2011 Sept 11th Memorial

2011 Sept 11th Memorial

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What’s Really So URGENT………………….

It appears that the Town of Ulster has the leadership necessary to make difficult decisions in trying economic times! 

Changes approved by the Town Board acting as Town Police Commission on Thursday regarding the reorganization of the Town of Ulster Police Department are welcome and necessary. Years of blown budgets, out of control overtime and unnecessary use of official police vehicles have no place in this tough economy. 

The Taxpayer ‘gravy train’ is over! 

There is no doubt, politics being what they are, detractors of the Quigley Administration will find ways to criticize this Town Board and of course Supervisor Quigley himself for this reorganization, however, if the past administration had done its due diligence when spending the ‘people’s’ money we would not be in such dire financial straits to begin with and such cutbacks would not be necessary. 

Ulster is Your Town Too applaud Supervisor Quigley for standing up for the residents of the town. Anyone with some concept of reality would understand this was not a move to weaken the Town Police but, with the limited ways of cost cutting available, a tool in keeping the budget in the black and avoiding higher property taxes for it’s residents. 

I’m sure there will be other decisions critics will weigh in on, but the Town of Ulster Police withdrawing from URGENT should not be one of them. 

URGENT, (Ulster Regional Gang Enforcement Narcotics Team), is well represented by the County Sheriff and City of Kingston Police Department.  Many of the daily operations are in the City of Kingston where Town of Ulster Police has no jurisdiction anyway. If the concern is the loss of shared services, lets face it, when was the last time Town of Ulster Police acted alone at a major crime scene. County Sheriff, State Trooper and at times even Federal Agencies like DEA and FBI are on scene offering their assistance and expertise. I’m sure it behooves these agencies to keep Town Police informed. After all they too would be at a loss if the information highway was to become a ‘ONE WAY’ street. 

It has become painfully obvious that the financial reporting of the Woerner Administration left much to be desired. Unraveling the books is often an adventure and always a mystery, one which would have confused even the likes of Sherlock Holmes. 

In the short time he has been in charge, Jim Quigley has done an admirable job of maintaining, even improving necessary services as well as getting control over frivolous and unnecessary spending, especially in light of the recklessness of his predecessor. 

Just a side note, If toes have been stepped on and egos dented downstairs at the Town PD, all we can say is get over it, many town residents have lost their jobs, some even their homes, a few detectives can afford a little loss of personal pride.


  1. Town of Ulster Police do a reasonable job, they really do, but do we really need so damn many of them?
    It's about time someone took control of the largest budget expense in the Town and by the way OVERTIME IS NOT BASE PAY!

  2. I applaud the administration for eliminating the desk jobs of 2 officers and putting them back on the street. I also think that eliminating the SRO and having his duties picked up by the DARE officer is a great idea. But taking the Detective off of the URGENT is a dumb and short sighted move. I think that valuable intellignce will be lost in both directions, not to mention that will all of the local PD's pulling back eventually URGENT won't have the manpower needed to be as successful as they have been. I think the blog writter here is extremely ignorant when it comes to the day to day operations that make these things work as well as the very significant infrastructure that gangs and drug operations have in this area. Even aloting a detective part time to URGENT or pulling the Family Violence detective would have been a smarter move.

    Also if things are this bad why do we still have the newly created position of Deputy Chief. Eliminating that position alone would allow the URGENT detective to stay and probably the hiring of an additional secretary to pick up the office slack.

    You run a very fair blog, but please don't let your blind following of this administration diminish your content. I think the administration has done an excellent job to date. But when dumb is dumb we must call them on it.

  3. URGENT let's see... what are they really doing? Police work. Seems to me the beat cop on patrol is pretty much responsible for 99% of the cases that get solved. Remember it was a PARKING TICKET that got the Son of Sam! I know it's just terrible that we've pulled a detective, but lets be honest - URGENT isn't worth the money that the town or the COUNTY put in.

    Hey Q: How about pulling Watzka out of his Dodge Charger SRT8 with the Hemi motor, leather interior, sunroof, navigation system, etc, etc. Not even the NYPD Police Commissioner would have the balls to be driving that car on the taxpayers dime! With the money you make on trading that in or selling it at auction, maybe you could put the detective back at URGENT, or better yet, reduce the FUND BALANCE that Jingles saddled us with!

  4. He has an SRT 8???? Are you kidding me? That is a sweet and EXPENSIVE ride. Must be nice. I thought he was riding around in one of the strip down models like the rest of the pd's have.

  5. Why is Sinagra allowed to keep his new job that was never needed in the first place? Woerner created that position so he could bump him up to chief when Watzka retired. He is one of the good old boys from Portabello. 'Nuff said about that. He sued the town claiming a former town board member slapped him on his ass, he had a do nothing job at the county and now he is Deputy Chief? Why is he getting special treatment? This is an obvious cost cutting move that just about anyone else would have done.

    If Quigley transferred Sinagra to Urgent, then he would be doing away with an unnecessary position and making a guy who has never earned his stripes go to work in the real police department with real criminals.

  6. Lets face it, necessity no longer has any standing in decisions these days, its all about political posturing and SInagra is a well postured 'POSTERIOR'.
    I think Quigley did about all he could do to reign in the UPD without alienating them. The Truth is Sinagra's Deputy Chief Position should be eliminated. It may have to be depending on how much a budget shortfall the Town must close. Watzka's is a little too full of himself and the previous commenter is correct that is ONE SWEET RIDE on the taxpayer's dime. You'd think that brains would be a requirement for these two positions, but DUH! that would be too much to expect.
    URGENT has its benefits but does the cost balance with the return, it hasn't up to now, LOOK, every one in Kingston and TofU know where the gangs and the drugs are, unless its going to be a HIGH PROFILE, NEWS WORTHY incident, URGENT doesn't find it too URGENT to intervene.
    Kingston may have a real gang problem, I know homeowners on Cedar St who live in fear every day but until someone gets killed, URGENT can't be found.

