for revenge is just plain 'CHILDISH'. Our children deserve better than to be pawns at the mercy of someone who is obviously such a sore loser.
It is our understanding that this is all a prelude in his plan to run, (yet again), for a Ulster Town Board council seat in the 2011 local election.
All this nonsense justifies the resident's choices last November. "I guess a leopard really can't change it's spots!"

Rocko...... the time has come for you to 'Go quietly into that good night'!


  1. My children very much enjoyed Summer Camp this year. Chris and his staff did a great job.

  2. GO Boy Scouts! I was one myself.
    Can we employ 'eminent domain' and make Secreto's house a parking lot?
    Just a thought!
    Summer Camp was the best it has ever been, I had 2 kids as campers and one as a CIT and all three miss it badly, now they are driving me nutz so yes thank you councillors, one and all!

  3. Support the BSA!

    And remember, the United Way stopped providing financial assistance the the BSA, because of the BSA policy banning "alternative lifestyle" scout leaders. I have no personal problem with someones individual life choices, but DO NOT want my sons exposed to these influences. I am proud that the BSA did not cave in to the P.C. pressures, but it has cost them big $$.

    Be generous to the local and national BSA!

  4. The word is counselor, at least spell it correctly.

  5. 4:53 a little picky aren't we? Had a bad day? I guess when you can't attack the message, attack the messenger as a poor speller!
    I agree with 12:38 and the original post anyway, misspellings aside, the camp was a success this year, with no COUNSELORS accused of smoking pot, and all for $20 grand less than under Woerner/Secreto.

  6. Kudos to the new recreational director Jeff Hayner for all the hard work and for leading the way on how to run a successful camp for a reasonable amount of money. The town of U is lucky to have him, and we are anxiously awaiting another funfilled season of summer camp under his leadership.

  7. Actually point of order, the Boy Scouts of America ban all out show and expressions of sexuality. So even if you are a male leader talking about your conquests with women you can be thrown out. Same goes for public displays of affection, unless you are married in which case it is allowed but frowned upon. The problem is the fact that a parent is not going to dime out an adult leader for a talking about his sexuality with the opposite sex as fast as they will a homosexual leader.

  8. All i know is my years from age 8 thru 18, all told Cubs, Weblos, Boy Scouts and Explorer Scouts were some of the best experiences of my life. I made some good friends, did some great things and learned tons of interesting and useful stuff. I'm now the proud parent of two scouts and one soon to be scout, (this Sept), and believe me, my boys are all better citizens and better people for the experience.
    They also enjoyed the TofU camp this summer and had a ball.
    Jeff ran a great program all the better for keeping the costs reasonable and Chris ran the day to day camp supervision and activities better than anyone could have expected.
    The counselors, (I hope I spelled that right) were all helpful fun and respectful.
    GOOD JOB TofU!

  9. I knew this would happen as soon as Quigley took over. This is the best town in the world. We have the best camp counselors in the world and the best Republicans in the World. And we saved money too! Eat it Woerner Artist,and Secreto!

  10. Jeff Hayner did an outstanding job this year along with Councilman Kitchen who appointed him! Both of these gentlemen worked tirelessly to bring off a good summer season for the kids, and they did so beatifully. Keep up the good work fellas!

  11. Jeff Hayner for Supervisor when Quigley goes for Executive. He ran the camp so well, imagine what he could do with the police department! Thank God the voters put all these wonderful Republicans in office to rescue the Town of Ulster. Woerner would have had the town closed down by now.

  12. Do I detect a note of sarcasm in some of the comments, No flowers, just facts, the town is better positioned to confront the difficult economic times of the day, the residents will be facing tax increases from almost every level of government and school district, the fact that we have fiscally responsible people running the town can only be an asset.
    That being said, the camp was run real well this year, kudos: Jeff, Chris and all the counselors and cits.
    Secreto on the other hand is an ass he's always been and ass, (just ask those of us who used to call a friend), some people just can't help themselves.
    He is totally clueless if he thinks he could get elected again.

