2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Monday, August 1, 2011

Challenge Anyone.........Anyone?

Well August 2011 has arrived and there is surprisingly little noise from opposing parties considering mounting a challenge in the Town of Ulster's Supervisor race. More than likely a testament to the job done by current Supervisor Jim Quigley. No one entertaining a career in politics, local or otherwise, desires a difficult campaign, or to be labeled a loser his or her first time out. A more than likely possibility as sentiment toward Mr. Quigley's performance seems positive.

It is possible the only Democrat seriously considering a challenge for the Supervisor's position has moved out of town, Nick Woerner had continually threatened to regain his former position despite criticism regarding his tenure as Town Supervisor. His 2 terms lasted from January 2006 until he was unseated by current Supervisor Quigley in the election of 2009. Nick is now running for an Alderman seat in the City of Kingston, his latest residence. Ulster is Your Town Too wishes Mr. Woerner and the City of Kingston the 'Best of Luck'.

Although Jim Quigley's first term is considered a success by many residents, there will always be those loyal to party, for these disgruntled residents, no Republican will satisfy. For the majority of Town residents, the financial recovery initiated by Jim's Administration will be reason enough to re-elect him.

In the face of a dismal economy, the challenges of public office are daunting. The Town's Departments have struggled with budget reductions and staff shortages brought on by the reckless spending policies of the former administration. As seen in programs like the Summer Camp and Biddy Basketball League, and facilities such as the Senior Center, the town's Parks and the Transfer Station, all have learned to do more with less.

As the Town's financial position is strengthened, Mr. Quigley can better focus his energies on economic development. Again, the current economic landscape will be his toughest opponent should he decide to seek re-election.


  1. You know and I know that Quigley's biggest challenges are coming from within his own party. He has to get past that first.
    The Democrats are smart to let Quigley (or whoever runs) have a free ride. Weorner was not part of the Democrats who are left and the longer they wait, they better off they are. Weorner was a disaster and left a lot of decent people with his mess to clean up. He was the worst thing that ever happened to the Ulster Democrats.

  2. 8:15 Yes Woerner was and now Kingston has to live with him, if city dems were smart they would pull in the welcome mat before Nicky Boy gets his foot in the door, all the ass holes that will follow him were part of his disasterous terms as Ulst Spvsr , jerks like Andy Zweben and his blow hard pappy, lets not forget that gonif cousin Stevie Aaron.
    T of U is looking pretty good since Fat Boy is gone, lets keep it that way, PS Give Secreto the boot as well, what a schmuck!

  3. A little humility goes a long way. Pounding ones chest before the election is not a good idea. It is best to leave sleeping dogs lie.

  4. Jim has done a great job during his first term. Now if we could just get him a decent board to work with. Those people have Ulster County Legislature written all over them. USELESS!!!!

  5. 7:33 Why is it that when a third party acknowledges someone's success, there is always someone else out there wishing to turn it into an issue.
    I think Quigley did a good job, he's not bragging, I'm just opining, on the other hand you 7:33 are an ass, I'm just opining!

  6. 9:25, It will be an issue if someone were to come out and challenge Jim. Go right ahead and stir up the Democrats if you want a 3rd person in the race. Right now he has a semi- clear
    path to a 2nd term. I happen to agree, let sleeping dogs lie.

    No one ever said Quigley did a bad job, or said it was an issue, but as usual people read shit into these posts just to have an opportunity to
    act like they are smarter than the next guy, which of course they are not and they prove it with their posts.

  7. Nicky is gone. Let him go. He spent the piggy bank, wrecked the town and did everything bad you can imagine. He is Satan personified.
    Quigley was suppose to be the guy who could fix that. Well, he didn't. He simply raised taxes. Anyone could have done that. He didn't do anything that anyone else couldn't have done. He went to the ATM --- the taxpayers. Yeah the fund balance was gone, yeah there were problems, but his answer was to raise taxes. What is so hard about that? From all the hype before the last election, I expected more, much more.
    Just like I was tired of Weorner blaming Wadnola when he was there I am tired of people blaming Woerner for everything now. Yeah he was a disaster who wreaked havoc on the budget, but has also been gone for almost 2 years.

    Please help me understand why Jim Quigley is so special.

  8. I wish just one election would revovle around some new ideas. Wouldn't that be novel. Et tu Brute'!

  9. 9:42, you're correct in saying that Nicky spent the piggy bank, but that isn't the whole issue. He impacted our bond rating, diverted funds and used phantom $$ in his budget projections (anticipating his re-election, where he could then cover things back up). It will take 8 to 10 years for the town to dig itself out of the hole Nicky put us in. Quigley was obligated to honor contracts with town employees, just like he was obligated to pay back money Woerner misapproptriated - and I'm not talking about t-shirts for a baseball league...

    Quigley's doing a fine job under the circumstances, he is not Moses, unrealistic expectations are for the likes of Mike Hein. Yes taxes were raised in the town, it was necessary to stabilize the free-fall our finances were in. As an aside, lets see if Hein can keep up his magic show with a zero-base at the county level after November...

  10. 9:42, maybe you should read the budget before posting. Yes he raised taxes, that isn't the question. The question is how much did he raise taxes. Had he followed the path of the previous administration the tax increase would have been well over 30% or more. But instead he made cuts and streamlined the town government to lessen the burden on the tax payer by a lot, which is what he continues to do. And he didn't do it with smoke and mirrors, illegal bonds, or by taking money out of savings. And through all of this we were able to retain our town services at about the same level we are used to. Unlike the city of Kingston which has been seeing double digit increases and serious reductions in many services.

  11. Very well said 9:42,,,,,You are right on the money,,,,

  12. 9:42 You've got to be kidding me, Woerner was the joke of the century, he screwed up the town's financial structure so badly not to mention all the shady deals devised by his attorney and his cousin, I'd like to see the same FBI investigation into his administration as is ongoing at county, just as Tony Gallo how much fun it is having a microscope stuck up your butt.

  13. Wow, apparently people can't read (9:47 & 8:07) Only 12:10 offered anything to describe what Quigley did, but still tried to compare Ulster to the cesspool of Kingston.

    The post said "Nicky is gone. Let him go. He spent the piggy bank, wrecked the town and did everything bad you can imagine. He is Satan personified." and it also says, "Just like I was tired of Weorner blaming Wadnola when he was there I am tired of people blaming Woerner for everything now. Yeah he was a disaster who wreaked havoc on the budget, but has also been gone for almost 2 years.

    Someone said it will take 10-12 years and as usual, tried to divert the discussion to someone else, Mike Hein and the City of Kingsotn.

    I would love to hear Quigley say that it will take 8-10 years himself, he would be out on his ear! Again, what makes him so special. I think anyone, and I mean anyone, could fix it in 8 - 10 years. Is Quigley all hype or is he the accounting wizard that he was portrayed to be by the people working for him during the campaign?

  14. 11 AM Small Town, Small Revenue compared to spending, not many ways to raise revenue to offset poor,(if not criminal), management. Quigley can only do so much, with the resources available he did a pretty good job, I don't think anyone could have done better. Although we don't elect better of bad choices, we could have done much worse re-electing Woerner. That in mind, I don't remember anyone else running for Supervisor, so I guess we did pretty good!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. With apologies, 7:04 Please find a more intellectual method of expression, I would be delighted to post your comments.

  17. An intellectual blogger, can you imagine!