  7. Why should Sinagra have a job that is unnecessary? Quigley should have cut that one first. Maybe he was offered to Urgent and they turned him down. Wouldn't be too surprised it that happened.

    Nick Woerner the gift that keeps on giving.

  8. Can you say TOP HEAVY administration!?!

    Let's leave the patrol officers alone, they actually perform the JOB that the over-bloated, over-paid, micro-managing administrators take the bows for.

    And can we STOP sending people to the FBI Academy on our dime ie: Turner & Sinagra...

  9. Is there a contract with Sinagra, if not let's get rid of the position, he can stay on as a patrolman or detective, and when Watzka retires, we can promote from within or go outside for a more qualified Chief. And we can get the SRT8 back and auction it off to help pay his retirement.

  10. Fire Sinagra. He is worthless. Quigley will never do it, he would have to answer to the big shots in the Republican party for firing one of the chosen ones.

  11. Hey 12:30Pm Did you ever hear of Civil Service protection and the PBA. WTF do you want another Turner Settlement on the Town Taxpayers back?

    Give Quigley a break to do what he has to do with the Police Department. It took 10 years to f**k it up. It aint' gonna get fixed in six months.

  12. He is a Deputy Chief. There is no CSEA protection for cops in management. What municipality hires people at that level who are in unions at all?

    I would have to see it to believe it. Urgent is a much higher priority than another desk jockey, especially one like Sinagra.

  13. Why don't you FOIL the Town for his contract if you are so sure of your self

  14. Sinagra is a relative of longtime Republican honcho's Phil and Tony Sinagra. 'Nuff said. Even Quigley knows the lines not to cross.

  15. How could someone go to work every day, give orders to his subordinates, take orders from his superiors while all the while knowing he is unwanted and thought of as worthless, that he only has the job because his father and his uncle are longtime gonnif's of the community, (a gonnif is a Yitish phrase that means blight, or sponge or even crook).
    How does Sinagra look at his own reflection, its amazing he doesn't cut his own throat when he shaves.
    But there he is, in his nice white shirt, tie and patten shoes, looking up at everyone walking by, (he's only 5'), at people looking down at him,
    Is His paycheck that good that he will sacrifice his dignity?

  16. 4:36, you have to have dignity to sacrifice it.

    Sinagra was promoted by Woerner, what else do you need to know?

  17. The problems of good ole boy politics in the town is just a small example of the situation in the county, its a shame but until the good ole boys die off, (sorry if that pisses anyone off), there will still be favoritism and political payoffs. The freeloaders riding the taxpayers dime feel entitled, (not a popular word these days), to special consideration. Whether it be a cushy job at Highway or corrections, (the sheriffs office is no exception), or even at the glass menagerie, just ask Tony Gallo, its not what you know but who you know. Not only do they get a bite at the golden apple, (county, town and state benefits for life), but they steal more than they make honestly.
    Once the Sinagras, Spadas etc, etc are dead and the secrets of where the bodies are buried goes with them maybe just maybe taxpayers from the town and county will get more for their hard earned money.
    The dirty little secrets that are overlooked by the local media, (they have a seat at the dinner table as well), might see the light of day.

  18. 8:15, Nice theory but the next wave of good ole boys are making their entrance. You have your Hein's and Auerbach's instituting their own crony plans and firing....I mean laying off anyone who they see as a threat.

    As one group leaves, the next moves in.

  19. 8:15, Hein definitely, Auerbach I am not so sure. He is not that power hungry and he doesn't have access to many jobs, maybe 6 or 8.
    Hein is scum, I like Auerbach.

  20. The lines will be crossed in due time, in due time.

    The good ole boys are done in the Town of Ulster

  21. 8:20
    thats why its important to get rid of Hein next election, before he has a chance to build a power base. It's gonna be hard to get rid of cahill and Hinchy for the same reasons, Phillips and Rooney are both good candidates, good men but Cahill, right or wrong is owed a lot of favors.
    Hinchey on the other hand is a real horses ass and if he gets re elected, well then this district deserves what it gets, no matter how he spins the sewer district grant and project, he is the one who is benefitting at all of our expense.

  22. How is anyone keeping their cool these days, the federal and state governments are in the hands of thieves and corrupt power hungry dickheads, the county and town has to put up with the same corruption and the general public just sits back and takes it, oh excuse me, bends over and takes it.
    What will it take for people to realize that politicians are like prostitutes, they take your money and then screw your brains out

  23. I have to disagree with you. Auerbach and Hein are working together to keep each other in a job. Look to Hein to take falls and do the dirty work this year to keep Auerbach looking good. Next year Auerbach puts up. Look what happens when you try to get in front of Auerbach at an awards photo op. They escort you out of the County Building and put you on the unemployment line.

    Don't be fooled, the County Lap dog will show his colors again after he wins the election. Everyone has already forgotten that he publicly admited (by his request to hire additional unbudgeted people in his dept.)that he was not capable of doing the job he campaigned for and fought to get.

  24. 9:12
    The old DC 2 step in Ulster County, makes sense, but this kind of politics I can endure, its the back door deals, the paybacks and the scheming that pisses me off, it used to be embarrassing to get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, these guys, (at every level Fed State & Cty) where it as a badge of honor. does it make them feared by their competition? or do they lack even the basest of scruples?

  25. 10:16 If you mean 'wear it as a badge of honor' you're all too correct.
    It seems we have turned a blind eye to all the shady deals and special circumstances that permeate local and national politics. These guys look out for themselves and no one else and the Hincheys and Schumers, the Cahills and Heins and even a few Republicans have to go.
    Remember the Herzog deal regarding Chambers Farm and the School District, it like these guys don't care who they screw because they feel entitled.
    I don't know if Rooney and Phillips are the answers, I know they are different than what we have and that alone is an improvement, we must remember in 2012 if they haven't done right by us, well we must show them the door until we get it right.

  26. I am supporting these people. Only because I think they are doing a good job, they may not be perfect, but I think they are doing a good job of representing me. Vanblarcum, Larkin, and Cahill.