  13. Looks like Hugh Reynolds smoked your boy Wadnola and the Republican Legislature. Deservedly so if you ask me.


  14. 1:44 I am not a Wadnola fan, heck I didn't even vote for him last election so out of curiosity I visited the Hugh Reynolds article you cite. I don't know if this is the article you intended to cite as I can't see how anyone could garner the article critical of Wadnola, It does put for the idea that Hein is a little too shrewd for the likes of our Legislature, he peddles his influence to members almost daily but that is Hein being hein, he needs to get himself in the news every opportunity.
    So I ask you do you have a problem with Fred personally?

  15. I find it very interesting that no one mentioned Chris was fired not once but twice throughout the summer with no announcement to parents as to why or who was in charge or that counselors were asked to take days off unpaid in order to stay within budget. While I agree most of the counselors were wonderful,there were a few that had no business supervising children as they acted like children themselves. I have always had a pleasant experience at camp but am truly reconsidering sending my children next year.

  16. This sure isn't too flattering. The Chairman of any meeting is suppose to keep order and control the meeting.

    Legislators routinely yak across the aisle with or at each other. Others get up and leave the room during session, either for nature’s calls or to answer cell-phones. One legislator left for home in a huff a few months ago. Another just walked off to tend to an ailing relative. Wadnola looked on benignly, never officially notifying the audience, media or fellow legislators that his Elvises had left the building.

    A gift of any chairman is knowing when to cut off debate, hopefully after the second round. To calls from legislators of “Move the question!!” Wadnola lets them ramble on.

  17. I have a problem with Fred, he is a leech on the public teat.
    Several publicly funded pensions, one of which is near $80,000 a year, and the 20k a year as Chairman. He is doing a terrible job as chairman to boot. So yeah, I have a problem with him personally as long as I am paying taxes.

    Quigley does not take a salary, why is Fred you ask? Because he is in it for the money that's why.

  18. 8:52 Wouldn't you agree that all good managers downsize when necessary to work within their budget? This is being fiscally responsible to the tax payers of our town!

  19. 9:29 There are many double dippers when it comes to State, County, Town and School pensions, Your problem should be with the unions that are the root problem, or maybe you just think you should have gone into teaching so you could enjoy a similar pension. Besides I don't know anyone, (that graduated at least), who has nothing but praise for Fred's teaching ability!
    I can't say that for too many others in that profession.
    And didn't Quigley campaign on not taking a salary? I don't seem to remember that being part of Fred's Campaign.
    I can understand the criticism, some justified, I don't understand the personal attacks, it only weakens your argument and makes you, as a person sound petty, bitter and envious.

  20. pfftt...Fred is a load, ask ANY legislator, Republican or Deomcrat. He is a waste of space. The word is out that he is gone come January. Classic selfish double dipper....what's in it for me?

  21. I dont think that person sounds any of the things you said. I think they sound like a taxpayer who is sick of these politicians who think we are there to make them rich.

  22. 11:15, I couldn't agree more. How much money does one person need? Especially when he knows that taxpayers are strapped. He talks about it all the time and continues to take unneeded money.

    Wadnola will more than likely agree to laying off dozens of County employees who make $30 - $40 thousand a year in a few months while he continues to add to his substantial wealth on the taxpayers back.

    NYS Teachers Retirement System
    Wadnola,Frederick, Retired Annual $77,788

    There is just something morally wrong with that and I don't like it.

  23. Wadnola has earned his retirement. you cant knock him because he made good choices in his life. I for one am not a big fan of Fred but u can't take away the fact that he worked all those jobs and has earned what he is getting. just because u did not make those choices does not make him a bad person

  24. Retired and volunteeringAugust 28, 2010 at 8:51 AM

    It is not the pensions he has earned that bothers people, it is the $20,000 salary he takes now. He is suppose to be trying to save taxpayer money, not make matters worse. If he were raising a family, putting kids through college, or something like that I may be able to understand, but he is a wealthy man with several pensions, a successful business and a second home in Florida.
    Like Gordon Gecko said, greed is good.... if you are Fred Wadnola.

  25. Wadnola served his time in the Navy Reserve and EARNED a pension.

    Wadnola served his time in the Kingston School District and EARNED his pension.

    Wadnola is SERVING as the Chairman of the Legislature, and EARNS this salary.

