2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Facts You Should Know!

Prior to October 2008 the assessed valuation on Chambers Phase 1, 72 units, was $1.799,000.00. The PILOT, (Payment in Lieu of Taxes), negotiated for Phase 1 was 9% of gross rental income or $35,000.00 in annual Tax Revenue. This PILOT was again re-negotiated down to $7,200.00 or $100.00 per rental unit. Costing our taxpayers $27,800.00 in lost tax revenue.

You Do the Math.

                          $35,000.00                              -$7200.00 



On October 2nd 2008 a resolution was enacted to authorize Deputy Supervisor Craig Artist to negotiate the Chambers Property Value Assessment. The result was a reduction from $1.799 million to his suggested valuation of $156,000.00. This resolution was seconded by Councilman Rocco Secreto and reduced the Special District Taxation for Water, Sewer, Fire, Library & Lighting and decreased the Town's tax revenue by 92%. 

  • If we compare the Assessed value of your home against the assessed value of 72 Units at $156,000.00, What’s Up????????????????????????
  • The Senior Center located on Rte 9W in Saugerties NY, identical in design to Chambers of Lawrenceville is assessed for $1.2 Million and is only 60 Units????
  • How is Craig Artist qualified to negotiate such a sensitive assessment??
  • Mr. Artist, also owner of Lawn Doctor, is paid by Chambers properties for seasonal groundwork and landscaping, a clear conflict of interest.
  • Why was our most competent Tax Assessor, James Maloney, excluded from the  negotiations in violation of the NYS Constitution??? 

These are just a few of the questions we feel should be answered when decisions severely impacting the Tax Revenues of the Town of Ulster are negotiated and settled.


  1. Is there anything these guys wouldn't do to clip us out of a few thousand bucks, it is just a shame that some people need to screw the taxpayer just to make a buck.
    We all know it is Aaron that owns the chambers senior developments, did you know that in addition to these annual tax breaks or PILOTS he got a slew of tax credits which he can sell for real money as well.
    ?No wonder Towns & Counties, the State and even the federal government are in debt up the wazoo, they sponsor thieves like this and these guys rip us off even more,

    DOES IT EVER STOP????????????????????????????????
    PS, I like the sign below, let me know if they need more duck tape!

  2. This is not just a few bucks! The Pilot Agreement covers 15 years. So for the next 15 years the Town loses the money each. That is amost one half a million dollars over the life of the Agreement

  3. Didn't the supreme court rule that a municipality can use eminent domain to take a property so that it can be utilized to get its full tax potential? I know where there is some great housing, it could even be used for seniors. I am sure there is some developer out there happy to get it cheap and pay full taxes on it. I'm just saying.

    Just something to think about.

  4. I was going to comment on the pilot and chambers but saw the photo below and remembered something that happened earlier this week;

    With all the talk of the amount of campaign signs around the town it is important to mention what has become of the signs promoting the Quigley Team on East Chester St. opposite the Hoe Bowl.
    The outright destruction of these signs on the Albert Spada property was ordered by the owner of NYS PreCast, David Auringer. Mr. Auringer was a large contributor to the Friends of Woerner election campaign amounting to thousands of dollars.
    Mr. Auringer and NYS PreCast have undertaken a new business in the Town of Ulster, the renovation of the former Miron Mill Work Shop, Truck Repair garage and Island Dock Supplies with a total area in excess of 900,000sq ft. and a complete change of use . NYS PreCast made one appearance at a Planning Board meeting some 3 years ago and has never returned. The entire operation continues without site plan approval.
    Mr Auringer has benefited monetarily from his relationship with Mr. Woerner. As Supervisor/Head of the Building Dept. Mr. Woerner has been very good for his business and Mr Auringer will further benefit should Woerner get elected again.
    How many business would have enjoyed greater revenue if the planning board process was so easily avoided?
    How many businesses have the same arrangements with Mr Woerner?

  5. This Auringer thing is old news, he's been cleaning up in town and it wouldn't be bad if he re-invested something in the community, but he doesn't. Like many of the other relationships Woerner had nurtured at our expense, it puts money in his pocket and that of his friends.
    The lead in Facts just re enforce the obvious, it is time to put an end to these abuses and send a good solid message to whoever wins in November. We've had enough & we're not gonna' take it anymore!

  6. If Aaron had someone in Saugerties like Woerner I guess he would screw them too!
    Lets face it Woerner has been good for his friends, i guess that means the residents are no his friends or else why screw us like he has. That's really allot of money we're talking about here. even if the PIOLOTS are in place for only ten years, 27,000 x 10 yrs= $270,000 plus the loss of tax revenue for the FIRE dept etc, we're talking real money here!
    How come Aaron's 60 units in Saugerties are profitable for him, and Kingston isn't, rather convenient isn't it?