    I am not supporting these people.
    Hinchey has lost his mind. Auerbach is tied to Hein's apron strings.

  27. I can see Larkin & Vanblarcum, I agree w U on Hinchey & Auerbach, but Cahill, he is one of the reasons NYS is Broke!

  28. Larkin does nothing. He is as senile as Hinchey is.

  29. Listen to Cahill, Larkin and Hinchey when they are on KCR. All that they do is blame, blame, blame. When it's Cahill insert Republicans. When it's Larkin insert Democrats. When it's Hinchey insert Bush, Iraq, Republicans.

    These guys are all do nothings that try to defect their uselessness to anyone that they can.

  30. Let's not forget ol' John Bonicac. Larkin and Bonicac have made a living of blaming Democrats, first the Assembly, now the Democrats in their own house. Either way, it is never their fault!

    I have heard Cahill blame Democrats many times, not so much Republicans. He is accurate too. The criminals running the NYS Senate these days should all be tossed out.

  31. For some reason I always miss Bonicac, but I would assume he sounds like the rest. Cahill always ranks on the Republicans but he is more tactiful, he blames the "opposition in the Senate"

  32. Bonicac is sitting pretty with $750,000 of special interest money in the bank. He is no longer in the majority, so he doesn't get as much as he used to. He used to have well over 1 million.

  33. Why was Eric Kitchen, a Republican elected Town official, in New Paltz at the Community Center endorsing Andrew Cuomo. Why did he say that Jason Cosenz, the Republican elected Town Clerk also supports Andrew Cuomo. The Republicans have a candidate in Rick Lazio, these individuals can vote for who they wish behind the curtain.

    Fawn Tantillo, Republican endorsed candidate for UC Comptroller was also there endorsing Andrew Cuomo. I will not support this person for Comptroller. Good job Len Bernardo. Elliot will be elected in a landslide.

  34. Elliot has a little pouch inside his jacket where he keeps Len Bernardo, he brings him out whenever he needs an "unbiased" supporter, (more like Jockey supporter), Bernardo ought to listen a little more and keep his big mouth shut a little more, for a midget, Sorry, "little Person", he is so full of himself, or full of crap, whichever you prefer its the same thing, and if his wife wasn't a UC Legislator, would have been long forgotten.
    As far as Fawn is concerned, she never new how to spell loyalty, let alone demonstrate it!

  35. Al Spada
    Marlborough Town Supervisor Chris Cerone, Rochester Town Supervisor Carl Chipman, Saugerties Councilman James Bruno,
    Ulster Town Councilman Eric Kitchen,
    Town of Ulster Clerk Jason Cosenza
    Comptroller candidate Fawn Tantillo all said they support Cuomo and his agenda.

    All Republicans, all supporting the Democrat. Lazio has no chance.

  36. I can understand reluctance to support Lazio, he make a poor showing vs. Hillary for the Senate seat years back, I could see them throwing their support for Paladino, after all he is the most fiscally conservative of the bunch, a little tough since he is a bit of a wild card, but there is absolutely no excuse for anyone from a moderate democrat to a tea party fanatic throwing their support for a guy like Coumo, how soon people forget the disaster his father left NYS in between entitlements and runaway abortions. Welfare was the highest under Coumo's tenure, State union contracts were signed by him and are still dragging NYS down today.
    The son is not far from his father as far as far left social morality is concerned, what is worse is NYS state is on the brink of bankruptcy, why would anyone support a policy making big spender like Andrew at in an economy like this unless they are front-running a-holes who want to support the likely winner.
    ENOUGH, The list you mention should be shown the door along with the rest of the a-holes that brought us to the brink of disaster.

  37. The bigger problem which has been demonstrated with the choice in Lazio, Tantillo and even Rooney is that the Republican Party is more concerned with political deals and money, rather than issues and putting up quality candidates. So party supporters me included are quickly turning their backs on the party. Lazio is a Class A idiot, Tantillo and Rooney don't have a clue or a chance. Thanks alot to the Republicans for choosing to throw away elections in what could have been a great election year. This almost seemed planned.

    I wouldn't go so far as to support Coumo. Even though his plan looks good on paper he has no chance (or intention in my opinion) of instituting it once elected. He is just another hack trying to perpetuate a political dynasty and we saw where that got us with Bush.

  38. 11:56
    For the reasons you stated, Long Live The TEA PARTY, The GOP Locally is in the 'Show Me the Money' Game, It's what cost them in 2006 + 07, you would think they would have learned something in 09' but the leaders are all too too old to learn from their mistakes, one successful year and they are right back where the were when they were giving elections away.
    They also are still in denial about the TEA PARTY's Legitimacy and down play the need to brong them into the fold.
    You see it's not just spending and taxes, its the arrogance that the establishment parties have for the people and the people have had enough!

  39. It is the back room deals that sink the Republicans every time. I agree that we should have learned from our success last year, but even that election was fraught with back room deals.

    The Tea party will not succeed because it's base and local leaders are radical conservatives.There is no hiding that.

    I do not see Goodwin, Tantillo, Rooney, or Philips winning. None of the Democratic candidates for State Senate will win either.
    In the end, it will be the status quo.

    Phillips is the only decent candidate of the lot and he has no chance of winning with Hinchey's welfare like giveaway's to local businesses.

  40. 10:23, I wouldn't classify the tea party leaders and base as radical conservatives. (maybe radical fiscal conservatives) They are much more Libertarians then anything. Most are VERY fiscally conservative, but a great many are very liberal on issues like drugs, abortion, gay marriage etc.

    I have been a Republican all of my life, but I have gotten to the point where all I care about is the government getting drastically smaller and stop spending money. As far as the social stuff, do what ever you want just as long as it doesn't effect me. What do I really care if someone smokes pot as long as they aren't driving on the same road as me. Same goes for the rest of the social BS that the two ruling parties use to try and divide and conquer us.

    That is why a great many Democrats also identify with the Tea Party.