    Get over it.

    If you don't like the way he is leading the legislature, voice your opinion to your own legislator and in January they can ELECT a new chairperson who, BTW, will EARN the very same $20k as Fred does.

    This is all the same BS from the same whining assholes - if you don't like it/him run for office yourself - then see how it feels to live under the microscope - IF you can get elected.

  26. Wadnola and all legislators who are not in need of their salaries should donate them to prevent layoffs. There are several wealthy legislators.

  27. If think teachers are over paid then go to college and become one. If you think civil servants are overpaid then take the test and become one (the tests are stupidly easy). If you think that politicians are overpaid then run for election and become one.

    Or you can vote for people that will actually hold fast against the unions (some of which don't have it as good as you may think). And you can vote for people that will cut politicians salaries or at least stop giving them raises. But not here in Ulster County, we continue to re-elect the same people and then sit around for 2, 4, or 6 years and bitch about it what they aren't doing right.

    Here is a look at the future, we will re-elect Hinchey, Schumer, Bonaciac, Cahill, and the same local politician crowd for local offices and this time next year the same comments will still be being on this blog. And the same 5 years from now, if NY still exists then.

  28. I bet if you put Joe Bruno back on the ballot in his district he wins hands down. Rangel will prove the point this year.

  29. I got to thinking and I could not come up with anything. What has Fred done in all the years he has been in office? Can anyone name just one initiative that he has pursued and accomplished? For someone who has been in public office for what, 20-30 years, what does he have to show for it except a lot of pay stubs?

  30. Word on the street is that Nick Woerner's car was parked at Mike Madsen's house all night. These two sports have been awful cozy lately, possibly exchanging pillow talk about politics. LOL! If Nick is thinking about running for office in Kingston, he needs to rethink that career move; He willl be run out of Kingston like he was in Town of U!!

  31. Heard from a reliable source that one of the furniture stores in Ulster is infested with bed bugs. Beware, if you are buying furniture.

  32. What do bed bugs in a furniture store have to do with summer Camp?

  33. Which store is it? I want to make sure and avoid it.

  34. Some people had to drive past a furniture store to bring their kids to camp. LOL!!

  35. Please someone tell me which store it is. Anyone know?

  36. Accolades to the Entire Summer Camp Staff, they made a good impression on my kids. Thanks for all the hard work.

  37. Funny thing, today's paper talks about how the Legislature was hands off of the RRA and it had to be subsidized by millions. What is the common denominator? Fred Wadnola. He was both Legislator and Vice Chair of the RRA board. No wonder he thinks it is "going well there".
    Fred also said he thought the net service fee was going down.... WRONG... Mike Bemis reviewed the net service fee proposed for the budget – it is $148,000 higher than 2009, This is from the 2010 budget for the RRA and Bemis is the head of the RRA.

    Someone has to point out that Freddy is basically a fraud. He shoots from the lip without knowing what he is talking about. He has done that his entire political career.

  38. 8:22 Is that Hein? Sure sounds like your spin!

  39. Sounds more like a Republican legislator if you ask me. There are certain legislators who have it out for Fred.

  40. 8:22, What is more worrisome is that Wadnola is always placed in these leadership positions where one would be expected to know the level of detail you posted. When they are talking about large amounts of taxpayer money, all leaders should be paying full attention. Looks like Wadnola was/is asleep at the switch if you ask me.

  41. What happened to the topic, Summer Camp?

  42. Boring, it is not a subject that gets the political juices flowing.

    It's appeal is really to a very small audience who had Kids in camp.

    It should be run in a tip top fashion, so where's the story?

    It carries on a theme of bashing a horrible administration that has been out of office for over 8 months. We got it, we voted them out remember?

    Shall I go on?

    Bed bugs in a local furniture store and Fred Wadnola are more controversial topics.

  43. SO what Furniture store??????????????

  44. How many furniture stores are there?

  45. Is it that rude guy who keeps moving his store so he can run "going out of business" sales and littering the side of the road with signs?

  46. Wouldn't be surprised, ever see that house? It is like Millens.

  47. Nyulassy's store, 3 Guys Furniture is the one?