  7. See photo below, people finally found a use for all that duck tape Tom Ridge suggested we buy!

  8. Could someone tell me if the town board has changed the way the landfill closure fund can be used?

  9. It's DUCT tape moron.

  10. I hope you're as upset with Nick screwing up the town as you are with 2:07 misspelling Duct tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Ya Know Woerner & Aaron both claim that they do this for the seniors of the Town when in fact 80+% of Chambers Residents never paid tax or even owned a home in the Town of Ulster, (they are in fact out-of-towners), and more importantly, Seniors of the Town who own their own homes are paying higher taxes to subsidize Aaron's profits on both PHASE 1 & PHASE 2, many of these seniors are being forced out of their homes due to these unfair tax practices

  12. My name is Joe Toscano, I apologize for using this forum for a point which is not related to the topic of this blog. I do this out of frustration.
    I have appx. 1 PM today posted 3 separate comments on http://blabernews.blogspot.com/ in response to his latest attack on County Clerk Nina Postupack.
    In each of the comments I take Jeremy to task regarding Daily Freeman excerpts he employs to confirm his reporting.
    Using the word reporting is generous when speaking of this particular piece. None of the articles referenced mention Nina Postupack by name, what's more, not one of them even refer to any irregularities of the office of County Clerk. These articles refer to a number of brokers, (named in my comments) indicted on bribery charges prior to Ms Postupack becoming the Fine County Clerk she is!
    It referenced the Security checks the clerks office employs to screen DMV license applicants. Another problem with his reporting as NYS had found the security checks intact and adequate. Even though the Democrat Assembly insists that illegals applying for a NYS drivers license need only show documentation of their identity, this documentation is to go unchallenged and accepted without further verification.
    It is obvious that Mr. Blaber, having exhausted many relationships, must stoop to such bias tactics. He unjustly denigrates an honest & industrious public servant for political expediency.
    Mr. Blaber, this a real person you are disparaging, she has a family and friends who must wonder why she subjects herself to such insult. Is there any price worth suffering the indignity of such public slander, especially when it is unfounded, unconfirmed and by the references Mr. Blaber relies on for support, totally untrue.
    Thank you Nina for standing firm in the face of such unwarranted vitriol.

  13. TO continue, Mr. Blaber has refused to publish any of the 3 comments I mentioned in the previous comment.

  14. Mr. Blaber better hope that NYC doesn't have an extradition aggreement with Ulster County. That blog post is pretty low, even for him.

  15. It doesn't matter anymore, http://blabernews.blogspot.com/ is either shut down or Jeremy can't take the heat and has restricted not only comments but readers as well
    What a coward this putz is, I think its safe to say farewell to chubsy ubsy
    Brooklyn, You can have him!

  16. He has done this before. Actually about this time last year.

  17. Just asking?? Who is paying for the new flower beds at Chambers School? After Uncle Nicky allowed the destruction of the property behind Chambers School he promised the members of a school club that he would add flower beds, trees and picnic tables for the students to enjoy. I hope Cousin/Uncle/ Stevie whatever is paying. I'm sure it will become an election photo op for Mr. Woerner at the taxpayers expense. Just criminal that the children can no longer enjoy nature walks because Nicky Woerner is looking out for the best interests of his family. Too bad the senior citizens buy his BS hook, line and sinker. Too bad they don't have to pay the taxes too!

  18. Off topic but- Will someone tell Councilman Kitchen that driving while talking on a cell phone is illegal. I have passed him at least 3x this week and he is always on the cell phone-driving through a school zone no less. Quigley should talk to him because he is doing this while driving around with his name on a big sign on the back of his truck.

  19. You can thank that idiot riding around with vote no Cahill on his truck for costing Maloney and Wadnola 2 votes. My wife and I saw that and at first thought is was vote for Cahill sign, then we saw it says no vote for Cahill. Look, I am a Republican and I vote Republican. But there is no place for that. Cahill is a decent guy, he is just in the wrong party.

    What is with the Republicans? Why would you do that? I am very upset that Maloney and Wadnola condone such behavior by allowing this idiot to ride around with that on his truck. How childish, ill-conceived and repulsive.

  20. Anonymous-6:14
    I don't condone talking on a cell while driving it certainly doesn't compare to the shady activities of our current supervisor and his band of theives. Perhaps you should direct your attention to the real issues!

  21. To 7:31 - A distracted driver is a HUGE REAL issue to me on the street where my kids walk home from school - especially by an elected official.

  22. Kitchen was issued a speeding ticket for speeding in a school zone on his own Street.

  23. Woerner should have lost his license for driving with police lights in his grill, especially in towns other than Ulster, Just ask the Police in Rhinbeck & RedHook. But it is common practice for him to do this just to get somewhere faster, He should try leaving a bit earlier, but that would be asking for him to actually think! NOT POSSIBLE! Just look at the mess our town's finances are in!

  24. Woerner is like 'Speed Racer' on junk food, They made a movie about him, it's called "FAT & FURIOUS", It's about a car race for 'FAST FOOD', right up Nicky;s alley or as it;s know around town, the *Ulster Shopping Corridor"!
    "FAT & FURIOUS", they left out the 'S' for STUPIDITY!

  25. While I am no fan of Woerner and crew (and will do everything I can to make sure they are voted out of office) I think people should refrain from denigrating someones appearance. It really takes away from the issues. Disagree with the policies all you want, but try not to stoop to that level.

  26. With regards to the comments about cell phone usage while driving, I agree that it is not legal to be on the phone while driving, I personally will fight the first Town of Ulster cop that tries to write me a ticket! Next time you are out driving, look at the T/U cops, they are on the phone also! And don't use the excuse they have to talk to dispatch, that's what they have the scrambled high bands for!

  27. lets not get off track people.we need to have abetter place to live in the town of ulster.and nick worner is not the guy to do this for us.we need all the write people in office.nick and crew are bad news lets get all new people in office and make the town of ulster a better place to live.god bless qwigly and his party i hope you win.