  41. I think Quigley should dump Sinagra.

  42. I think the Political Parties, Dem, Rep & Ind are all mistaken when they try to classify the Tea Party as anything other than concerned Americans once known as the silent majority. They, these Americans have been taken advantage of by politicians, and the Parties they represent for far too long, they are silent no more and the Press, Pundits and Pols just don't know how to deal with them.
    Their greatest asset is the fact that they can't be pigeon holed and will no longer be silent.
    It's a mantra that resounds across party lines and if this flame of Liberty continues to be fanned will burn for years to come.

  43. 3:07, the only problem is, if they hold true to those beliefs, they will not support any of the candidates.


  44. 4:24
    The Point is that if politicians can't figure out what the public really wants, they will have to do a little more than pay them lip service. sooner or later they will have to do what they want, if not the chance for re-election si slim to none.
    It's when the parties hi-jack the platform that nothing gets done, they are only concerned with MONEY & POWER! They get that by instilling fear in their constituency, the problem is they never quell that fear they just move on to the next election.

  45. And we are given Fawn Tantillo, George Godwin, Peter Rooney, and George Phillips to challenge the incumbents and solve the problem. Honestly, do any of those people have a chance? I just don't see it, as if it matters...........

  46. Phillips and Godwin are the only ones that have half a brain.

    Phillips is a ten times better candidate than Hinchey could ever hope to be. But he will not win because he does not have the money to get noticed by the drones that go and vote without researching the person they are voting for. If people would take time to do their homework and listen to the guy Phillips wins in a landslide.

    Godwin is a good candidate, but he is running against a popular Sheriff with bipartisan support. The only good thing about this I think it will be an informative race with very little mudslinging.

    The other two, like Lazio are examples of the Republican Party being too lazy to go out and find good candidates and then fight hard to get them elected.

  47. 7:10
    I hope you are wrong, I think there is such distain of career politicians and incumbents, local issues aside, people are just plain fed up with elected officials ignoring their concerns. I think the anger is deeper than both political parties admit and the confusion, especially in the Republican Party, specifically the UCGOP stems from their inability to read the people they claim to represent.
    For the Democrat Party it was a no brainer, (typical of Democrats), they had Hinchey, he has money need I say more.
    We are fortunate in one sense, the national media is not paying much attention to either side.
    The fact that Phillips is appealing to the average voter, (what the media calls tea party), I think he has a chance, and I believe that Palidino is going to surprise the establishment parties, He may not win but the level of support he garners might change NYS politics for the near future.
    Candidates like Fawn tantillo are not even worth mentioning, they are opportunists who will bite the hand that feeds them if they think it will get them elected.

  48. 7:20 I agree with you. But again the problem is Phillips can be the perfect candidate, unfortunately he has no money to promote himself, no party that will raise it for him, and no press in his pocket to shove his message down the voters throat. Hinchey has all of these, plus he has years worth of tax payer money that he has given away to influence votes as well.

    Palidino, has a better than average chance of beating Lazio. But if he does, the State Republican Party will turn their backs on him out of spite. So unless he will use a lot more of his own money in the Governors race, he is screwed.

    As for the county Republicans.....I am becoming more and more convinced that there must be a rule that a certain percentage of their endorsements be non-republican.

  49. 2:50, If you look at it, it is really all back room dealing between Catalano, Schriebman, Gaddy and Bernardo. How else can you explain the perpetual cross endorsement of Independence party candidates. I think the whole fiasco with the Ellenville candidates last year was the worst case of back room dealing I have ever seen. Let's not forget, Chairman Wadnola's wife abandoned the Republicans and is now an Independence committee person. So Ulster is right in the thick of this thing.

    I think all of these 3rd parties should be forced to put up their own candidates or none. It will them give them the influence they should have with the low enrollment they have.

  50. With you 100% 6:03. Third parties should be putting up their own candidates or none.

    I kind of understand the Conservative and former Liberal parties that have always traditionally endorsed major party candidates. But the rest of the new ones like Independence, Green, Pot Party, Tea Party, etc etc.....put up of shut up.

  51. Once again UIYTT goes off topic and spins wildly out of control!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. 11:40 It must be what's on the mind of the readers of UIYTT, the thread goes where the thread goes, you sound threatened, lost and insecure, is there something being said here that worries you?

  53. The reason these threads end up here is because eventually you get to the root of a problem. Most times it is politics. On the subject of this post, it is clear that the majority of posters believe that Quigley is handling Sinagra with kid gloves. There is no denying that Sinagra is connected politically, even more so than Quigley.

    That is how it started down this path. Political favoritism.

  54. Is this true? Is Sinagra so well connected that no one will touch him, if that's the case then why not ask the Town Board to discontinue the position, as citizens we have that power, at least then we will know who is protecting him so we don't go down that path next election.
    Quigley has been v-good for the town to date, but if he is protecting a guy like Sinagra at the expense of the residents, then Quigley has to go as well.
    With things as they are, we can't afford to keep useless positions on the taxpayers dime, I don't care who they know.

  55. There is the line that Quigley won't cross and Sinagra is on the other side of it.

    Quigley has done OK, not v-good. He has gone after low hanging fruit. No real reductions yet. He put his pal Maloney in charge up on the hill, and did not cut one position over in those departments. He has taken a tax producing property off the tax rolls and put the water department in there. Not to mention, shouldn't the water districts have paid for that and not EVERY tax payer in Ulster? I live in a part of town not serviced by the water department, why should I pay for the Water Departments building? I get no benefit and I am paying for it. I do not live in any water district.

    Quigley is doing work at a C level at best. He is nothing special and has not proven to be the panacea he was portrayed to be.

    I am willing to give him more time, but I refuse to give him credit he does not deserve.

    Sinagra has to go, his position eliminated and the next person out the door behind Sinagra should be Watzka. Quigley needs to take control of the UPD and start saving the taxpayers real money and that is the best place to start. Here is an example. There were 4 UPD cars at a fender bender in front of Tech City the other day, 4 cars, no injuries, no arrests, a simple fender bender that could have been resolved with an exchange of insurance cards had the drivers chosen to do so. Why did it require 4 UPD cars there? Why? Because they have 4 to send that is why. If they had 1, that would have been sufficient and achieved the same results.

