2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Golden Hill

After reading some of the comments in the local blogs, there seems to be some questions arising regarding the LDC lined up for the purchase Golden Hill. Exec Hein should be required to disclose this information to the full Legislature, it would help them reach a more informed decision and allow the electorate to express their sentiment in a more valid manner.
One name mentioned is Steve Aaron. Whether or not it is Mr. Aaron, we believe the people of the Town and County of Ulster have a right to know.
Any information which can be documented, ie: FOIL or URL etc. adds credibility to some seemingly outlandish comments circulating the blogisphere.
The facts 'ma'am, just the facts'?
In any event, the question is as follows: Does the potential purchasor of Golden Hill need to be experienced in the Nursing Home Industry? and Is there any Quid Pro Quo involved in the process?
Golden Hill has been part of the fabric of the County's community, it means more to residents on a personal level and if it's sale is predestined, the community should have some input.