  56. For the same reason I wonder why we need so many detectives, the # of Murders, rapes, burglaries and robberies( with the exception of the Mall), has never been high in proportion to the # of residents in the Town and yet we have just a few too many Detectives, not to mention the real forensics is being done by the Sheriff and State Police,
    Watzka is a little too much for the town to bear and Sinagra is as useless as a Stromboni, (that's a castrated bull).
    But Quigley can't revamp the entire UPD overnight, he has made some inroads, I hope its just the beginning.
    As far as the water districts are concerned, I was under the impression that adjustments were made, but I might be thinking of East Kingston, which has yet to have the project completed.
    I'm more concerned with the Governor's Race, If NYS ends up with COumo, we may be bankrupt within the 1st qtr of 2011 and all the good Quigley can do will be for naught.

  57. Quigley should have gone to New Paltz with the other Town Republicans. He may have gained favor with Cuomo. He can always ask Jason or Eric for a little help.

    I know, I know, they both have said they do not support Cuomo. To me, it is like going into casino and saying you don't like gambling. They went in with eyes wide open even is they deny it.
    I hope they are not that stupid, becuase the voters sure aren't.

  58. 9:35 Apparently the voters are that stupid if you are any indication of the typical voter, Kitchen even at the event criticized Coumo as just another elitist Democrat with more entitlements on his mind than spending cuts. that doesn't sound like support to me, as far as Jason is concerned, his politics have always been middle of the road, but if you want to know if he supports Coumo, why don't you ask him, the article that listed the local pols who appeared at the event were never quoted, aside from Fawn Tantillo, as being pro Coumo, its just another Democrat ploy, guilty by association.
    Voters across the nation have serious choices to make in November, we can't rely on the NEws for the facts, we had all better do our own research and pull the lever for what is best for NYS, UC and the nation, this party loyalty bull is just a little to thin for me. especially since the loyalty with each party is a one way street. You may be loyal to the party but is the party loyal to you?

  59. This is very simple for those that haven't figured it out yet.

    A certain Indy Committee Chair contacted some republicans and asked them to come out and hear Coumo. These Republicans did so. Some because the Indy party endorsed them, some to continue the Repub/Indy deal machine.

    This committee chair then told Coumo's people that he was getting out a bunch of Republicans to support him. Why you ask, because he playing both sides of the table to try to gain more power. I'm hearing that these aren't the only little power plays he has going on. I think he has some other surprises going on in the southern part of the county. Anyone that thinks he is your friend and ally is sorely mistaken, and should put their ear to the ground to find out the stuff he is saying about people in this county.

    Someone needs to take him out to the woodshed and school him on the consequences of back stabbing.

  60. This same indy is supporting Cahill because he's his meal ticket in Albany, He hasn't done anything good for his party, the Republican's or the Tea Party.
    As bad as he is local pols are even more stupid for letting him talk them into dumb thjings

  61. He must not have figured out, it's a small town.

  62. Ulster is one of the few Town PDs in the County that is professional and does a good job. Do you have any idea how many detecive cases are generated by all those businesses? Enough that the Sheriff and the state shudder at the idea of dealing with any of it. Removing the URGENT detective will essentially cut drug enforcement in the Town by 75%...

  63. People complain that we should get rid of some or all of the detectives. But they are the first ones to scream if their house is broken into and the police don't do more than take a report. I bet you the State or the Sheriff won't send you more than a patrol officer to take a report.

  64. And what do you think all those detectives do after they take their report beside pass the info along to the Sheriff and State Police?
    Oh that's right they pass the info to Sinagra!

  65. 11:55, Isn't URGENT a "regional" task force? You don't honestly believe that by removing a town officer drug enforcement in the town will be so drastically reduced, do you? Statistically, more crime is solved by patrol officers nationwide. (Son of Sam was apprehended because of a PARKING TICKET).

    As for the detectives, are there any statistics regarding the "Closed by Arrest" ratio, ie: how many cases are closed with an arrest made by ToU detectives? Taking reports is one thing, closing cases is quite another.

  66. If they are lucky enough to close a case, it is due to input from the Sheriff and State Police, By the way did that murder, the guy found in his truck in East Kingston ever get solved?

  67. I heard we have 9+ full time detectives, is that true, if so that's alot for a small town, 6500 households.

  68. I'm so appalled by all of the rhetoric stemming from here -- referring to "Son of Sam" being apprehended because of a parking ticket, and the knowledge that everyone has regarding how cases get solved. No one outside of law enforcement knows exactly HOW or WHO exactly "solves" cases and WHO exactly participates. I'm sure that Ulster PD just like in any other jurisdiction or law enforcement agency, it takes the combination of all parties that participate and help, assisting when and however needed, to "solve" or realistically, "close" a case and make arrests. I cannot give my opinion on that issue, just like others should not, because I really don't know how things work on the inside, so I cannot speculate. I am sure that Quigley does not know how things run on the inside of a police department, so he relies on his cronies to put the bug in his ear. As an adult we should all know that we need to believe half of what we see and none of what we hear. You should really get to see things first hand, not rely on people who have an agenda that does not benefit the RESIDENTS of the town.
    This brings me to my real point. I am a RESIDENT. I am a TAX PAYER. I am a PARENT. I am a PARENT of a student at Miller Middle School, where the School Resource Officer has been given the SHAFT. Was he NOT paid by the Kingston School District? Now he is back to patrol paid for by the TOWN OF ULSTER?? How did we find out about this? The Daily Freeman. Only after the decision was made. Does anyone care about the parents' input, the staff, the principal, the district (thanks for bringing that up Chief Watzka!)? Obviously not. Having the SRO, Officer Nissen, at Miller was a great comfort for not only ME, but my child. The mere presence of an officer puts the whole school at ease and allows parents to appreciate the town in which we live where the school is run more efficiently. Well now that the officer is gone, what now? Maybe if I could afford private school for my child, an SRO wouldn't be necessary. Maybe Mr. Quigley doesn't understand, since I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong) -- the Quigleys all went to private schools.

    Stop pointing fingers. Stop blaming everyone. Figure this out. Don't fix what isn't broken. And please tell me that it really wasn't the case that one of the decision makers regarding this SRO (Officer Nissen) didn't even know what school he was working in?!?!?!?!? As stated in today's Daily Freeman.

  69. July 25, 2010 7:12 pm you said it right. Other agencies DO shudder at the idea of what Ulster handles. No one knows the levels of crimes that occur in our town... no one probably WANTS to know. And it isn't always the "beat cop" (whoever referred to that) that handles these types of crimes/arrests. I feel comfortable in this town because of our Police Dept -- detectives AND patrol. Wait until Quigley or someone he knows is subject to a burglary (God forbid) -- then all of this "unnecessary and excessive police department" will go by the wayside!!

  70. To both prior comments, rhetoric is no way to debate a sensitive issue.
    The 12:36 comment refers to what is known as opposed to what is assumed, isn't that an assumption by you as well, tut tut tut........
    Besides, your argument becomes petty when you cast aspersions on Quigley's character for attending Private schools. (for the record I also have a child in Miller and if I can't pay my taxes or lose my home will it matter what school he attends?
    And the article referred to in today's Freeman seems to prove that Watzka graduated the Nick Woerner school of accounting and mis-representation.
    14,000 calls and 131 felony arrests, or less than 1% of the calls resulted in felony arrests.
    If this justifies a SRT8 i guess we are getting our monies worth.

    as far as 12:43, (seems like it might be the same character) I'd like to know the level of crime UPD handles, but I thought the 'Police Beat' in the Freeman reports that information?
    I feel comfortable in this town because of our residents, the fact that they are law-abiding citizens is not a result of the UPD and it is foolish to insinuate that the UPD makes them so.
    IF you think that Quigley cares more about his own, your quote, :Wait until Quigley or someone he knows is subject to a burglary..............
    (God forbid) " Then you must really have despised ole' NW! for 4 years all he did was take care of his own.
    Look, Economics of the decade are changing, If I recall the original news piece, changes are being made to the UPD for budgetary reasons, they are not personal as Watzka would have you think, so far Quigley has done a good job in keeping expenses in line, maybe if the Police Union would make some serious concessions none of this would be necessary, but they are unwilling, just as the Teachers Union they would rather spend the money on advertising telling us how much we need them than return to the town maybe 2% of the cost of their benefits.
    It's their pensions and pkgs that are unsustainable, if they cared for the town's people as they claim then keep the billboard ads money from their Union Dues and ask their Union reps to forgo campaign contributions and use the money to pay a small % of their benefit pkg, But OH NO, 'God Forbid' the Union would take a cut out of it's CUT!

  71. This is why business people, not matter what the public thinks, should NOT get involved in Government.

    What works in an accounting office or in a trucking company or in a restaurant, does not necessarily work in a local Government. What looks like a dollars and cents decision turns into a life or death situation. Not just with the police, but with highway maintenance, water quality, and overall service to the public. It is the primary responsibility of any Government. Service to the taxpayer first, foremost, and always.

  72. 8:13, I think that people like Quigley forget that is what government is about. It is a lot more than the money. Although watching over the money is of the utmost importance, it is not everything.

  73. I guess you guys believe that NYS is in great shape, 9 billion in the hole because government is supposed to off services to its constituents.
    I think that services out grew the town and now it time to balance things out.
    I don't see a problem shrinking the UPD, lets face it if the unions would have made concessions when asked over the last some odd years, city town county and state budgets wouldn't be so hard pressed. the problem as I see it is this:
    Government jobs used to pay a little less than the private sector, it was a trade off for the security of a 25 year job and a hefty pension to follow. Currently the private sector is hurting big time, unemployment is at record levels and probably for some time to come, payrolls and paychecks are lower too, it's time government workers understand that security is a thing of the past, if you have less money coming in, the fact is you can't afford the same luxuries, or in this case the services you could before.
    Adjustments are being made, the early retirement program discussed this evening at town hall is one way, cutting a position or two from the town rolls is another, if it happens to be a cop, a water dept worker or highway worker so be it, they aren't any better than the guy losing his job at the gun works or car dealership.
    Town growth is stagnant, we have not increased the tax rolls very much over the recent past, as a result class rooms are shrinking does this mean we need to keep all the teachers we have, I don't think so.
    It's the same with the cops etc.
    It's not Quigley's fault that the economy is a shambles, he is only working with what he has and aside from cleaning up the mess left from the last administration, he is faced with naturally lower incomes.
    If governments were run like businesses, and not like revolving charge cards maybe we wouldn't be facing such difficult decisions.
    When times are good politicians spend spend and spend some more, then when times get tough they act like the proverbial deer in the headlights and expect the taxpayers to open their wallets to make up for their stupidity.

  74. So when does the incessant blaming of Woerner stop? OK we got it, Woerner left a mess. We knew that when we voted last year.

    At what point does Quigley own it? When does he become the buck stops here guy?

    Most civil servants make decent wages, but certainly not the same as private sector scale for the jobs they perform for municipalities. That is the trade off,Job security, better benefits and a better pension.

  75. If Quigley does not like the way the Police Department is being run, he should replace the Chief and not try to run it himself. He does not have the institutional knowledge or training to get involved in making manpower assignment decisions. He was elected to run the town, not each department individually.

    Why isn't he micromanaging the Highway Department, Water Department, Sewer Department or the Building Department? Imagine Quigley assigning people to duties over in Highway? That will be the day!

  76. Quigley has proven he owns it NOW that's why he's making the tough choices and if you knew your stats you would also know that the Private Sector's avg hourly wage is 7.25% less than that of Government. + they get the benefits of Cadillac plans in healthcare and pension, most pvt sector workers have to fund their own 401k's

    In answering why the UPD and not highway or sewer, maybe that's because they stay on budget?

  77. Any word on John Morrow? Thoughts and prayers.....

  78. What happened to John????????????????????????????????????????
    any info will help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. What happened to John?

  80. Heard at the diner Morrow is in rough shape. If anyone has official information, please pass it along.

  81. Real Decent Man, keep him and his family in your prayers!

  82. Freeman has an article on their site. It says he had a mild stroke and appears to be doing well. Glad to hear he is feeling better.

  83. Hear he's home and resting, good news!

  84. HEy John, YOU'VE Got a lot of Friends worried about you, SO! Take care of your health, do whatever you're wife says and GET WELL SOON!

  85. This Thursday night is a Town Board Meeting where a group of teachers from the Miller Middle School will be presenting a case to the Town Board for not eleiminating the SRO Officer at Miller. Please come and help us to set the record straight on the importance of the SRO to the Miller Middle Scool Community.

  86. The letter in today's paper by John Crispell sure reads like someone else wrote it, maybe even Quigley himself. Crispell has never been too good with words.

    His most recent previous letter where he blended the Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments that Christians supposedly follow, was nothing short of repulsive. Who would take him seriously after that? He leans so far to the right he walks in circles.

    If I were Quigley, I would look for a new designated letter writer, Crispell is a Conservative zealot who has an agenda.

  87. If Crispell's agenda is to see an end to the gross waste and overspending that has permeated Watzka's tenure, more power to him!

  88. Who is running for Town Board this year from the Dems and Repubs??

  89. There are no town board elections this year. Next year 2011, Quigley, Brink and Kitchen are up for reelection. The Dems will have to dig very deep to get anyone to run after the way woerner left the Democratic party. Anyone's guess who runs.

  90. Crispell's agenda is the Conservative party and pro guns, that is it. He would do well out in Alaska.

  91. 8:29 & 2:42 You left wing zealots who go on and on about Crispell should look in the mirror, and the last time I checked Alaska was one of the 50, you talk like it is part of another nation or something.
    What's wrong with guns, hunting, fishing or trapping, for that matter why not criticize farming or ranching.
    I guess smearing Christians is a great tactic to get one's point across as well. do you have a problem with the ten commandments too?
    And I guess you would just tear up the Bill of Rights because there are one or two you don't agree with, like Free Speech, or is free speech only free when it's you doing the speaking.
    People like you just make me plain tired, sooooo boooooooring, so self righteous, so self fulfilling, stick to MSNBC, that's the only truth that you need to know, that's the kind of people you can identify with, no room in your world for honest debate, differing opinions or the occasional conservative in it is there? You'd just like to shut everyone up who disagrees with you, right?
    In case you are interested the last question was rhetorical!

  92. Touch here -----> NERVE <--------

    I have no problem with being one or the other, I just disagree with the right. I also think Crispell is wrong for blending the ten commandments and the bill of rights.

    As far as my personal beliefs and having a "problem" with the ten commandments,yes I do have an issue with them. I am not a Christian and have no allegiance to the tenets of a religion I do not believe in.

    Do you have a problem with the Torah or the Koran?

  93. My bad, for some reason I was thinking two year terms on councilmen. I thought Brink and Kitchen's seat were up this year.

  94. 6:31 No I don't have a problem with either, and you might find this hard to believe but the Old testament of the Bible, the part that contains the Ten Commandments, handed down by Moses, (a Jew by the way), he was the guy that went up Mt Sinai and received them from GOD as a gift to the Jewish People, and until Ishmael, the son of Jew, the son of Abraham, wandered the desert in search of water the Koran had not yet been written, and just for the record Christianity begins with the birth of Christ, who was a Jew by the way, and the new Testament of the Bible, yep that's right the same Bible at least up to the New testament............look let's cut to the chase, they all really believed in the same GOD, greed, power and the desire to be 'chosen' lead man in different directions and since then there has been a lot of killing in His Name, good or bad it is part of the human experience, just as the belief in a higher power is part of that experience and if Crispell wants to quote TEN rules, guides or laws that have kept us civilized for 5,000 years, (that means we don't eat our young, or each other for that matter), I can't see what you wish to prove by demeaning him as a person, but that's what you guys on the left do when you cant win an argument. And just for the record, 'Endowed by his creator' left enough wiggle room for GOD to still play a roll in the founding of this Nation, and 'unalienable rights' needed to be explained a little further, hence the BILL of RIGHTS, so was it really out of place to mix the two, I guess only if both offend you as they seem to. Like I said earlier, if you don't like the message, kill the messenger!

  95. From the begining, my qualm has been with the blending of the ten commandments and the Bill of Rights. I do not argue religion or one's belief in a certain faith. That is every persons right, just as it is my right to choose to believe in what I believe. You entire post is based on some sort of creationism, not everyone believes in creationism. There is this little theory called evolution that many people believe to be the reason you can sit behind a keyboard today. It is a choice and everyone has a right to choose what they believe in.

    I am not offended by the Bill of Rights so please do not assume anything. I am a big supporter of the Bill of Rights, all of them.

    If demeaning Crispell as a person is truthfully stating that his writing skills are poor, I apologize.

    I do not however apologize for disagreeing with his far right leaning politics. If that is what Quigley wants to associate himself with, I will not be supporting him again.

    By the way, I am not trying to win any argument. I am simply voicing my opinion. It is one of those rights I am afforded.

  96. That was some explanation, the problem is when you begin informing a know it all like 6:31 you lose their interest. They would rather keep their belief, right or wrong, so a sane argument containing facts has little or no meaning to him. (keep in mind the facts are historical and god an unknown).
    As far as whether there is or is no god, none of us will be sure until we die, which is why all major creeds or tenets are based on FAITH and the Ten Commandments might just have been man's way to prevent him from destroying himself.
    Decadence was the downfall of Rome, godless societies are very rare, and yes some god fearing societies will kill in his name, not by his command or teaching as most major tenets teach peace, love and understanding, it isn't until man twists the words to suit his own objectives that the trouble begins, (kinda like the way the left re-writes history to suit their own agenda).
    The only powerful society that denied the existence of any god was communism and look how that ended up. As long as man believes in god, (any god), only then can he be free form oppression by his fellow man and that is what left, progressive secularists resent the most, the fact that they can't elevate their own agenda over a man who believes there is something more powerful.

  97. 7:12 Exactly my point, thus the BILL of RIGHTS, so everyone can choose! and just a minor point I'd like to suggest to you that if GOD is a reality, (like the last commenter said, no one knows until he is dead), who's to say HE didn't use evolution to confound us, give us a reason to rely on faith! After all faith can be a stronger motivator to better ourselves than fact.
    If we all ended up as just dust wouldn't murder, theft, rape etc etc be easier to justify, wouldn't society collapse out of greed or self preservation?
    If there is one thing man has proven throughout his existence is this: when left to his own devices he can be awfully cruel, I call to mind, NERO, HITLER, POL POT, IDI AMIN, a few of the dictators of Eastern Europe, Joseph Stalin, Lenin, Kruschev, Chairman Mao, that little ass in North Korea, Fidel Castro, The schmuck down in Venezuela, a few 'revolutionaries in Africa, (blood diamonds and genocide seem to go hand in hand), the list goes on and on and the all have one thing in common, they are all 'GODLESS MEN' who killed Millions upon millions of innocent people because they could!

  98. Crispell's integrating of the ten commandments and the bill of rights was wrong. Isn't that the crux of the matter? That was the guy's only point, he didn't drag all of this Relgion into this....Hmmmmm wonder how that happened.

    Apparently, Evangelicals can not help but postulate on why everyone who may not agree with them should see the light.

  99. Godless men are no different than God fearing men when it comes to genocide, in fact some may say God fearing men are worse! Christians are not exempt from their place in history as slaughterers of non believers. The only difference with the Muslim extremist of today and ancient Christians are the tools they use.

    BTW.......I have never heard of a war over the Theory of Evolution, have you?

    Here is a list of just some of the deaths attributed to the spreading of the Christian faith.

    * 1,000,000 perished during the early Arian schism.
    * 1,000,000 during the Carthaginian struggle.
    * 7,000,000 during the Saracen slaughters in Spain.
    * 5,000,000 perished during the eight Crusades.
    * 2,000,000 of Saxons and Scandinavians lost their lives in opposing the introduction of the blessings of Christianity.
    * 1,000,000 were destroyed in the Holy Wars against the Netherlands, Albigenses, Waldenses, and Huguenots.
    * 30,000,000 Mexicans and Peruvians were slaughtered ere they could be convinced of the beauties of the Christian creed.
    * 9,000,000 were burned for witchcraft.

  100. I think 8:32 and others missed the point, the commenter stated that Man, in the name of God' or Man's twisting of the word of god or or Man's imposing the will of God, the key word here is 'MAN'. And I followed the thread, the original Crispell Critic introduced religion into the debate when he questioned his critic regarding the Torah & Koran.
    It comes down to an argument of the left and right, and as far as the theory of evolution, I guess the 40,000,000 babies killed by abortion since 1973, (in America alone), isn't a product of a godless society?
    What if just one of those babies was the one to solve peace in the middle east or finally prove the theory of evolution or even discover cold fusion or an answer to the thousands of problems that face the world today, what a shame, but i guess since you survived the birth canal, who cares about the millions of others who didn't!

  101. I have yet to see a religious debate on a blog or message board, not degrade into a cry baby name calling match by both sides of the debate. I see the streak won't be broken here.

    Who cares? Aren't there more important things in this world to argue about. This is why nothing gets done in our country. As soon as a politician sees that they might have to actually do something that they don't want they divert our attention to crap like this. By throwing out the term Abortion, Religion, Gun Control, Gay Marriage etc. they succeed in dividing us on these issues and insure that we will not come together on issues like wasteful spending, corruption, and all the other things that our government likes to do while we are distracted.

    But by all means keep right on arguing, and then head out to the polls in November and re-elect the same garbage that continues to make a living off of your hard work and sacrifice.

  102. there sure are a lot of philosophical people in the Town of Ulster, I had no idea I was surrounded by such profound thinkers!
    Ya think you might find a solution to Tech City, a failing school system or Police Overtime, let's try and keep it a little more local, huh!

  103. None of us are in office (thank Darwin) so we can't do shit.

  104. This is why there is a separation of church and state.
    Constitutionally, religion plays no official part in Government. The first amendment prohibits the establishment of a national religion by Congress and the preference of one religion over another.

  105. Quigley should fire Sinagra, Watzka and anyone else who refuses to cut the budget or is not needed like Sinagra.

  106. Those that are in office don't or won't do shit, either. So what's the differance?

  107. Since we are completely off of the subject anyway. I would just like to say that the new Fishing Platform in Post Park looks awesome. Great Job.

  108. This is one wild ride!!!

    One never knows where UIYTT will go!

    Hey everyone, lets see if we can solve the JFK assassination while we're at it...

  109. Bush did it!!! Case solved.

    -Maurice H

  110. Time to move on with a new story. How about Town pays $4,500 for three legged dog? Or How about the new Kyak Park or Fishing Pier? There has to be some new news in the Town!

  111. Kayak Park is Hein's idea.

    Fishing Pier, eats up too much river frontage for non fisherman.

    $4,500 for a 3 legged dog is just plain foolish.

  112. The fishing pier should have been placed on one end of the park or the other. Putting it right in the middle of the park was,just plain dumb! This is something that in a few years they are going to look back and say, "what the hell were they thinking?"

  113. Oh, the "place at the dinner table by the boys at the Freeman." Good phrase, true phrase.
    Nowadays, in order to find out what is going on, consult the Freeman FIRST! Those around you are constantly backstabbing and undermining any process of fact-finding, so that's your best bet. The slave is not just you--we are all slaves to the great knowledge of the "Fussyfelds" and the Kirbys!!
